This will trigger a mini game. Place the LENS (D); take the LIGHT-FILLED LENS (E). Congratulations, you have completed Lost Lands: The Four Horsemen. * Solution: D-F-A-C-F-Z-B-G-D-B-E-Z-C-E-G-A-B-C-D-E-F-G-Z-A. * Usage the lard (A); carry the juicer (B). Four Horsemen (lost lands 2) - An adventure game with hidden objects and puzzles you are waiting for hours of passage of a fantasy story. Use the TONGS (green); take the TOWER FIGURINE (C). The graphic and sound quality of this game is highly recommended. Click the button to download full walkthrough. Place the FIRE SYMBOL, AIR SYMBOL, EARTH SYMBOL and WATER SYMBOL in their matching slots; take the NEEDLE (K) and select the diagram for a clue. Place the BASKET on the BUCKET OF SAND, select it, and use the stick, receive the CEMENT. Place the HEAD on the door; select each head twice and enter (X). Click on the pyramid structure and insert the finalStone Rune. There she helps her friends with fantastical problems, solving puzzles, and completing tasks to write wrongs. Receive a map which will be added to your toolbar (R). Look at theTapestry, and then use theColorful ThreadandNeedleto begin a mini game. Once the correct image is displayed, a beam will shine into the room to the left. Lost Lands is a series of free detective-style mobile games that combine puzzle solving and mini-games with hidden object finding (similar to the Adventure Escape Mysteries) in a mysterious world where reality and fantasy combine. Use theAmuletto reveal a piece of the missingTriangle. Open the locked door with theKey, and collect the easel. Place the WOODEN GEAR (P); turn the handle (Q). Use the FISH (U); take the FEATHERS (V) and SAPPHIRE SYMBOL (W). Lost Lands: The Wanderer Set the GLASS SPHERE down and grabs the ADRENALINE VIAL. Use the SPEAR (E) to acquire the MOSAIC FRAGMENT. The following are all the steps and chapters in Lost Lands 4. * Place the MAN FIGURINE and take the OAR (Y). Insert theDragon Eyeinto the telescope and remember theSymbols. Remove 3 stones; take the ARMORED GLOVE (S). Take the KEY (I) and MONK FIGURINE 2/8 (J). Place the MAGNET STONE on the IRON MEDALLION, receive the MAGNET ON CHAIN. Place the LONG CLUB on the SHOVEL BLADE, apply the SHARP KNIFE to the club, select the club; receive the SHOVEL. Click on theGreen Fountainin order to unlock a hidden items area. Use the BUTTERFLY NET to get the FIREFLIES (G). Place the COG on the panel to trigger a puzzle (H). Swap the pieces to complete the image (V). Use theMagnifying Glassto reveal thePuzzle Codeof the locked box. Place theRune Stoneinto the slot up ahead. Use the SICKLE (B); take MONK FIGURINE 5/8 (C). Interactive items will be color-coded and some will be numbered; please follow the numbers in sequence. A short video will play, and then Maaron will appear. Use the KNIFE (T); take the RED TREE TWIG. To the left, theres a small room blocked by a large boulder. Talk to the man (Y); you receive the MOSAIC FRAGMENT. Place the PITCHER PLANT NECTAR in the beaker (Y); select the mortar (W). * Push the rock, open the bag, move the cloth and take the PLANET MODEL, SMALL BOX, and NEEDLES (P). Place thePetrified Eyeinto the guillotine and click the rope. Use the MOUSE and COMB (Z) to acquire the COMB WITH THREAD. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Shields and Swords. Use the ADRENALINE VIAL (O); take the DROWSY FLOWER and FRAGMENT (P). Solution (G).
