Underneath the ranch lies a huge aquifer (San Luis Valley aquifer) whose water First Colorado hoped to sell for billions. These things dont have anything to do with protecting the US people or standing up for freedom and democracy. I.e., was this a case of Manchurian channeling related to the energy here that Hanne Strong refers to in quote #13?). Required fields are marked *. Summary. Rush was the first LDS scholar to accurately decipher the prophetic writings of Ezra now known as Ezra's Eagle. The Eric Metaxas Show David Horowitz Feb 02 2023 The Eric Metaxas Show- https://metaxastalk.com/podcasts/ About the book- Fi, The COVID Blueprint: The Next 'Crisis' Globalists Will Use to Control YOU. (When I was investigating and writing articles about these matters in 2008, an anonymous person emailed me with the question: Are you going to stay in Illuminativille?, (quote #20 above.)). I suggest that disinformation and lies have been and are being used to coverup long-term covert nonconsensual human experimentation and concomitant organized stalking-electronic torture crimes (the TI program) perpetrated by plain-clothed special forces, ex-military and police, MKULTRA cults, citizen-vigilantes, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWBwS6IL4Js&t=27s youtube.com The Father's Message to the latter-day Gentiles This video discusses a message that the Father commanded His Son Jesus Christ to share with the Nephites - which would be of great 11) TIs are also probably the beta tests for the development and implementation of Bill Gates (Microsofts) Total Enslavement 060606 patent. Duh! I.e., programming can be installed without the victims knowledge and the victim can later be triggered to perform particular tasks. Coleman, J., 2006, 4th Edition, The Conspirators Hierarchy: The Committee of 300, Global Review Publications, Inc., 487 pp. You are responsible for reading, understanding and agreeing to the National Law Review's (NLRs) and the National Law Forum LLC's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy before using the National Law Review website. There will be no rights or freedoms, not even freedom of thought. But it appears that Crestone/Baca is more than simply a Potemkin Village false-front for intelligence and military operations. They may be spoken of as guardian angels. sent to and received from targeted individuals and groups via non-invasive neuroscience technologies (NeuroS/T) affords neuroscientists and WINS (warfare, intelligence, national security) operatives the opportunity to test and deploy cognitive warfare (CW) capabilities against American citizens. He was born and raised in the Western United States, among the rugged Wasatch mountains, and the rural California coastline. Pride in the American way is just another propaganda device for PsyOps agents people like me to use to manipulate you and make you think that black is white and white is black. They are the power there, and they will never let a democracy happen here. - by Michael B Rush Free Download - See the Analyzed Differences Between The Last Days Timeline and A Remnant Shall Return - Click Here Michael B Rush wrote this book as a Michael B. lee valley velodrome seating plan, michael b rush excommunicated, cph4 drogue effet, dr chiang ophthalmologist, chrysler 300 srt8 for Whoever pays this piper gets to selectively cull (i.e., target) whichever part of the herd it wishes to eliminate. Like (in) any race, the morbidity and mortality, going at this speed is real. Like many others, I loved the SLIA Carmelites and greatly admired and respected their charismatic and dynamic founder, Fr. Esalen also collected a huge amount of data from CIA and MKULTRA doctors (wikipedia) and was integrally associated with the Human Potential Movement which continued MKULTRA research and experimentation even after these crimes were exposed and outlawed by the Church Senate Committee hearings in 1977. Maurice Strong is also a director of the Temple of Understanding in New York City, where pagan rituals and earth-worshipping ceremonies include escorting sheep and cattle to the alter for blessing. They may be spoken of as guardian angels. In addition to the concepts of matter, energy, space, and time, scientists are increasingly considering information to be a core facet of science. C. International Bankers Come To My Street For Silent Meditation Retreat. Maurice Strong and his New World Order syndicate partners, who include the US military-intelligence-corporate complex, are bringing it about! I am merely trying to understand, via 20/20 hindsight, what happened in Crestone/Baca. Many of them were physicians guilty of mind control experiments at concentration camps such as Dachau, where the effects of mescaline and other mind altering drugs were tested on prisoners The OSS became the CIA and the horrors at Dachau became government-funded projects with a myriad of codenames like MKULTRA, MKSEARCH, ARTICHOKE, and BLUEBIRD. He is also an adviser with the National Diversity Coalition for Trump. The program director was Dr. George Lawrence and the contract was granted to Dr. Lawrence Pinneo to determine the feasibility of bio-cybernetic communication. Starting to get it now? The New Age (still dripping with occult beliefs reminiscent of the New Age in proto-Nazi Germany), saucer mythology and drugged clairvoyance are blinds for involvement in extreme human rights violations. Opinion Keep calm . The Esalen Institute, co-founded by Michael Murphey, collects a huge amount of research by CIA and MKULTRA doctors, according to reddit.com. 9) .. the CIA had chosen to move mind control experimentation from academic and military labs into the community. In politics and economics, a Potemkin village is any construction whose sole purpose is to provide an external faade to a country that is faring poorly, making people believe that the country is faring better. In the article, On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorithms, he mentioned the potential for the capability of directly influencing the approximately six billion brains of the human species. 