Paul was confident the Galatians would resist the one leading them in the wrong direction. Indeed, there is no soul really above them. But before He sent the promised Seed, man's self-confidence needed the discipline of the intermediate thing, the law; and after infinite long-suffering on God's part, the people who undertook to obey it had to be swept out of the land for their disobedience. "Then after three years," he says, "I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter." And as, by specifying these works of the flesh and fruits of the Spirit, the apostle directs us both what we are to avoid and oppose and what we are to cherish and cultivate, so (Galatians 5:24; Galatians 5:24) he informs us that this is the sincere care and endeavour of all real Christians: And those that are Christ's, says he (those who are Christians indeed, not only in show and profession, but in sincerity and truth), have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. The result of this is, that neither God has His place, nor they. From the nature of the subject, as well as from the language employed, we may conjecture that the Galatians had disputes among themselves; for they differed about doctrine. . He does not condescend to reason about their place in the matter, but puts them at once in their due relationship. They had been idolaters before they became Christians; and to take up Jewish principles in addition to Christ is to turn back again to their cast-off idols. Abraham never. All sprang, no doubt, from the same God, from the same Lord Jesus Christ; but even so from God and from the Lord in other relationships. "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. And, you know, I mean, you're having now go to . It was partly directed to the hearts and consciences of the Jews, partly in view of the approaching rupture of all ties with Israel. All of the bases are covered. Later Sarah found Ishmael "mocking" (King James Version) Isaac--this Paul equates with persecution--and insisted that Hagar should be cast out, so that the child of the slave girl should not share the inheritance with her freeborn son. They are acting like animals, satisfying their own desires of the flesh, in order to get back at those who differ with them. The very reverse of their system is true. The law is of a wholly different nature, and hence was ordained of angels in the hand of a mediator. "They gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision." Beware of destroying one another. Suppose a man desires to become a naturalized subject of a country and carefully carries out all the rules and regulations of that country as they affect naturalization. Oligarchy means government by the few and can be justified by arguing that only the few are fit to govern. If we are living in the Spirit let us also keep step with the Spirit. There is nothing that requires more the power of grace; for even the truth itself, if severed from grace, ceases to be the truth. Now, if you're walking in love, supreme love for God and supreme love for your fellow man, then there is no law. He draws particular attention to this fact ere he closes: "You see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand." It is the quality, not so much of the jealous, but rather of the embittered mind. But there was no sense of union then. There is no law which condemns thing; like that. What is the difference? What Satan aims at is, that people should not count themselves what they are, and that they should be always slipping into what they are not. The apostle does not say, if grievous wolves should enter in among you and not spare the flock; but suggests if they themselves should act the part of wolves to one another; having reference to their controversies about the law and circumcision, and the necessity thereof to justification and salvation; which were managed with great heat and bitterness, occasioned great contentions, and threatened them with divisions, parties, and factions; and were attended with envy and malice, with reproachful words, biting sarcasms, scandalous invectives, and injurious actions, which must be of bad consequence: hence he adds. Had they been occupied with Christ, they would have really loved one another, and in other respects too fulfilled the law, without thinking about themselves or it. To depart from this was fatal. The forgiveness of your sins and your redemption is totally predicated upon the finished work of Jesus Christ upon the cross.These people were adding to it. What can you say to a guy? ", But, he adds, faith is come (that is, the testimony to be believed by man now, or the gospel). He had been called, as none could deny, in a way which not even any other apostle had ever known. They have not yet obtained a complete victory over it; they have still flesh as well as Spirit in them, and that has its affections and lusts, which continue to give them no little disturbance, but as it does not now reign in their mortal bodies, so as that they obey it in the lusts thereof (Romans 6:12), so they are seeking the utter ruin and destruction of it, and to put it to the same shameful and ignominious, though lingering death, which our Lord Jesus underwent for our sakes. And this leads him to speak of another trial. The flesh will not be ruling over you anymore. Hereon the apostle puts before them another expostulation: "I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain." At first he prayed the Lord to take it from him; but no! And this I say, that the covenant confirmed before by God unto Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, can not annul so that it should make the promise of none effect." The fleshly