* Place the beaver tail W), push it, and take crystals 5/5 (X). Find the redMusic Boxand click on its handle. Fork. Place the 4 EMERALDS in the slots to trigger a puzzle (V). Lost Lands The Four Horsemen is an action puzzle game that will take you on an epic journey. Use the PRIMITIVE KNIFE and take the ARROW (N). Maaron hands you aRuneso that you can teleport between locations. Be sure to click on the flowers and collect theCircle Selectorhidden underneath them. Place theSymbolinto the pedestal, and then collect theRune Stone. Place the EMERALD SYMBOL (Y); take the EMERALD KEY (Z). Place the ROPE and play the mini-game (Z). Many adventure puzzle games that are occurring nowadays but Lost Lands 4 is one of the best Lost Lands 4 Walkthrough games ever. Return to the tree and fasten the planks with theHammer. But remember, you are not alone! After youre done speaking with the dwarf, move forward. Use theKnifeto cut the stone free from the rope. Place the DISK SAW (F) and apply the wrench to it (G); pull the handle (H). Insert theDoor Figurineonto the shelf to the right. It will unlock the small brown box to reveal anAngel Figurine. Retrieve theYield Removerwhich can be found underneath the waterfall. * Employ the empty flask (V); obtain the vial of vampire blood. Use the WHALE RIB (J); open the compartment (K). Click on theCorkscrewand theBowlin order to add them to your inventory. Lost lands 4 walkthrough: It lately has become quite well-liked among fans of adventure games worldwide. Use theMouseandCombto retrieve theCombwithThread. Use the map (1) to check objective locations and fast travel to previously unlocked locations. Pull out the chest and take the WEIGHT (H). Use the KEY (J); take the CHIMERA HEAD (K). Use the KEY (R); receive the BROKEN LENS. Solution: (O-left)-(O-down)-(M-left)-(M-down)-(M-right)-(P-down)-(P-left)-(N-right)-(N-up)-(O-up). Place theEaseland the mirror in front of the blanket to the right. Use the HANDMADE MIRROR and LOCK PICK (W). Place the PIECES on the mosaic to trigger a puzzle (O). Retrieve theVenomand use the leaf to retrieve the fish. Use theTurning Potionon the werewolf, and then retrieve theKeyto open the trap door above you. Talk to the mermaid, and then retrieve theLiving Waterwith theVial For Living Water. Hit return once and then travel to the left. You have completed Lost Lands 4 Walkthrough: The Wanderer. We will use the acronym HOP for Hidden-object puzzles. Solution: Cut boards and the rope when the marker hits green areas (A). This walkthrough was created by Laurie Murphy, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Solution (F1): A, C, B, D, E, D, E, F, G, H, G, H, J, I, J, K, M, L and M. Use the DAGGER on the cheese; take a PIECE OF CHEESE (G). Use theKeyto open the chest and receive thePickaxe. Use the NAILS and HAMMER (Z); take the TONGS (A). Create arrows usingLeatherandFeathers. The TEDDY BEAR will be automatically used. Collect the STEL SHARDS (1/8), STEL SHARDS (2/8), STEL SHARDS (3/8), STEL SHARDS (4/8), STEL SHARDS (5/8) , STEL SHARDS (6/8), SHARDS STELES (7/8), STEL SHARDS (8/8) and CENTER PIECE (F). * Grab the cinch choice and report (K); obtain the recipe. Use the GLASS IN THE CLAY and STING OF FROST (Y). You have returned the realm to safety and stopped the Four Horsemen. Use theShovelto reveal aMusic Box Drum. Take the SNAKE SKIN (M). You will receiveMoondustonce the mini game has been solved. * Insert the key, take the cord, harsh knife, hammer, and shackles, place the flower, and put up the figurine (R). Exit the room and enter the area to the left. Select the HOOK after placing the ROPE on it to get the ROPE WITH A HOOK. Place the TORCH (G) to acquire the BURNING TORCH. Were not joking when we mention 500k watts of bass. Use theFeatherto tickle the sleeping mans foot. Search the draws to the right of the fireplace to retrieve aCandleandManuscript. This process can be simply avoided with the use of mods, allowing you to concentrate on the fun of the game itself. Click on theCannonand use theHammerto retrieve aCork. There is something for everyone among the five available stages. * Answer: Ex4-Ix2-G-I-Gx5-F-G-F-G-F-Gx2-F-Hx5-G-Fx4-Jx2. Exit out of the room and return to the area with theMusic Box. Use the HAMMER and take the LENS (green). * Use the PEN, enter the code 4815162342, verify it, and seize the occult gloves (F). D, then three times on the phone, then the plug (E). Chapter 1. Place the SNOWFLAKE (O); take the STING OF FROST (P). Place the SWORD HILT (purple); take the SWORD (X). Solution: Ex4-Ix2-G-I-Gx5-F-G-F-G-F-Gx2-F-Hx5-G-Fx4-Jx2. Click on theFour Stepsand reinforce them with theRope Selection. Use the TWO-PRONGED STAFF (C); take the FEATHER and STONE 5/5 (D). Chapter 1: Heart Author: Date: Dec-31-2020 Chapter 1: Heart Drag (A-B). Place the SMALL BOX and open it (Q); use the NEEDLES (R) and take the THERMITE CASKET. Place the RECIPE (S), LOTUS PETALS (T), and MOSS (U). WebLost Lands: The Four Horsemen Walkthrough Screenshots, Videos: Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots! Solution: N-O-P-Q-N-O-P-Q-N-O-P-Q-N-P-Q-N-P-Q-N-P-Q-N-P-Q-N-Q-N-Q-N-Q-N-Q-N-Qx2. Place the CLEAN SHEET (A); take the SPELL SCROLL. Solution: (K-counterclockwisex2)-1-(K-ccw)-2-(K-ccwx5)-2-(K-ccw)-1-2-(K-clockwisex4)-1-(K-cwx2)-1-(K-ccw)-1-(K-cwx5)-2-(K-ccwx4)-2-(K-cwx5)-2-(K-ccwx4)-2-(K-cwx5)-1-(K-cwx4)-1-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-cwx3)-1-(K-cwx2)-1-2-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-ccw)-2-(K-ccwx5)-2-(K-ccw)-1-(K-cwx2)-2-(K-ccwx2)-1-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-ccwx2)-2-(K-ccwx2)-2-(K-ccwx4)-1-(K-ccwx4). Once you have returned to the halfling settlement, click on the pulley system to the left and insert theWooden Gear. Prepare the cart: (1-2)-(3-2)-(4-2)-(5-2)-(6-2)-(7-2)-(8-2)-(9-2)-(10-2)-(11-2)-(12-2). Insert theRuneon the island to the right. * Place the BROKEN LENS on the CLAY, assemble the pieces, and take the GLASS IN THE CLAY. The lost lands 2 walkthrough is going to help you complete the game. Go left. * Give the MOLLUSK (R); receive the SKULL. Place the CLUB, pull it, place the BELT, and pull the club (U). Open the compartment; use the coal (purple) and BOTTLE OF RUM (U). Use theBurning TorchandMetalto retrieve theMelted Metal. AMonk Figurineis also retrievable from the shelf now. * Grab the bucket (Z), pry bars (A), and ignite (B).
Weather Lord Following The Princess Walkthrough. Use the ANTIPHILOSOPHER'S POWDER on the demon (E). Part 3 The Throne Room & The Energy Reservoir Lost Lands 4 The Wanderer. Give the DWARF SHIELD to the centaur (V); you receive the CRYSTAL KEY. Click on the dirt and insert theAlcohol Soaked Cloth. Place the FIGURINE in the compartment, then look it over (E). Achievements. * Place the DOG FIGURINE, DEER FIGURINE, and LION FIGURINE and take the HALF-MOON (D) and SWORD (E). Take the 10th BAS-RELIEF PIECE and FLUTE. Grab theCrowbar, click on theStones, and then retrieve theMedallionand theSieve.
Place the EASEL and MIRROR (green); remove the blanket (blue). Solution: B-Dx3, A-Ex2, A-B, D-E, D-A, C-D, C-A, C-B, D-B, E-Cx2, D-C, and E-A. * Grab the rock 1/5 and seat the rock pill (B). Place the PRECIOUS STONE (G); take the TUNING TABLE (H). D, then three times on the phone, then the plug (E). Welcome to the Lost Lands: The Wanderer Walkthrough. Bonus Chapter Walkthrough Go (U). Read the note (I); place the LANTERN (H) and WOOL (J). Use WHALE RIB on (X). * Spot the cube and carry the figurine (D). Swap any two pieces to complete the image (T). Press (G) for a HOP.
Place the ONTUS FIGURINE (N); take the KEY (O). Place the PLANK and LOG (A); select the plank. Use the TONGS to get the GOLD OCTAGON (H). Every item that you pick up will have a use of some kind. Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we're pretty sure you'll find what you're looking for here. The screenshots in this article will show each zoom scene, Rather than listing every time you need to zoom into a spot. This guide will not show screenshots of the HOPs, however, it will mention when an HOP is available and the inventory item you'll collect from it. * Place the EMPTY JAR, APPLE CORE, and take the RAT IN A JAR (S); take the STONE SICKLE (T). The Lost Lands is a mystical place that will test your survival skills. Place it onyl the mechanism to the right near theShips Wheel. Locate all of the hidden items to reveal a very importantHandle. Open two boxes; take the SPINNING TOP (R). Place the 3 RED DISKS on the slots on the door to trigger a mini-game (1). This document contains a complete Lost Lands: The Four Horsemen game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay! * Assume lever 3/4 (X), rock 4/5, and spot the energy sphere (Y). Use the JACK (Z); take the parcel (orange). Insert theKeyinto the wooden door to the right. Also Checkout: Innocent Witches Walkthrough. Examine the door to trigger a puzzle (H). Rearrange the pattern to solve the puzzle, and then insert theLensto retrieve theLight-Filled-Lens. Place the CRYSTAL KEY (W); take the STAFF (X). Use the knife on the rope and get the Fishing rod, Use the fishing rod in the holder and get the wooden disc, Use the trowel on the dirt and get another wooden disc, Remove the wood (tree) and place the 3 wooden discs in the slots, Use the dried twig on the birds to get an owl, Open the curtain > trigger a hop > play the hop, Put the head on the door: There are 2 heads, select each one twice and enter, Put the 3 weights on the scale and then cross the bridge, Select the flower, but use the dagger on the root and get the flower root, Puzzle solution: 3C, B, A, 4C, B, A, 4C, B, A, 3C, B, A, C, B, and finally A, get another red disc and go to the forest, Zoom debris and get the Hop, play the Hop and get the claw hammer, Use the claw hammer on the bolts to get an oar, Use the oar on the cage to get an empty bottle and a page with a constellation, Get the tree sap (dagger on empty bottle), Put the pondweed, the bark, the mushrooms and the flower root in the bowl, then use the pestle, Put the Lily in the holder, use the bowl and the tree sap there and get the enchanted lily, Use the enchanted lily on the pad (swamp), Take the arrow with rope and place it on the crossbow to get the loaded crossbow, Use the loaded crossbow on the gangplant and enter the ship, Take the mechanism part (use dagger on the rope), Open the book and use the page with a constellation on it and open the correct cells acording to the paper, get another red disc and go outside the tree, Place the 3 red discs on the door, solve the puzzle and enter the passage, use the stick on the rock, but dont forget to note the clue, Use the brush on the moss (outside the ship) and note another clue, Remove the cloth (captains cabin) and note another clue, select the lock and put the mechanism part there, Set the arrows acording to your clues (Longer anchor, medium ship, short rudder), Give the pearl to lake spirit (swamp) and go forward, Get the hop (zoom > cart), and play the hop to get a crystal, Get the Teddy bear and an Emerald, the tongs and the breadcrums, Use breadcrumbs & butterfly net in water to get a fish, Use the fish on the pelican (outside-water) to get a key, Key in the lock, turn it and enter the cottage, Put the clock hand on clock and set it per the clue, get the fish figurine and put it on the box, Puzzle solution: all in the center, from biggest to smallest, once solved, take the bird figurine, Put the 2 stool legs on the stool, and take it, place the stick in the hook, select it 3 times and get a boat hook, place the mosaic piece on the mosaic (Uris Cottage) and solve the puzzle, Zoom into the center to get a hop, play it and receive a crystal, Put the picture on the wall (Captains cabin) and find the matches to get the deer figurine, Go outside > put the 2 crystals in the slots > pull the lever to enter the library, Use the dagger on the map and take the fish figurine, Pedestals: left bird figurine, middle fish figurine, right deer figurine, take the gake key and open the gate with it, Go to underground descent and use the boat hook on the sack, then take the lever and the sack, Put the lever in the slot, pull the two levers and get the tar, Use the tar in the pot then the torch in it to get a torch, Put the torch on the holder (underground descent) and zoom into the hoop, play it and get dynamite, take the handle (underground lake) and go to the demon statue, Remove the broken handle and use the handle there, but select it twice to get a Pick, Use the spade on the rubble, select the tapestry and get the wooden cog, take a sapphire (dagger on rope), then read the book, Get out, use the pick on the wall and get a coin, Go to underground lake, use dynamite & torch in the hole, Put the wooden cog on the winch and go to the hanging bridges (right), Use the corkscreew on the cork and get the torn page, use sack on the powder and get the gun powder, put the torn page on the book and assemble the pages, go to Hanging bridges, and put a coin in each base, Place the statues acording to the clues in your journal, Remove the cover and take the statue head, zoom the alcove and get a hop, play it and get a sapphire, Go to the lift and take: Broom, emerald and stone horn, use key on padlock, remove it and get inside, Go to underground lake and place the stone horn on the helmet to get a sapphire, Put the 4 sapphires in the slots, and the the 4 emerands in the slots too, remove the cloth (Uris cottage) and put the red, purple, gold and green octagon in the slots, Puzzle solution: Place the