8) These technologies are used to map peoples brains to create digital twins, clones, or Avatars that can be used to: a) to steal identities, resources, ideas, inventions, creative products, etc. 5) These so-called mind control experiments/programs can be used to covertly eliminate (i.e., destroy the lives of) any and all opposition to the New World Order in a selective depopulation purge of intellectuals, activists, enemies of the state, veterans, mind control victims, inferior races, Christians, veterans, and other so-called threats or deplorables.. So it helps you with your retreat. Welcome to my YouTube channel! Then, when individuals are no longer deemed useful for experimentation, many are presumably processed through the FBI-DHS Fusion Center system, watchlisted as potential terrorist threats, and covertly attacked, harassed, tortured, terrorized, and disposed of via the targeted individual program. Again, Rich (2013) accurately refers to the program as a cleverly disguised system of torture and murder.. Step by step they are moving the world towards an absolute slavery. TIAs (Manhattan Project For Counterterrorism) legacy continues via FBI/DHS Fusion Centers, law enforcement, and innumerable private sector contractors such as Palantir Technologies, Inc. See: State Surveillance, Tracking, Stalking, & Whacking Of Targeted Individuals (aka Dissidents/Terrorists) w/ PROMIS, ESCHELON, PRISM, & PALANTIR Software: Insights Of Whitney Webb and Others and Terrorism Watchlist For Targeted Individuals (TIs): 4 Nominations For Known and Suspected Terrorists (KST)/High-Value Targets For TIs and Freedom Lovers. The amount of information contained therein is so voluminous that it may be impossible to present a concise summary of even some of the major points. Then the big companies come in, from the United Fruit Company to the Bechtels and Halliburtons of the world. As Reverend Meryon Smith, a Jew, states in quote #17 in the above section: The Jew is the anti-Christ; was in St. Johns day; is today and will be.. In Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists (2000), psychiatrist Dr. Colin A Ross states: Clinical responsibility for the mind control experimentation lies with the doctors, who should have been constrained by the Hippocratic Oath. William Tompkins - Apollo Program - Interactions with Human ETs, Military Personel Address National Press Club Regarding UFO's Interacting With Our Nuclear Weapons, Robert O. Oasis Podcast B-Sides - Britpop History. The final conclusions of the Ezra's Eagle prophecy takes us to the restoration of the US Constitution. In 2013, I became aware that I was being targeted via organized stalking-electronic harassment; not only in Crestone/Baca, but everywhere I went, even when I drove across the country! Everything. What rights would Jews give Russians? West Point, PA, Merck HQ, and remote. It is the crown chakra of the planet. And people just get brought in here. I am very strong and have good balance. These include EEG-based neurofeedback devices, EEG-based brain-to-computer interfaces, neurosensory immobilizing devices, transcranial neuromodulating devices, and nano-neuroparticulates. Were they testing new forms of exotic directed energy/neuroweapons on me? PTSD is post traumatic stress disorder. It used to be known as shell shock, a term applied to soldiers who psychologically shut down after exposure to traumatic battle conditions. 4) McNamara was a personal friend of Rabbi Abraham Heschel, who helped convince the Catholic leadership of Vatican II to reverse 2,000 years of doctine and exonerate the Jews of their guilt for crucifying Jesus Christ. Giordano stated: Where now we have almost a seamless triangulation between government entities, research entities, and commercial entities that are then able to mobilize those resources in the deep surveillance that is necessary for acknowledging, addressing, and assessing relative risks that may become threats, quantifying the risk to threat index, and then identifying what aspects of those quantifiable risks are mitigable and/or preventable, and then engaging the resources that are necessary to do that (i.e, mitigate/take out the threat/targeted individual.) (quote # 30).. Its just a puppet in the Jews hands. McCoy, A.W., A Question of Torture:CIA Interrogation, From the Cold War to the War on Terror, Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt and Company. Rush ultimately got his way. . 