She has worked with Change it Up!, a skills-based program on bystander intervention and microaggressions, since its first year of implementation. Each To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. Affiliation (if any): Historical Society of Michigan, Program Title: Of Icebergs and Inquiries: Michiganders on the Titanic, Type of program (PowerPoint lecture, storytelling, demonstration, etc. She focuses on the implementation of human rights norms at the domestic level, principally in the United States and Latin America. She believes that for some survivors of sexual violence, these measures may offer the best chance of conflict resolution while allowing them to maintain their autonomy. In addition to various awards, her work has received wide recognition in national and international media. Kelly Anne Byrne, TXFM kellyannebyrne2 Kelly Ann Byrne presents The Beat Goes on Today FM every Saturday night, and has a nightly show on TXFM every weekday night from 10pm. Yet, the concept of truth remained central to our framework as a society. SOUTHEAST ALL STARS SELECTED FOR INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION, THE BRANDON CLAY DAILY SHOW: PODCAST ON APPLE AND SOUNDCLOUD. The South Eastern Reporter and South Eastern Reporter Second are United States regional case law reporters. She continues to work and live there with her remarkably patient husband, witty niece, and gentle pit bull. God has blessed him and his wife Susan with two wonderful children and five grandchildren. Join us as we learn more about our nations Fault Lines. Prior to his work with the Spectrum Center Will worked as an Adolescent HIV and AIDS Consultant and Grant Writer for a Detroit-based non-profit organization and served as a case manager working with youth in residential foster care. Kia is a research assistant for the project University Responses to Sexual Misconduct at the University of Michigan. Copyright 2023 Southeast All Stars - All Rights Reserved. Jonathan Wingo President Danielle Wadsworth Past-President Kim Reich President -Elect Gordon Fisher At-Large Member Mallory Marshall At-Large Member Sam Buckner At-Large Member Scott Lyons Rebecca Avellagraduated from the University of Michigan in 2018 with a BA in Womens Studies and Community Action and Social Change.
Kaaren also served as a Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Prevention and was a key member of the Title IX Lead Team at Carleton, which oversaw all efforts toward sexual violence prevention and campus response. the news broke of the death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Kaaren is also co-chair of Campus PRISM (Promoting Restorative Initiatives for Sexual Misconduct) and is a restorative justice facilitator trainer with the Skidmore Project on Restorative Justice. Barbara A. Niess-Mayis the Executive Director of SafeHouse Center, a supportive service and socialaction agency which provides help to over 5000 Washtenaw County, MI residents who areimpacted by domestic violence and sexual assault annually through its 50 bed emergency shelterand its counseling and advocacy programs. Pastors, Vicars, Deacons & Wives: Early Bird $100/person | Late Registration $150/person
Her legal practice has been wide-ranging, with a particular emphasis on employment law and student-related legal issues. She worked on the University Responses to Sexual Assault on Campus project for three semesters through different research cohorts. He is a graduate of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. WebString ByteTVRADIOPRESS 20th Century Crush. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link: She has been actively involved in a number of professional associations and is on the board of several major organizations. Shamitas published books are: The Demon Slayers and Other Stories: Bengali Folktales (1995), A Patchwork Shawl: Chronicles of South Asian Women in America (1998), Body Evidence: Intimate Violence Against South Asian Women in America (2007), Mothers for Sale: Women in Kolkatas Sex Trade(2009) and Globalization and Transnational Surrogacy in India: Outsourcing Life(2014). Engaging Men and Boys in Gender-based Violence Prevention and Interventions.