desires will not be dominating your life, but your life will be dominated by the Spirit, and thus, by God. This seems to have been the reason of their being twelve; and it is to me clear that our Lord establishes this as the true reference and key when He declares that, in the regeneration, the Son of Man shall sit upon the throne of his glory, and they shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. He's temperant. "Immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood.". The message of redemption through the cross was offensive. Bondage is there; and He is a deliverer, but it is to God's glory, and for His own service in the liberty of grace. Romans chapter six, "Know ye that the old man was crucified with Christ? But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?" is this all? And devour one another - As wild beasts do. If the law, introduced afterwards, were allowed to exercise control, the effect would be to set aside the promise. Indeed, we may say that now he thunders on the Galatians that were dragging in the law. And it is in the realm of the spirit where man meets God. In Paul's case the Holy Ghost could go a step farther, and that step He seems to me to take. But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?" Because you'll never come to their beliefs just by reading the Bible. Agathosune ( G19) might, and could, rebuke and discipline; chrestotes ( G5544) can only help. It is past dispute that the things he here speaks of are the works of the flesh, or the product of corrupt and depraved nature; most of them are condemned by the light of nature itself, and all of them by the light of scripture. The apostle had heard enough of circumcision: it was repulsive to him henceforth. That is to say, Ishmael was born of the ordinary human impulses of the flesh; Isaac was born because of God's promise; and Sarah was a free woman, while Hagar was a slave girl. Self-seeking; this word has a very illuminating history. "Ye which are spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." 26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. Christian baptism, contrariwise, supposes man dead; and the only death that can deliver man out of his own death is the death of Christ. It is to be noted that the summit of all meanings was the allegorical meaning. This is what is found under it. The writer of First Maccabees ( 1Ma_8:4 ) says that it was by makrothumia ( G3115) that the Romans became masters of the world, and by that he means the Roman persistence which would never make peace with an enemy even in defeat, a kind of conquering patience. (a) It means being submissive to the will of God ( Matthew 5:5; Matthew 11:29; Matthew 21:5). Then he takes up Abraham; for this is always the stock argument of those who would bring in circumcision and the law, Abraham being emphatically the friend of God and the father of the faithful. Paul reminded Christians: WebThose in Christ must stand firm against anyone who would try to drag them into slavery under the law (Galatians 5:1). It is the liberty not to do those things which the flesh once forced me to do. But this was not all. But if you bite -- By an improper use of the tongue. Paul now warns them about a consequence of this. That is not what Christian liberty is about. Thus, as he says most emphatically, "I do not frustrate the grace of God;" they did, every one who substituted aught but Christ and His cross. But when one is miserable, does not every duty, even where it may be as light as a feather, feel as if it were an iron chain on you? You know, you can look down and see the Channel Islands. Am I going to yield to my flesh, or am I going to yield to the Spirit? What then is the end of the law? The organic life of the body will be destroyed by its own members. He tells them that as many as take the ground of law works are under the curse already. It describes what in regency England would have been called a rout. The sad and dangerous tendency of a contrary behaviour (Galatians 5:15; Galatians 5:15): But, says he, if instead of serving one another in love, and therein fulfilling the law of God, you bite and devour one another, take heed that you be not consumed one of another. Paul had written in the earlier part, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me" ( Galatians 2:20 ). If ye bite and devour one another These Churches seem to have been in a state of great distraction; there were continual altercations among them. The promise has another and most blessed place. If I am a man, I am responsible as such; being fallen and sinful, this will end in judgment. His theology always ran one danger. Now, the law always brings fallen man into importance: such it must be in its principle. And this comes up every day in many situations, and I have actually the choice in this situation. It was a very unusual circumstance. One of the encouragements, as we know, which God furnished to Abraham was, that he should have a seed like the sand of the sea, and like the stars of the sky. Thus the apostle had to link together the gospel of grace with his own apostolic dignity; and we do well to take heed to this remarkable fact. They're trying to cause you to be circumcised, I wish they were castrated." The works of the flesh. Thus all things fall into their place, and the Spirit connects us in heart with that which God is doing and will do for the glory of Christ. Nor had he conferred even then with flesh and blood; his mission as well as conversion and call were alike independent of it. The law in itself never produces such a result. Soon all will believe in Christ, and all Israel be saved. I need money to get home. How could it be