15) They call brain chips and hive mind quantum entanglement. Scientology attracted some of the most intelligent, caring and able people in the world. Fund Franchise michael b rush excommunicated. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. 3) Fr. He refers to creating human-machine networks (Pentagon AI Hive Mind?) And who are we?. McNamara described contemplation as a long loving look at the real. Michael Rush Sales / Project Mgr. For a number of years, I made a concerted but ultimately unsuccessful effort to hold both Christian and Buddhist worldviews simultaneously, as Fr. And when nothing but Anarchy remains, the Jew will put himself at the head of ALL. alixpartners when it really matters does endorsi and bam get together why. That is, the technologies involved can be used to help and possibly enhance, and they can also be used to harm, maim, and kill people. (including) a) elimination of international boundaries, b) one world government, c) one world bank, d) one world currency, and e) a one world army. Behavior modify (mind control) those people as they pose the biggest threat to the slavemaster political agenda. Rush Eleven: Daniel 11 Michael B. And Bush-Cheney instructed the CIA to take the gloves off regarding torture. Thomas, M., 2010, 2007, Monarch: The New Phoenix Program, iUniverse, 202 pp. In fact, the deep history of Psi-Tech is a story of a much larger movement, one that thrives on the spread of religious programming, alien invasions and other forms of irrational belief. DHS), C. Kable, Jr., (FBI TSC Director), K. Wainstein (DHS Sec. As part of the Rio Earth Summit (1992), UN Agenda 21 operatives attempted to covertly sneak a Biodiversity Convention Treaty through the US Congress that would have excluded American citizens from half of the landmass of the coterminous United States (See Figure 2). by | Feb 13, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments. In summary, the following were the tactics employed by an obviously out-of-touch, out-of-excuses, out-and-out liar, Paul H. Dunn, in his unrepentant, rationliazing private letter to Claire Ferguson: 1. Oh and BTW, it appears that UFOs, aliens, and MKULTRA cults of the Mysterious Valley are all just military psyops and, for that matter, part of cognitive warfare against the domestic population. Biotech is in 'a Category 5 storm, the same as energy in 2020' why contrarians say the sector is a buy. I had just moved to live full-time in the small mountain town of Crestone/Baca, Colorado. WebMichael B. WebEligible michael b rush excommunicated you can submit them for consideration eligible ; you can submit them . $383,000 MULLICA TOWNSHIP As Rush said, at the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies, there are no degrees because the learning never stops. Michael B. Abramson is a practicing attorney. The principle speaker at the event was Michael Murphy, reportedly a friend of Fr. Now fast forward to about 2008. Dont get me wrong. Based on Crestone/Bacas alleged association with these MKULTRA cults in the above figures and in information presented throughout this series, do you think any or all of these activities occur in Crestone/Baca? 9 Sponsored by The Penny Hoarder What companies will send people money when theyre asked nicely? 6) The deliberate debasement of the standards of culture in the land of their sojourn. They are currently getting laws passed to jail anyone critical of them. Maurice Strong, the convener, said it was called the Fourth World because it was the fourth one of these environment congresses that Edmund de Rothschild had created. The CCR website states: Fortunately, scientists already work with a phenomenon that provides an entryway into the subjective domain. Summary. To find the best stocks for you, I use the skills Ive learned over the past two decades at Columbia Business School, Johns Hopkins University, the New York Times, and the Economist Group, among other major business publications. Michael B. accident on rt 15 dillsburg, pa today; leonardo de lozanne estatura; affects relatively small area in width and distance; i spit on your grave (2010) full movie 123movies The book the Lord said in the Doctrine and Covenants had some problems. I wonder how many of the foreigners in Crestone/Baca are registered foreign agents. According to Malech, the demodulated waveform would be used to produce a compensating signal which could be transmitted back to the brain. I have interviewed one of the childhood subjects of this subproject who is now in her fifties. Projects are funded by the Rockefeller Fund among other foundations. 911nwo.com _____, 1986, A Planned Deception: The Staging of the New Age Messiah, Pointe Pubs. They exist in corners of a society that ignores them. 15) For augmented reality simulations (DoDs Sentient World Simulation) Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. So we must ask: Which groups provide the greatest input into the selection of blacklisted individuals who are placed on the DHS-FBI Terrorist Screening Data Base? Of interest, the remote viewing studies of the 1960s and 1970s have a direct relation to both MKULTRA and current, ongoing experimentation The United States Government has and will continue to use the unwitting public as guinea pigs for this type of experimentation.. So it does not matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the worlds biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Answer . We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. And reputedly is an active site for observing both UFOs and spiritual manifestations.. The Riverside Press (Houghton Mifflin Co.). The synthesis, the head of the power, merges into the hands of the House of Rothschild. ", Catherine Weber Scott /Courtesy of John Dehlin, WATCH: 'Mormon Missionaries' Dominate Pickup Basketball Game, Mormon Church Excommunicates Advocate For Female Priests. So it helps you with your retreat. - Train, mentor and attend to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and safety of 500-600 full-time, volunteer, Gen Z/Millennial missionaries from throughout the Americas, serving in the . In 2017, I finally felt compelled to flee the pervasive hostility of and psychological attacks from the Crestone/Baca community and indeed, of America, and I relocated to Mexico. Well, the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center), both of which are Jewish lobby groups, among others. "I thought, wow, there's no going back once I do this, and to be honest, I've lived with the fear of excommunication and other types of things for 10 years. Methods for remote measurement of brain waves include electroencephalography (EEG) and EEG-feedback, remote neural monitoring (RNM), remote neural manipulation, transcranial neural modulation, brain-computer-interface (BCI), brain-machine interfaces, and a variety of other methods. If so, were any of them aware of this? I had been a friend of the Carmelites (aka The Spiritual Life Institute of America, SLIA) since 1968 when I was a student at Prescott College. 2) creating a base of operations for Manitou Foundation to help organize and sell the new paradigm (one-world-government, new world order, ecospirituality, religious syncretism, mother GAIA worship, green new deal, green energy, the global warming fraud, etc.) There they were subected to enhanced interrogation (torture) methods outlined in the CIAs KUBARK Interrogation (Torture) Manual (1963), based on torture methods developed in the CIAs MKULTRA programs. In this final Part XIII, I would like to consider this final hypothesis: Hypothesis 334: Operation Crestone/Baca, Colorado, involves the continuation of top-secret MKULTRA mind control experiments on our local residents, spiritual seekers, and retreatants within our local cults and spiritual communities. ), 14) Crestone is a vortex. 2) This technology can be used to transform anyone into a piece of surveillance equipment for operators, allowing the operators of the technology to see through the eyes and hear through the ears of targets/victims on their computer screens. Rubin Report Watch this interview at- https://youtu.be/52ML4SNr3gE The Rubin Report 1.86M subscribers 81,419 views Premiered Feb 12, 2023 FULL EPISODES OF THE RUBIN REPORT Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Dr. Robert Malone about the shortcuts taken in the clinical trials of the, Hannity. Anyone not submitting to slavemaster rule will be ruthlessly annihilated. Michael also answers to Michael B Rush, Michael Brando Rush and Michael Brandon Rush, and perhaps a couple of other names. The Jesse Kelly Show Stay In The Fight Feb 09 2023 We must understand the true depth of our battle in this country and that our only other choice is death. Clay Critter Dc, Agenda 21 was written by Maurice Strong. sent to and received from targeted individuals and groups via non-invasive neuroscience technologies (NeuroS/T) affords neuroscientists and WINS (warfare, intelligence, national security) operatives the opportunity to test and deploy cognitive warfare (CW) capabilities against unwitting American citizens. 666 (Anti-Racism in Public Health Act) & H.R. These include neurosensory immobilizing devices (high output sensory stimulators to evoke disorientation/discomfort), transcranial neuromodulating devices (neural network stimulators for use in in-close operations against individual actors/targets), and nano-neuroparticulates (neurovascular hemoraggic agents for in-close and population targeted uses). Your email address will not be published. Meditators, contemplatives, and retreatants tend to isolate themselves and hence, provide ideal guinea pigs for covert brain mapping via 24/7 remote neural monitoring, manipulation, and harvesting of brainwaves. Monitoring and manipulation of information, thoughts, emotional states, dreams, moods, etc. Michael B Rush, 64. I publish some of the insights of a TI (E.C.) Four Jan 6 Defendants Commit Suicide, The DC Gulag, Andrew Klavan, Heather McDonald. Ezra Taft Benson - Civic Standards for the Faithful Saints - start at min mark 11:30. I now have 2251 posts on my gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com website and these posts include the testimonies of hundreds of TIs. So, we seem to have come full circle. Rush is an attorney in Washington, DC. I visited him there in about 2010 shortly before he died. This Podcast is based off the book - A Remnant Shall Return written by Michael Rush. It is my belief that some of the attacks are secondary to directed energy attacks at specifically targeted peripheral nerves, muscles and organs and not strictly through the central nervous centers controlling them.
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