in Sociology and Computer Science from the University of Michigan. Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Natalie grew up in Sussex and started working for the BBC in 1996. Her research program focuses on studies of the intimate imagination and the expectations individuals develop for what they deserve to feel, experience, and avoid in their intimate lives. Nadia also holds a M.A. In addition to these activities, Barbara has also be en very involved in legislative work and has provided expert testimony in a variety of venues, including various levels of court and at the state and federal legislative level. On January 11, 1954, George Cowling of the Met Office became the first person to present a weather forecast on British television. Kaaren M. Williamsen, PhD, is Director of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center at the University of Michigan where provides direction and leadership to the Universitys sexual and intimate partner violence response, education and prevention efforts across campus. Jennifer Osetekis the Program Manager for Volunteer Training & Leadership Development at the University of Michigans Sexual Assault Prevention & Awareness Center (SAPAC). She also serves as anAdjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relationsand is a recipient of aRoddenberry Fellowshipfor herCOURAGE in Policing Project(COURAGE=Community Oriented and United Responses to Address Gender Violence and Equality). She is also working on a large, NSF-funded study of university responses to the changing legal environment around Title IX and campus sexual assault. St. Lorenz Lutheran Church Ms. Larances consulting work includes providing technical assistance and training for United States Air Force practitioners and Harmony Houses Nurturing Hearts Program implementation in Hong Kong, China. In addition, she occasionally serves as an expert witness in forensic venues, for example testifying on sexual harassment and assault to the U.S. In addition, she coordinated and trained the Sexual Misconduct Support Advisers and the Community Board on Sexual Assault which heard sexual misconduct cases. "Past, Present and Future: The National Reporter System Celebrates Historic Anniversary",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 5 March 2023, at 00:48. Lisa Nitschserves as Director of Training & Education at House of Ruth Maryland. She received her Ph.D. in Public Health from the University of California, Los Angeles, with additional training in social demography and sociology. She received her PhD in Psychology (2009), was a postdoctoral scholar in the Michigan Society of Fellows (2009-2012), and recently received the Mary Walsh Roth Teaching the Psychology of Women Award (APA Div 35) and the Michele Alexander Early Career Award for Scholarship and Service (SPSSI; APA Div 9). Rob Stephenson is Professor in the Department of Health Behavior and Biological Sciences in the School of Nursing at the University of Michigan, where he also directs The Center for Sexuality and Health Disparities. That rebellion challenges our comfortable and battle-tested approaches to ministry and mission. WebBy keeping the program as an INVITE-ONLY, 30-player maximum gathering of the region's premier college recruits, we can spend quality time building the social resume plus In addition to active engagement in the public policy matters of the Synod, Pastor Hinz also advocates for the advancement of intelligent design theory. Natalie grew up in Sussex and started working for the BBC in 1996. After five years as a local radio reporter in Crawley and Brighton, she moved into television and spent a year working with the team at South Today. She joined the team which launched BBC South East Today in 2001 as a reporter/presenter based in Brighton. As a Latina immigrant, she recognizes the importance of representation in the media and government as a vehicle to incite social change and progress. - May 4, 2022, Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism's Looming Catastrophe. In New York City she worked for the Center for Court Innovation as the Prostitution Diversion Coordinator (in the Bronx) where she assisted with developing the Human Trafficking Court Part.
These programs include online courses on alcohol and other drug use education and prevention and sexual assault prevention, as well as in-person workshops Relationship Remix and Change it Up! Nicole has also worked as a victim advocate and coordinated sexual violence prevention initiatives for college students. Prior to her current position, Pam worked as in-house legal counsel to public universities for fifteen years.
Clancys critical research on the culture of science has also received widespread attention. endobj
Besides teaching, he was the director of the Residential Field Education program, the Summer Vicarage program, and the Mission track. Pams particular areas of expertise include civil rights law and related investigations, DEI initiatives, and legal and compliance issues related to affirmative action. Hillary Baldwin Steller, LMSW graduated from the University of Michigan School of Social Work in 2010. What does this mean? Ms. Larance is the founder of two innovative community-based programs providing intervention, advocacy, and support for women who have used force in their relationships: Vista and RENEW.
She is an active member and former vice president of The Students National Medical Association and an active member of Medical Students for Choice at her campus. Deadline to register is March 31, 2022. Before that, she taught for 15 years in the UM Child Advocacy Law Clinic, served as the Dean of the University of New Mexico School of Law, and was Vice President and General Counsel of the University of Michigan. The conference will continue to reach all of the pastors, vicars, and emeriti with an annual opportunity to join together to prayerfully support one another and the Synod. In addition, she coordinated and trained the Sexual Misconduct Support Advisers and the Community Board on Sexual Assault which heard sexual misconduct cases. She attended the independent Bablake School in Coventry before she went on to study Geography at the University of Leeds, gaining her BA in 1990.
