boyfriend didn't invite me to his party

(hahaha sorry, I know I sound like a hag, but my bitterness mayyy be due to this one guy I know who ALWAYS wants to drag a group of 20 or so people somewhere 5 hours away, for an entire weekend, just because its his birthday. How do I talk to my boyfriend about this in the morning (he will most likely come home very late after I go to bed, pretty sure they're going clubbing even though he said he wouldn't). Sounds like you could use some good counseling. This party was a going away party for one of his friends, and some of our mutual friends were present (so it's not like I would be a complete stranger there). Oh you. Well crazy enmeshed and un-trusting (is that a word?). How comfortable is your boyfriend in social situations in general? female Although, like you said unless it was made blatantly clear that the LW was not invited I would probably have assumed that being his wife I was expected to show up (I guess Im not used to formal invites to birthday partiesusually my friends do evites or emails and one of just says plus 1). I think it depends on the relationship though too. be the bigger person. Id be pissed! I mean, I could certainly see myself reaching out to just my brother to tell him about a party and ASSUMING OF COURSE his wife would come. Now I usually dont have a problem with this, Im very aware we shouldnt spend our every moment together, and some things are left to be individual, like hanging out with friends off course, we dont need to share everything. Confrontation is never fun, but the LW needs to get to the bottom of this situation for her own personal integrity, and because the situation will escalate in the future. I'd rather enjoy my free time rather than put the work in and feel resentful of your good time. January 15, 2013, 10:46 am. There is no logical reason she couldn't go. And dont forget that everything they know about you probably comes from him, too. I have a wonderful husband, but I do not get along with his family. Now that I know that the LW has not committed an offense that calls for being disinvited, I feel very sorry for her because she has a major problem with her husband. Loud music? It might also be that you've just gone through a breakup, and the person throwing the party was closer to your ex than you, and decided not to invite you to avoid drama. 6. lets_be_honest Yes, the LW should act like an adult, of course. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. GatorGirl Some people like to get together with their families to celebrate special occasions. Hey LW, just wanted to say that a) Im excited that you updated because we were all curious! So the i do except some times i dont would most assuredly clearly signify a question of your commitment your love and your agenda because when you are married you have an unspoken vow that NO ONE SHOULD EVEN HAVE TIME TO ASK ARE YOU GOING that vow isI love you through thick or thinI love you and promise to protect you to walk hand in hand through lifes ups and downsyou didnt promise to go promised to love and honorso by attendingby not bringing everyone together to find a solution like grown ups by ignoring the BLATENT and very public humiliation of being the family member the other half of your husband the uninvited family member is a passive aggressive public humiliation and your attendance is a clear choice to side with hurting you. If something like this was going on with my husbands family, it would be the first thing out of my mouth, and he would be on the phone. It wasnt an invitation in the mail. I think like Wendy said things need to be smoothed over between the two of them, but after the party. I would take some quality me time and enjoy having the tv remote to myself, clean out some closets one day. I dont feel so bad for the husband. This shouldnt undermine the entire integrity of you marriage. Ok, Im a little bitter about the hair loss. Same with friends. My (30m) boyfriend has never invited me (24f) to hang out with his friends even though their girlfriends always come along. January 15, 2013, 9:31 am. Hubby needs to stand by her. i just remember being so puzzled as to why she was so upset about it, JK OR CATS FIND THAT LETTER AND ITS UPDATE!! You know those people you ask them what they would like to do for their birthday and they are silent then they pout and mope when a big party wasnt thrown. Some of them he even hid from me and still does not know that I know. He doesnt need to stay home with you for him to know you guys are a unit. Further, your capitulation to the status quo may be a trait you use often in lifewhich will keep you stuck. be like, hey, sister! Theres also the chance that hes just being shady as the behavior is not normal and I would expect him to insist on taking you.This could be a red flag of him not being the one for you. Really? Theres not a lot you can do about it, but I love the suggestion of a phone call after; once your husband gets back from the party. Sure, I give my opinion, and sometimes he decides to go along with what Im thinking, but ultimately, I let him deal with his peeps and I deal with mine. At the end of the day, you shouldn't have to force him to invite you. Have you ever asked him if you could tag along? I wasnt going to make a big deal out of my birthday this year because 31 is such a dumb number, and then I realized that its the 10th anniversary of my 21st birthday, so I invited a bunch of friends to come out and drink with me. January 15, 2013, 5:12 pm. My face probably doesn't go along with the dead bird You should ask him instead of keep this feeling with you. He has had bbq's, games nights, birthday parties, and just regular parties there. Every time I bring up the subject or ask about why, he deflects the questions and says his family is always busy. If so, then your response should have been "Well, if you don't mind I'd like to go." thats a little controlling, no? This is completely cultural. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. I agree. He should say no, even if the SIL has a totally valid reason for not inviting his wife. She didnt even say Im not sure why his sister would do this she said its gone unaddressed which makes me think she knows EXACTLY why the SIL excluded her, and that its probably for a good reason. I am also a person that has a roller coaster relationship with my inlaws. If none of that happened and you are usually a happy sport for parties, then I'd be having a conversation with him the next day about why he didn't want you to go, since he knows you like to go to parties. Same here. Here's 22 signs he absolutely, under no circumstances, wants to be your boyfriend. It's helpful to start by thinking about why it might be that you weren't invited. Which is cute and polite, no? Its interesting (and telling?) It's unfair to put it entirely on her, especially in a ltr where he seems aware of her basic needs w/r/t her anxiety, etc. Wendy, have you ever replied to a letter asking for more info before you can give advice? Rita Jones My boyfriend was invited to the bachelor party which is the same weekend in the same place as theirs and there supposedly gonna meet up with the girls at some point and all go out which is cool I want him to have fun. Like I am a weak girlfriend. January 15, 2013, 2:15 pm. However, Im a people pleaser. 10 blunt-but-loving ways to tell people they're not invited to your wedding While there's no way to make everyone happy, I do believe that there are a few key phrases you can use to let uninvited guests to that you love them, you SO appreciate their interest, but no: they're still not invited. Amybelle I think it would help to know why the LW wasnt invited. If you are innocent of wrong doing then it would seem your SIL is crazy and your husband totally fine with it. Uh huh. January 15, 2013, 11:14 am, LBH, I completely agree. seriously, why would you even want to go if they are just a bunch of terrible people who hate you for no reason and would go to such lengths to let you know how they feel? Maybe the answer would have been "no". 2. Im not saying dont celebrate but Boston to Chicago, really? If he cannot do that then were doomed! If you are calm enough to take the high road, usually you are clear enough to set boundaries.and if her hubby is just being rude and hopping on the bandwagon (if that is whats going on) then it will be clear to her. I would have loved to go with you as your wife.. The protocols and practices of dating and the terms . Do you really want to go to the party or do you just want your husband to stay home? If no obvious reasons come to mind, you may just have to come to the realization that you were left out, for any number of reasons, all of which may be personal. IF it were just an oversight, then she could say Oh, I thought because I am MARRIED to John that I was invited too!!!!! God damnit, now I have some work to do. Hes avoided seeing you by using some sort of elaborate excuse that involves FIFA. And secondly I would ask them if this was one of those issues that was worth it. For example, the husbands family may dislike her because she is of a different race, religion or culture. They were acting childish in my opinion. I am writing to you in the throes of what I would consider to be a very upsetting fight with my boyfriend. I feel like I got the 1-2 punch: no invite for me and hubby knows this is wrong and rude but goes anyway. What annoys me the MOST is when people WANT to celebrate their birthdays but expect everyone else to initiate the party. I guarantee its because Im not married, but Im very close to my brother and sister, and because theyve been with me their entire lives not a lot can get in the way of that relationship, and I certainly wouldnt want my husband trying to get in the way. Kate B. nope. I have been married for 33 yrs and now that my husband has stopped talking to his family (which was 100% his idea after my BIL got in my face at a wedding) we have gotten so much closer. Especially for an adults birthday party. My advice would be for LW to calmly confront SIL and be prepared to perhaps not like what she hearsMaybe jot some notes down, and call her up. This means hes not just avoiding a certain person or an awkward situation, hes trying to keep you and this part of his life a secret for some reason. Its a possible explanation for sure, but its shitty nonetheless. male Im sure you can be on your best behavior, at least for the first few times you meet his family. Because she is evil and controlling? Or is that just me? reader, Honeypie+, writes (4 May 2014): A He's afraid you'd be jealous because he has a semi flirtatious relationship with a female collegue 3. This is really really important, OP!! In the span of two years I have seen his family two times, two hours total. Sue Jones You create more drama and stress for the family and most of all the brother/husband with this move. Because when I think about all the possible background stories here, my advice ranges from divorce your husband, you deserve better to divorce your husband, he deserves better and lots of things inbetween. no birthday wishes for fabelle either, amiright? Ive been married almost nine years, which is a drop in the bucket compared to some marriages, but certainly longer than half a second. We have a great marriage but it hasnt been a bed of roses, and I have the hair loss to prove it. Fab, I cant believe Im hearing this. GatorGirl Feeling left out is never an easy thing to deal with, so if you weren't invited somewhere, follow these five steps and you're guaranteed to feel better about whatever situation is bothering you. (cats has be becoming a good DW-sleuth recently as well haha), jlyfsh A phone call specifying you werent invited? We are together for maybe 4-5 months, so youre right on that one, and as for his friends, I would understand that as well, I dont think its a secret that people dont always get along and love everyone, I would still prefer that which ever is the case, he would actually tell me.. Will talk about it, guess theres no choice, thank you! Its not going to come across well if the LW calls the sister up and asks for an explination. Im not advocating for ending the relationship with the SIL over this snub. What is so wrong with wanting to have fun though, because that to me is all a birthday party is. I would like to know more, like why her husband hasnt inquired about her exclusion. LW, I think you should either flat out ask your husband what the f is going on or call your SIL and ask her what the f is going on. Itd be nice if he helped (MAYBE HE HAS, WE DONT KNOW), but is it really his job to work out issues between two grown adults?! Dianne MacKay reader, Xearo+, writes (4 May 2014): A A genuine man who's ready to fall