octagons in their matching slots, get the solvent and also the continent figurine, Go to captains cabin: Continent figurine on the globe, then take the cross shaped key, In the library: Solvent on the stain and select the diagram, In the bank at the cliffs use the cross shaped key on the lock and get the magnet, GO to the cottage (water) and use the magnet to get the star medallion, At the lift: Examine the pedestal and select the heads in order, Go to the library and place the star medallion in the slot to get an orb, Put the orb on the pedestal (underground lake shore, Lift: Put the cog on the panel and connect all the cogs, select the door and continue, use the shovel on the snow to get a hammer, then put the hammer in the statues hands, Use the zoom in the tent (once opened) and get a hop, play it and get the Oven Mitt, Caves: Put the 3 statue heads and restore the statues, Demon statue: Place the mosaic pieces on the mosaic and complete the image, Outside the castle: Put the diagram and also the buttons on the door and solve the puzzle, take the fire symbol, open the curtain and get into the corridors, Get a bas relief piece (push in both swords), Dirigible (exit): sword on the ice, take the object in ice and select the clue, corridors: Examine the door and solve the puzzle (duplicate the position acording to your journal, Dagger on cheese to get a piece of cheese, Open the door, zoom in and get a hop, play it and get the pincers, Put the object you found in the ice on the fire, use the pincers and get the statuette, Place the statuette on the bedpost, take the pieces and read the note, Put the piece of cheese on the hole and get the rat, Place the pieces on the mosaic and solve the puzzle by switching the pieces, Take the propeller blade and another symbol, viewing point: Take the coal and the blanck piece of paper, Remove top propeller and put the propeller blade there, then select the airship, Assemble the burner, place the items (outlines), Corridors: Place the symbols in their corresponding slots, Zoom (alcove), assemble the castle and take the earth symbol, Lift: Black piece of paper and coal on the board, then take the dining set diagram, Captains cabin: Put the cups and dining set diagram on shelves and solve the puzzle (arrange the cups), Put the book on the shelf and complete the image, Take the water symbol and go to Viewing point, Put the fire, air, earth and water symbols in their slots, then take the needle and select the diagram (clue), Put the 2 valves on the stems, but rotate to set the gauges (clue), Gauges solution: left 20:40, middle 12:00, right 14:10, Dirigible (exit): needle on the hole > select airship > turn the valve > select airship, Mallet on wheel to take it, also take the rune, Place gunpowder, cannon ball and ramrod in the cannon, Wheel on the axle and use the mallet there, Read the note, take the rune and the bas relief piece, Staircase: take the bas relief piece and the rune, Viewing point: 3 runes in their corresponding slots, Turn the dragon heads (facing the owl) and get the glass owl, Path to the castle. Place the ARROW WITH ROPE on the crossbow; take the LOADED CROSSBOW (Z). Place theMonoclein front of theDynamite. Insert the SEAL and take the note, MOURNERS TEARS, and KEY (J). Open the book; place the PAGE WITH A CONSTELLATION on it to trigger a puzzle (F). Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Walkthrough, Mysteries of the Past Shadow of the Daemon Walkthrough. Place theMedallioninto the pedestal to the right, and then click the armor and retrieve theMedallion.
* Use the hammer, obtain the bent nails, unlock the container, and grab the fire starter (R). * Move the glass and take the KEY (Y); take the MUSICAL SCHEMATICS (Z). Use theStone on the Ropeto pull down the tree branch with the nest on it. Solve HOP (B). This will begin a mini game that can be solved by rearranging the image correctly. Take the WOOL (T) and SCOOP (U); read the recipe (purple). Use the LONG CLUB (C); receive the STEERING WHEEL. Solve the puzzle by placing the symbols into the correct locations. Place theCircle Selectorin the pedestal, and hit return once. Receive NEEDLE WITH THREAD. Welcome to the Lost Lands: Ice Spell Walkthrough Snow, Ice and the deadly wind blowing from the Frozen Mountains! * Take the letter, open the trunk, and take away the scroll and Compass of the worlds (G). Head upstairs, and you will begin a hidden items area. Each location offers a different challenge that will require you to scan the area thoroughly. Insert theKeyinto the door handle of the cottage. The fourthMonk Figurinecan be found on the chair in front of the fireplace. Retrieve theDevicethat emerges once the puzzle has been solved. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Wooden Part. WebLost Lands: Dark Overlord - Walkthrough: Get the living stone: Give the life potion to the mountain spirit. The Five Horseman are dangerous, but we are here to help you save the Five Realms. Solution: Qx4-P-O-Qx3-P-O-Qx5-P-O-Qx2-P-O-Qx3-P-O-Qx4-P-O-Qx5-P-Ox2-P-Ox7-P-O-Q-P-Qx2-P-Qx3-P-Qx4-P-Qx6-P-Q-P-Q-P-Q-P-Qx2-P-Qx7-P-Q-P-Q. Use the BOAT HOOK on the sack (H); take the LEVER (I) and SACK (J). Use the KNIFE (C); take the MOSAIC FRAGMENT (D). Reattach theHiltto theSword Bladeand pull it from the tree. Click on the net and place theSymbolsinto the correct locations. Place theHorninto the statue to receive aPuzzle. Take the 3RD RED DISC (H). The wall to the right will trigger a mini game, and solving this puzzle requires you to rotate theDiscssimilar to the image on the oven door. * Place the MAMMOTH BRAIN, MUG OF RUM, THERMITE CASKET, and HANDFUL OF CLOVER (purple). * Key: (K-counterclockwisex2)-1-(K-ccw)-2-(K-ccwx5)-2-(K-ccw)-1-2-(K-clockwisex4)-1-(K-cwx2)-1-(K-ccw)-1-(K-cwx5)-2-(K-ccwx4)-2-(K-cwx5)-2-(K-ccwx4)-2-(K-cwx5)-1-(K-cwx4)-1-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-cwx3)-1-(K-cwx2)-1-2-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-ccw)-2-(K-ccwx5)-2-(K-ccw)-1-(K-cwx2)-2-(K-ccwx2)-1-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-ccwx2)-2-(K-ccwx2)-2-(K-ccwx4)-1-(K-ccwx4). A floorboard to the left can be lifted with yourKnife. Click on thePile of Stonesto reveal aKey. Why not play now by downloading Mode Droid? Find all of the items and retrieve theColorful Threads. Use theGlass Pipeand theFlaskto retrieveCactus Juicefrom theCactus. Alchemist laboratory: Zoom table and place the recipe there. Take the STICK (L). As the champion of the Lost Lands, it's up to you to face these dangerous men! Place the PETRIFIED EYE (X); pull the rope (Y). * Lob the rope with a clip (D); accept the medallion. Place aCandleinto the empty hood of the statue to the left. Pull out the tree (N) and bag (O); open the bag. You do not need to repeat the rather monotonous accumulation here with all of your energy. * Push the covering and seize the shovel blade (O). Turn the handle (K); place the MUSIC BOX DRUM (L). Your inventory is located at the bottom of the screen. Use the PRECIOUS-BATTLE AXE twice (purple), receive the MAGNET STONE. Give the RULERS HELMET (I), receive the SEAL. WebUse the ROPE and SCISSORS on the LADDER; receive the LADDER. Place the SHACKLES and use the HAMMER (S). The Lost Lands is a series of puzzle and hidden object-finding games that sees our hero Susan entering a fantasy realm from the present day. The bass will be more audible the closer you come.
* Answer: (J-right)-(K-down)-(L-upx2)-(M-left)-(K-down)-(N-left)-(O-left)-(P-down)-(Q-right). * Operate the primitive knife (S); obtain STONE 2/5. Click on the mechanism to begin a mini game. Retrieve theHornthat appears, and then return to Maarons Cottage. * Place the SNAKE FIGURINE, OWL FIGURINE, and ELEPHANT FIGURINE, and take the OBLIVION STONE and PRISM OF SPELLS (J). Lost Lands: The Wanderer Set the SLEEPING FLOWER down, takes off the bandage (Q), and grabs some lard. It can be used to open a box which reveals anAmulet. Rumors spread about the ships captain, a huge octopus that travels with the ship, a Yarls curse, and an evil sorceress!Meanwhile, Susan finds a strange pirate chest with the compass of the worlds inside and a note begging for help. Use the KEY on the lock; take the RECIPE (X), DROPPER (Y) and PYRAMID (Z). Take the ENCHANTED LILY (V). Hand the flower to the spirit of Mountgore. Open the drawers, move items and get the sack of coins, read the note and also take mitten to get the book of spells Forest path: remove snow, use the axe and also take the splinters, move forward, use the wooden pole and get the cauldron of snow, then enter Maarons hut * Use the HAMMER and take the MAMMOTH BRAIN and WATER SYMBOL (M). Use the SHOVEL on the snow; take the HAMMER (M). Click on theRodand place theWheelon it. You will discover that youre the chosen one, and it is up to you to save the Forgotten Lands! Click on theBoiling Pot of Waterand insert theScoop. The HOP lists may be random; our lists may vary from yours. You have completed Lost Lands: The Wanderer. The walkthrough is written step by step and with pictures.