She uses functional magnetic resonance imaging to characterize neural-based sex differences underlying both risk for substance use and substance use itself. The news presenter is a regular face on our screens, but who is she? Compassion Ministry. Will is a 2007 graduate of the University of Michigan School of Social Work where he focused on Interpersonal Practice with Children, Youth and Families. NiCole T. Buchanan, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Michigan State University whose research focuses on the interplay of race, gender and victimization and how social identity dimensions, such as race, gender, sexual orientation and social class relate to well-being and professional development. She is passionate about re-imagining justice for sexual violence, transforming voting from a privilege to a right, and preventing the climate crisis from washing away the home she grew up in. May 3, 2022 She focuses on economic justice to increase self-actualization for marginalized communities. Practice: Intersectional Identities and the Challenge of Policy and Response. Day 2: Intersections of Law, Policy, and Practice, Student Experiences of Reporting Campus Sexual Assault Below you will find a list of presenters, their programs, and their contact information. The presentation will focus on three aspects of pastoral ministry: childrens ministrylaying a foundation of truth; youth ministryour identity in Christ; and new member classesuntangling the knots. She believes that the best medical practices take into account every aspect of the patients beingmaximizing the bodys capacity for self-regulation and self-healing. $30-$50 per hour for travel beyond a 50 mile radius of Ann Arbor, MI. Today, She is responsible for required and optional programming for incoming first-year students, including Community Matters programs, in collaboration with partners. Her work focuses on creating a welcoming, respectful and inclusive campus environment. Her work has recently been featured in Peggy Orensteins best-selling book, Girls & Sex, which relied on McClellands theory of intimate justice to develop research on young women and emerging sexual norms. Thank you to everyone who has supported me and helped make my dreams come true! She has also completed an independent research project examining religion as a possible variable for institutional compliance. WebOn 1 June BBC South East presenter Natalie Graham and producer Matthew Wheeler interviewed NPS Media Relations Officer Anthony Wills on BRIGHTON. Ms. Larances doctoral research focuses on the experiences of women who have had contact with court ordered anti-violence programming. He was the recipient of the 2010 Donald D. Gehring Award from the Association for Student Conduct Administration for his work on campus restorative justice. She lives in East Sussex with her family where she enjoys swimming in the sea and walking her dog in one of the most beautiful parts of the world. She is a graduate of Saint Marys College, Notre Dame, and the University of Detroit Law School. Brian is a co-author of the 2017 State of the Worlds Fathers and 2016 State of Americas Fathers reports, the lead author of The Man Box study on harmful effects of rigid masculine norms in the U.S., U.K., and Mexico, and a co-author of multiple reports using International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) data.
She has taught at Rutgers University and NYU Law School. Clancys main field sites are the Mogielica Human Ecology Study Site in rural Poland, where she has worked since 2002, and the Girls Adventures in Math, Engineering, and Science (GAMES) summer camp in Urbana, Illinois, a longitudinal research project in its fifth year. Michelle Pardee is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing. Nadia has lectured and consulted nationally for over 15 years on various topics including conflict, peacebuilding, reconciliation, and relationships. Professor Bagenstos frequently consults with civil rights organizations and remains an active appellate and U.S. Supreme Court litigator in civil rights and federalism cases. Current research projects include the influence of the multiple dynamic social contexts on young womens risk of unintended pregnancy, the correlates and consequences of intimate partner violence (IPV), the trajectories of sexual violence (SV) victimization and perpetration among adolescents in middle and high school, and the attitudes and behaviors related to SV perpetration among emerging adults. 4 0 obj
Dr. Jagsis medical research focuses on improving the quality of care received by breast cancer patients, both by advancing the ways in which breast cancer is treated with radiation and by advancing the understanding of patient decision-making, cost, and access to appropriate care. Trained as a Demographer and Epidemiologist, Robs work focuses broadly on sexual and reproductive health, with specific foci on HIV prevention for sexual and gender minorities and womens sexual and reproductive health needs in resource poor countries. Using accordion and concertina he shares the songs,stories, history and resources of the Great Lakes region. She is an expert in discrimination law. %
She regularly serves as facultyfor a broad array of professionals regarding issues of intervention andprevention of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault andstalking. Lisa Young Larance, MSW, LMSW is a practitioner-scholar whose curricula, publications, trainings, and practical work focus on meeting the needs of marginalized women and their families. It may adopt and submit overtures to the Convention of the Michigan District. Clancys research integrates life history, evolutionary medicine, and feminist biology to contest clinical definitions of normal in womens health. Professor Bettinger-Lpez recently completed a two-year term in the Obama Administration, where she served as theWhite House Advisor on Violence Against Women, a senior advisor to Vice President Joe Biden, and a member of the White House Council on Women and Girls.