in love is going to be excited to let you into his circles. Image credits Photo by Ins Castellano on Unsplash. If you ask to go out with him and you get a lot of pushback now, he's probably already cheating on you physically or emotionally. (Gee, I wonder why) And that speaks volumes in my book Look, its bad enough. Instead, you might try taking the high road and say something along the lines of, Im so hurt that your sister didnt invite me. Even if I couldnt stand him and thought he was the worst person in the world, I would invite him to make my family happy. This is a short letter and how slighted you feel by the sister depends on the context of the snub did you guys have a fight? Boyfriend and I have been together for almost three years now, and overall we have a wonderful relationship. January 15, 2013, 11:26 am. The two times I have had this type of thing happen, it was personality driven. On the face of it your sister in law seems unbelievably rude but its like you started telling the story half way through. I would never, and I do mean never, accept a family invitation sent only to me and not my husband, simply because we are a unit and the strength of our relationship is the foundation of my life; at the end of the day, I come home to my husband, not my extended family. Her husband has already decided to go over her objections. Im independent as hell, go on ~one vacation and many business trips alone every year, and this would make me super irritated. Aside from that I think you need to have a real talk with him. Theyre just bitter, unhappy, horrible people. If it was every now and again, or planned nights out with a mix of friends every other Friday that he likes being alone at or whatever, sure. Talk to him and tell him that if he never wants to hang out with you outside, even in big groups where theres really no excuse (you could even sit at the farther side and just chat with people), then why are you even together/living together? You see, skanky sis reminds him of his nasty, manipulative mother who, upon death, achieved sainthood. I can no longer trust you. If they dont it really is just an issue with this SIL and in that case it is worth it? Get a new boyfriend. What boyfriend doesn't invite his girlfriend to his birthday party? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 7 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Isnt Inviting You to Family Events. I dont care what the LW did, her husband married her and brought her into his family and it is inexcusably rude for the SIL to not invite her to this party and for her husband to incur travel costs, etc. My situation is sort of similar to yours, but not as drastic. nope. She is a professor emerita, has written 15 books, and her latest is Dont Bet on the Prince!Second Edition. Better to nip this in the bud. January 16, 2013, 4:03 pm. I hope the information in this article helps you narrow down what this may be. Thats just how we roll. I find this to be inexcusably rude and would not want my husband to attend if I was in your shoes, LW. In my defense, it was a surprise party. FireStar i dont think so. !, ebstarr Then if he still goes without you you got some serious thinking to do.But when you are doing that serious thinking do it at a very expensive spa weekend. He could even be a vampire for all you know. And from the pointed, clipped vagueness of the letter here, it is quite obvious (to me) that the LW knows damn well WHY she was excluded but has deliberately chosen NOT to tell us. 10 Innocent Reasons You're Not Invited to the Wedding Money. A good counselor would not just shrug and say, Yeah, they sound crazy, youre doing everything right. A good counselor would work on how you can change your response and reaction to these problem inlaws to preserve your sanity and honor your boundaries. Sorry, but this letter gives me n-o-t-h-i-n-g. All I can do is make assumptions. So did you not say anything when he said "I didn't think you wanted to come"? Ask him to be open and honest with you. January 15, 2013, 3:24 pm, Cause thats who I am, a bitter stay at home wife of 4 with many many many outside distractions that (if Im not careful) could wreck havoc on my precious delicate marriage. Whether you can kind of understand why, or whether you're completely caught off guard, here are a few steps to take to deal with the frustration of not being invited. theattack It is okay to say "I'd really like to go. January 15, 2013, 10:33 am. Was it a formal invitation through the mail addressed only to your husband? If hes not made your relationship public on social media and youve never met a single member of his family, you have a bigger issue than just not attending events. (Tips & Things to Know! July 5, 2012 4:38 AM Subscribe. January 15, 2013, 10:22 am. Skyblossom If thats the case, where SIL refuses to invite new family members, SIL is a crappy person. I love him more than I could ever explain, and I believe that he loves me dearly as well. She should just MOA! Not to excuse his behaviour, but I can understand why he didn't invite you. oh i dont know! If she was the affair that broke up her husbands previous marriage (which we dont know if there was one) and he has kids from that marriage who will be at the party then I can see his family refusing to invite her. the husbands family hated his mom for whatever reason, and so she just stopped going to FL when they went to visit. Im torn on this letter. But I wonder what would happen if LW just showed up for the dinner in Chicago if she really didnt do anything to warrant the exclusion? I think she should call the sister-in-law directly and try to find out whether there is a problem. He is the person you really have a problem with. Which indicates more and more that there is something more at play between the LW and his family, that she knows or thinks she wasnt invited. And dont forget that everything they know about you probably comes from,. If thats the case, where SIL refuses to invite you times, two total! Mom for whatever reason, and so she just stopped going to FL they! Try to find out whether there is a crappy person SIL over this snub her objections,,... Behavior, at least for the first few times you meet his family where SIL refuses to invite you LW... Parties there using some sort of similar to yours, but this letter gives me all! 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