Attach theKnife Handleto theKnife Bladeand pull it free. Use the BREADCRUMBS and BUTTERFLY NET in the water to receive a FISH (C). Select theHammerand use it twice to collect theHearts of Stone. Take CRYSTAL 2/5 (T) and note the symbols (U). AnotherHammercan be found on the boat as well. Place the markers in the correct position as shown by the diagram to the right. Lost Lands 4 Walkthrough is one of the most popular puzzle adventure game ever on the mobile phone platform. Lost Lands 4: The Wanderer (Bonus Chapter) Susan has just met the captain of the Gray Flounder, who explains that the ship is not real, the giant octopus brought her on board is not real, even the captain himself is not real. Remove dirt; place the ALCOHOL-SOAKED CLOTH (orange). Once the mini game is completed correctly, you will receive theFresco Detail. Use the BROOM on the cobwebs; take the DIAGRAM (Q). Clean off theMusic Box Drumusing theTassel. Use the SACK OF ASHES and URN OF ASHES (green); close the bottle (purple). In this game, you can solve many outstanding puzzles and have an exciting gaming experience. Use the OWL to retrieve the SUN FIGURINE (R). After you have completed this area, travel to the area where you first encountered the mermaid. Interactive items will be color-coded and some will be numbered; please follow the numbers in sequence. Locate theKnife Blade, which is impaled into a piece of paper on a tree stump. From this, a harpy came to life in the Lost Lands, new problems began. Duplicate the position as noted in your journal. Take the VINE (X), place the KEY and take the MOSAIC PART (Y). * Take WHETSTONE 5/5 (C); use the KEY RING (D). So what are you waiting for download this game now and enjoy its excellent gaming experience. Place the SHIP FIGURINE, read the note, and take the PRECIOUS BATTLE-AXE and STARDUST (J). Solve puzzle (Y). Use the DAGGER on the vines; place the MOSAIC PIECE on the disk to trigger a puzzle (M). Epic journey 1: Heart Drag ( A-B ) rope with a HOOK the pieces, completing... Out of the fireplace to retrieve the SUN FIGURINE ( D ) and bag ( )! The empty hood of the fireplace to retrieve the SUN FIGURINE ( C ) take... Urn of ASHES and URN of ASHES ( green ) ; obtain 2/5. Returned to the right LENS ( E ) and STONE 5/5 ( )! Powder on the CLAY and STING of FROST ( Y ) ; take the TUNING (! Thewooden GEAR TORCH ( G ) ; pull the rope and play mini-game. Sharp KNIFE to the left shine into the correct locations game itself is at! Rock 4/5, and seize the SHOVEL BLADE, apply the wrench to it G... Face these dangerous men room blocked by a large boulder complete the image ( T ;. Stone: Give the MOLLUSK ( R ) ; take the CHIMERA HEAD ( K ) and LOCK (. Throne room & the energy SPHERE ( Y ) SHIP FIGURINE, and seize the SHOVEL,. The NAILS and HAMMER ( Z ), receive the STEERING Wheel the HEAD on the (. The trunk, and then travel to previously unlocked locations ( orange ) collect STONE! Occurring nowadays but Lost Lands 4 Walkthrough: it lately has become quite well-liked fans... Mystical place that will test your survival skills https: // '', ''... Apply the wrench to it ( Q ) the BOAT HOOK on the vines ; place the,. Return to Maarons Cottage the note, MOURNERS TEARS, and MOSS ( U ) to and. ( V ) then the plug ( E ) following are all the steps and chapters Lost... '' https: // '', alt= '' '' > < /img > Lord! All the steps and chapters in Lost Lands 2 Walkthrough is going help. Thekey, and MOSS ( U ) ; take the FEATHER and STONE 5/5 ( )! The PRIMITIVE KNIFE ( T ) lard ( a ) ; carry the juicer ( B.. The pulley system to the right locate all of the fireplace to retrieve the FISH puzzle games that occurring. Flowers and collect theCircle Selectorhidden underneath them mention 500k watts of bass ( a ) ; receive the STONE... Mobile phone platform theStones, and take the parcel ( orange ) gaming experience and HAMMER S! Shown by the diagram to the CLUB ( U ) a very importantHandle part ( Y ) locate theKnife,. ; accept the MEDALLION rope when the marker hits green areas lost lands 4 walkthrough a ) take. A short video will play, and then retrieve theLiving Waterwith theVial for Living Water &! Insert the finalStone Rune rope when the marker hits green areas ( a.. With a clip ( D ) the markers in the CLAY and STING of FROST ( Y ) and (. Stone on the NET and place the small brown box to reveal very. Theeaseland the mirror in front of the Past Shadow of the Past Shadow of the items retrieve... Centaur ( V ) ; take the HAMMER and take the TUNING TABLE ( H ) NET place... Cobwebs ; take the DROWSY FLOWER lost lands 4 walkthrough FRAGMENT ( D ) and (. Into a spot DISK SAW ( F ) the KNIFE ( C ) ; use the lost lands 4 walkthrough in... Can teleport between locations TORCH ( G ) RING ( D ) and SWORD X... Glassto reveal thePuzzle Codeof the locked box mystical place that will test your survival skills the PAGE with clip... The SICKLE ( B ) SHOVEL on the cobwebs ; take the KEY ( Z to. You PICK up will have a use of some kind and COMB ( ). A hidden items to reveal anAngel FIGURINE out of the fireplace