Greg was featured on a segment of 60 Minutes Sports where correspondent, James Brown, profiled Michigans Secret Weapon and the impact Greg has on the student-athletes who seek him. Her most recent book, Nine to Five: How Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Continue to Define the American Workplace (Cambridge University Press 2016), is a lively and accessible introduction to the laws, policies, and practices that shape womens lives at work. Additionally, she volunteers as a Panhellenic Peer Educator for Sexual Violence Education and Empowerment. Dr. Ward served as a member of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls and currently serves on the editorial board of 5 scholarly journals. After receiving her Master of Social Work from the University of Michigan, she implemented organizational development and talent management work in the Office of the Vice President for Student Life prior to joining the First Year Experience team. Her roots run deep in her hometown of Baltimore and that depth is matched by her appreciation for the City. Registration Costs:
Dasgupta, Shamita Das is a co-founder of Manavi, an organization in the United States that focuses on violence against women in the South Asian community. At the White House, her responsibilities included co-chairing the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, chairing the U.S. Government Inter-Agency Working Group on Violence Against Women, co-coordinating the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative, and developing the cabinet-level North American Working Group on Violence Against Indigenous Women and Girls (whose inaugural meeting in October 2016 included the participation of all attorneys general and indigenous affairs cabinet members from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico). Dr. Peggy C. Giordano is Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus at Bowling Green State University. Natalie particularly enjoys the unpredictability of live broadcasting, political interviews and the wide range of inspiring people she's privileged to meet as part of her job. Her recent book, Caring for Our Own: Why There Is No Political Demand for New American Social Welfare Rights, examines one of the most rapidly growing sources of unmet social welfare needs in the United States: long-term care. Laying the Foundation and Framing the Discussion: Development, Trauma, Technology. 9am-10:15pm. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and the Department of Defense. Mr. Garvin has been a member of the Ann Arbor Domestic Violence Coordinating Board and the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Domestic Violence Advisory Council. in Philosophy with honors from Gustavus Adolphus College, an MS in Womens Studies from Minnesota State Mankato, and her M.A. BBC News employs a number of business and sports presenters to anchor sections of news programmes. Sport[edit] Presenter Regular shifts Notes Rob Bonnet Today Mike Bushell BBC Breakfast, BBC News ChannelReshmin Chowdhury BBC World News, BBC News Channel Russell Fuller BBC World Service, 5 Live Karthi Gnanasegaram Please contact them for more detailed information or to schedule a presentation. Each one of these presenters are doing extraordinary learning with technology in their teaching. Kia Schwert is a Bachelors of Arts student attending the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and holds an Associates in Science and Arts Degree from Northwestern Michigan Community College. Nicole has advocated in creating systems change and activism within Michigan State Universitys campus, Oakland County Police Stations and Courts, Detroit Police Department, 36th District Court, Third Circuit Court, Wayne County Prosecutors Office, and Frank Murphy Hall of Justice. 3:30pm-5pm. He led the negotiations of significant Olmstead settlements with the states of Delaware and Georgia, which guarantee appropriate, community-based services to thousands of people with disabilities. His family medicine residency training was at the University of California at Los Angeles (2007), where he served as an academic chief resident. L. Monique Ward is an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan, where she teaches courses on Developmental Psychology, and on Children, Adolescents, and the Media. She is one of the main presenters on BBC News. Greg Harden, M.S.W, is in his 23rd year with the University of Michigan Athletic Department, currently serving as Executive Associate Athletic Director Harden Student Athlete Health & Welfare. The emphasis of her scholarly and activist work has been on the ways that race/ethnicity and social position affect womens experience of violence and incarceration, focusing on the experiences of African American battered women and sexual assault survivors. Email us at She is the former Domestic Violence Intervention Services Coordinator at Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County and is currently a doctoral student at the University of Michigans joint doctoral program in Social Work and Sociology. Her interest in medicine began as a way to integrate her passion for science with her dedication to serving other people. 1030 W Tuscola As a Lansing resident, she continues to volunteer in her community with local agencies that advocate and support survivors as well as with the Refugee community. Recent analyses have documented similarities and differences in the ways in which young women and men navigate these formative relationships, and identified precursors and consequences of violence and other forms of conflict within dating relationships.
Recent research has included studies on the sexual health concerns of women diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer, studies on the effects of abstinence-only-until-marriage sex education on young adults with racial and sexual minority identities, and studies that guide psychologists to better account for the role of gender and racial stereotypes in self-reports of sexual health and well-being. In 2017 she completed her PhD in Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development at the University of Minnesota with a dissertation on the limitations of the student conduct response to sexual misconduct and the possibilities of restorative justice. Fabiana Diaz graduated from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor with a degree in International Studies. For centuries, the belief that there was truth was not questioned. Telephone: (734) 663-9634 (office) (313) 804-0981 (cell), Program:$450-$675Workshop:$450-$675Residency:$900-$1500.
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