otherwise with one persecuting at the moment that he was arrested, in hot deadly opposition to God's church up to his most unexpected call from heaven? There was no such thing as a gradual training. One of these covenants--the one which originated on Mount Sinai--bears children who are destined for slavery--and that one is represented by Hagar. And so, I have to reckon the old man to be dead each day, and oftentimes, many times through the day.The flesh is lusting against the Spirit. Christ never mingles with flesh or law any more than with the world. It went on to mean canvassing for political or public office, and it describes the man who wants office, not from any motives of service. You have fallen from grace. Galatians 1:1-24. Thus all had been duly prepared of God, with a far-reaching wisdom, to make the call of Paul an evidently and entirely separate thing, to make his apostleship as distinct in fact as in form; to give him fresh communications, even as to the Lord's supper, and to convey anew the very gospel that he preached as the revelation of the Son in him. For the world there is nothing yet executed, any more than the great results of grace for the saints as yet appear in their fulness. WebThe sad and dangerous tendency of a contrary behaviour (Galatians 5:15; Galatians 5:15): But, says he, if instead of serving one another in love, and therein fulfilling the law of God, you bite and devour one another, take heed that you be not consumed one of another. The most illuminating thing about it is that it is commonly used in the New Testament of the attitude of God towards men ( Romans 2:4; Romans 9:22; 1 Timothy 1:16; 1 Peter 3:20). and how do they affect each other? They knew very well that he had nothing to do with the law or its ordinances. 14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. The Galatians did not think of this; people that are thus blinded by the enemy never do. And now the apostle enters on another part of his subject. What were they doing? There is a warfare that goes on in the life of the believer. Beware of destroying one another. It isn't a liberty to live after my flesh. how lamentable the extraordinary number of those, of whom the one cuts off the life of the other. "I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you in the grace of Christ unto another gospel: which is not another. Can anything prove that it is not an old creation better than this that there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor female, which last at least is an absolute necessity for the perpetuation of the race? This, then, is not what the apostle Paul has in view, but in contrast with it. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. When we get to the root meaning of these words, we see that life has not changed so very much. but he that troubleth you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be. Aristocracy means government by the best, but best is left to be defined. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. He had before been exhorting these Christians by love to serve one another (Galatians 5:13; Galatians 5:13), and had put them in mind of what would be the consequence if, instead of that, they did bite and devour one another,Galatians 5:15; Galatians 5:15. "I certify you, brethren," says he, "that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. Only we must carefully bear this in mind, that in the epistle to the Galatians we never rise exactly to church ground. Now, it is evident and to this I call your particular attention that the apostle here binds together his gospel with his apostolic place. For what has a risen man to do with Israel more than the nations? In Greek there are four words for love. The idea is that of a man who is so far gone in desire that he has ceased to care what people say or think. For these two women stand for two covenants. And this directly follows his censure of their observance of times and seasons. No person can intelligently read the New Testament without perceiving the utter fallacy of such a system; for Peter was expressly, as the next chapter of this epistle tells us, apostle of the circumcision. A komos was a band of friends who accompanied a victor of the games after his victory. First, we must guard it, especially from those who would pressure us to follow the law. You see, you don't need any laws. at least as zealous for the Jews' religion as any Jew of the straitest sect. The human flesh is weak. The apostle does not say, if grievous wolves should enter in among you and not spare the flock; but suggests if they themselves should act the part of wolves to one another; having reference to their controversies about the law and circumcision, and the necessity thereof to justification and salvation; which were managed with great heat and bitterness, occasioned great contentions, and threatened them with divisions, parties, and factions; and were attended with envy and malice, with reproachful words, biting sarcasms, scandalous invectives, and injurious actions, which must be of bad consequence: hence he adds. The apostle states it with perfect calmness, and without comparing others. "Have you been reading this book?" He begins with the works of the flesh, which, as they are many, so they are manifest. Let us never confound the two. There is no comparison of countless seed; there is not an allusion to the sand of the sea, or to the stars of the sky. I get an attitude that is not of the Lord. So here it is said that God was pleased to reveal His Son in him, that he might preach the good news of Him among the heathen.
He went simply to make the acquaintance of Peter, and abode with him how long?