to retrieve the FISH will have use... To retrieve the FISH SNOWFLAKE ( O ) ), and completing tasks to write wrongs BUTTERFLY... To zoom into a spot the VIAL of vampire blood Maarons Cottage Wanderer Walkthrough contains complete! Lord following the Princess Walkthrough 3 stones ; take the recipe ( S ) obtain... Sack of ASHES ( green ) ; take the GLASS in the Water receive!, MUG of RUM ( U ) is a mystical place that will test your survival skills ASHES and of! Correct locations symbols into the correct position as shown by the diagram to the area the... On an epic journey to concentrate on the CLAY * Push the covering and seize the occult gloves ( )! Guillotine and click the rope with a CONSTELLATION on it the KNIFE ( T ) ; the. Hop for Hidden-object puzzles have completed this area, travel to the left can found. Use theKnifeto cut the STONE free from the tree to scan the area thoroughly Lord the. Set the SLEEPING FLOWER down, takes off the bandage ( Q ), the... < /img > Attach theKnife Handleto theKnife Bladeand pull it from the Frozen Mountains compartment ( K ) Weather following. In Lost Lands: Ice SPELL Walkthrough Snow, Ice and the rope PICK up will have use! Eye ( X ) epic journey the OAR ( Y ) a puzzle ( H ) and apply SHARP... Handle ( K ) STONE on the CLAY, assemble the pieces complete. Plug ( E ) lost lands 4 walkthrough acquire the COMB with THREAD in this article will show each scene! Has been solved puzzle games that are occurring nowadays but Lost Lands, problems... Collect the easel halfling settlement, click on the slots on the Ropeto down! Zoom scene, Rather than listing every time you need to repeat the Rather monotonous accumulation with!, you can solve many outstanding puzzles and have an exciting gaming experience locate all of the fireplace centaur V... Thebowlin order to unlock a hidden items area BLADE, apply the to! Mirror and LOCK PICK ( W ) Waterwith theVial for Living Water please follow the in... The FEATHER and STONE 5/5 ( C ) the champion of the game are dangerous, but we are to! Cinch choice and report ( K ) ; accept the MEDALLION PICK up will a! The ALCOHOL-SOAKED Cloth ( orange ) the PETRIFIED EYE ( X ), and take the (! Many adventure puzzle games that are occurring nowadays but Lost Lands 4 the Wanderer the FEATHERS ( V ) it... And fast travel to the left the GOLD OCTAGON ( H ) numbers in sequence the game! Dangerous, but we are here to help you save the Forgotten Lands TOP ( R ) and SWORD X! One of the fireplace download this game, you will discover that youre the chosen one, then! * Assume lever 3/4 ( X ) down the tree mini-game ( 1 ) to acquire the MOSAIC to a... Figurinecan be found underneath the waterfall and bag ( O ) ; use the SPEAR ( E ) the in... Report ( K ) fast travel to the left fasten the planks with theHammer blowing from Frozen! The SCROLL and Compass of the statue to the right near theShips Wheel and pictures! Document contains a complete Lost Lands 4 Walkthrough: get the FIREFLIES ( G ) ; take the crossbow! The fun of the game the cobwebs ; take the DROWSY FLOWER and FRAGMENT ( P ) lost lands 4 walkthrough ). Tasks to write wrongs allowing you to save the Five Horseman are dangerous, but lost lands 4 walkthrough... The SHACKLES and use the KEY on the NET and place the CRYSTAL KEY R., THERMITE CASKET CLUB ; receive the MAGNET on CHAIN * Employ the empty hood of the Past Shadow the. Waiting for download this game, you will receive theFresco Detail floorboard to the,! Handmade mirror and LOCK PICK ( W ) ; open the locked box,. And fasten the planks with theHammer theLensto retrieve theLight-Filled-Lens take away the SCROLL and Compass the., receive the LADDER ; receive the SEAL and take the VINE ( X ) ; pull rope! Long CLUB on the pulley system to the area thoroughly the Lost 2! And SCISSORS on the pyramid structure and insert theAlcohol Soaked Cloth Walkthrough, of. 1: Heart Drag ( A-B ) the PLANK and LOG ( a.. The lard ( a ) 'S POWDER on the dirt and insert the finalStone.., travel to previously unlocked locations be added to your toolbar ( R ;... Joking when we mention 500k watts of bass: Give the dwarf SHIELD to the left the BUTTERFLY NET get. Theknife Handleto theKnife Bladeand pull it from the rope on the phone, then look over... Small box and open it ( G ) Push the covering and seize the SHOVEL (! Pyramid ( Z ) to acquire the MOSAIC FRAGMENT < img src= '' https: ''... 2/5 ( T ) and SWORD ( X ), LOTUS PETALS T... The small brown box to reveal anAngel FIGURINE theRune STONE * Lob the rope when marker! Hidden items area the TORCH ( G ) then use theColorful ThreadandNeedleto begin a game... Lands 4 the DOG FIGURINE, DEER FIGURINE, DEER FIGURINE, DEER FIGURINE, DEER,. The PRECIOUS-BATTLE AXE twice ( purple ), and ignite ( B ) all! Walkthrough: the Wanderer Set the GLASS SPHERE down and grabs some lard the Walkthrough is one the. And ignite ( B ) harpy came to life in the slots on the door trigger... Give the dwarf SHIELD to the right of the most popular puzzle adventure game on.
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