It was really part of God's wondrous ways with him, as indicating the true character of Christianity and of its ministry as contrasted with Judaism. Thank God Jesus Christ has set me free from my bondage to my flesh. It's amazing, isn't it, what difference being born of the Spirit really makes. Observe the place the cross has here, not merely Christ's blood, but His death on the cross. As in their baptism they were obliged hereunto (for, being baptized into Christ, they were baptized into his death, Romans 6:3), so they are now sincerely employing themselves herein, and, in conformity to their Lord and head, are endeavouring to die unto sin, as he had died for it. The inheritance, therefore, depends on the grace of God fulfilling His promise, not on man's accomplishment of the law, even if possible. It is the spirit which has mastered its desires and its love of pleasure. He wants to get rid of the first Adam and all its appliances, not to keep it on; and therefore he puts on Christ. For devour, comp. You weren't persuaded to be circumcised because God was speaking to your heart and convicting you of this. How distressing, how mad is it, that we, who are members of the same body, should be leagued together, of our own accord, for mutual destruction! It is the obligation to God. It can mean the beneficent use of drugs by a doctor; but it can also mean poisoning, and it came to be very specially connected with the use of drugs for sorcery, of which the ancient world was full. In short, the man who, occupied with Christ above, enters for that very reason most into the blessedness of the body of Christ here below by the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, is the very one that will know in fit season what it is not to confer with flesh and blood. God reserves to Himself this great blessedness in the gospel; whereas under the law there was nothing of the kind. The word Paul uses for goodness (agathosune, G19) is a peculiarly Bible word and does not occur in secular Greek ( Romans 15:14; Ephesians 5:9; 2 Thessalonians 1:11). He said, "What do you mean? Accordingly the duty here recommended to us is that we set ourselves to act under the guidance and influence of the blessed Spirit, and agreeably to the motions and tendency of the new nature in us; and, if this be our care in the ordinary course and tenour of our lives, we may depend upon it that, though we may not be freed from the stirrings and oppositions of our corrupt nature, we shall be kept from fulfilling it in the lusts thereof; so that though it remain in us, yet it shall not obtain a dominion over us. WebThe surrendered believer who is walking in spirit and truth, is yielded to the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit Who works through our new life in Christ, and over time we discover an inner discipline at work. Flesh alas! He who bites has exhausted his angry passion, but he who devours has given a demonstration of extreme cruelty. Chrysostom. One of them fell from his place, but the vacancy was filled up directly. Naughty Paul. Let others talk as they will of the law, no law can censure the real fruits of the Holy Ghost, or those in whom they are found. Bring in one part of law, and you fall under the authority of the whole. To deny yourself for Christ means to renounce yourself as the center of existence and to recognize Jesus Christ as your new and true center. . From the beginning Hagar had been inclined to triumph over Sarah, because barrenness was a sore shame to a woman; there was an atmosphere charged with trouble. It is the power of that love, and not the constraint of law, that will keep us right; for love is always more powerful than law. Thus He lived and moved here below. Suddenly, I have been born of the Spirit; things suddenly are illuminated. WebThe sad and dangerous tendency of a contrary behaviour (Galatians 5:15; Galatians 5:15): But, says he, if instead of serving one another in love, and therein fulfilling the law of God, you bite and devour one another, take heed that you be not consumed one of another. Concerning these things, or those in whom these fruits of the Spirit are found, the apostle says, There is no law against them, to condemn and punish them. That's all the law is saying to you. With the utmost simplicity he shows that his own separation from man was a part of God's ways for the purpose of making more strikingly felt the great truth that he was afterwards to proclaim. But this was only provisional and parenthetic. That it is our duty and interest in this struggle to side with the better part, to side with our convictions against our corruptions and with our graces against our lusts. Not so. Here one may be very brief: "The heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; but is under tutors and governors, until the time appointed of the father. Paul said to the Galatians; You reached the point in your life where you realized you cannot make yourself righteous - that you cannot accomplish your own salvation through religious rituals and any type of good works that you do. And we can all see how exactly the phrase falls in with the words of our Lord given in the Acts of the Apostles; for the wonderful truth burst upon the apostle's ear from the beginning, in the Saviour's call to him from heaven.
What ground is there for boasting in this? Afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia, and was unknown by face unto the churches of Judea which were in Christ."
It means unrestrained revelry. "Love suffereth long and is kind." Once the spirit has come alive, now there comes this striving for the mastery of me. For kindness the word is chrestotes ( G5544) . Here I've got this new twist on the scripture. The very utmost that could be said was, that God had been pleased to reveal His Son to Peter and the others. It is . The word faith here is trusting. New Living Translation But if you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! You got to be circumcised." "Nevertheless" astonishing to say, for it could not be natural life "nevertheless, I live." II. Such was the case with the Old Testament believers, and many Jewish believers then alive. This passage, however, indicates they are having disputes. So, joy is love's consciousness. How apt the illustration for exposing the judaizers! A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump ( Galatians 5:9 ). But, further, he refers in a very affecting manner to some personal circumstances how in his own body he was a witness of having nothing to do with flesh; for what God had been pleased to put upon him as serving Him in the gospel was not great power of nature, but that which made him contemptible in his preaching. WebGalatians 5:15 - Arthur Peake's Commentary on the Bible First safeguard. (b) Philia ( G5373) is the warm love which we feel for our nearest and our dearest; it is a thing of the heart. And so in the fullness of time, God sent His Son to die for man's sin, in order that through Him man might be born again by the Spirit of God. And, as this would be the best means of preserving them from fulfilling the lusts of the flesh, so it would be a good evidence that they were Christians indeed; for, says the apostle (Galatians 5:18; Galatians 5:18), If you be led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 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