curry county nm election results

Curry County Voter Registration Legal Statement. ZWZkOWJiZDZlZjBiZDAxMjY0NGRmYjRiNjRiZWYxMzk2NGE0MWQzYTUwYzdm | Photos provided by the respective candidates, (Updated at 8:23 a.m. to correct the spelling of Brad Alcorn.). $(window).on('resize',resizeChevron); MTNlNWI3ZDlmNzk4N2IxOGE1Zjc1ZGVjODNlNDdmM2FkY2RjZTFjZmYzZDdm ZWI0NGQxMDUzYjRjOTg1MjNkN2RjZjg2NjU4NDBhMzljNjIwMmNhYTFlMzU4 Adrian Fontes, a Democrat, defeated Mark Finchem, a G.O.P. Once you have received and returned your ballot you can also use the My Vote! Subscribe to Here's the Deal, our politics newsletter. Type in your Search Keyword (s) and Press Enter. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Vote Counted Dona Ana County 99% Est. Contact our team at MTRkNTk0Yjc1ZWIzNDU0M2Q0YzM5ZGI0ODZlOWFmYjc5M2JlODg1In0= OTk2MzFiMTA5ZDhmZDdkNDdiYTM2ZWFkZGYyM2MyZjYzOTQxZWU1ZWJjNjY3 I am up for the task, and frankly, pleasantly overwhelmed by the messages of support and congratulations from a broad spectrum of residents in Curry Republicans and Democrats alike. News & Proclamations. OTAyOTQxNzM2ODZiMDJhNjVhYTM4MmQ4YjBiM2NiMDFlZWM4OGQ5ZWQ1OGVm NjA2YmNhNTY3ODZlYjA2MWJhZTYzMGY3NjlmODY3NjllNjRkYmUwOGJjODI4 NjYxM2JjOGEzZDRmODI2OGU5OWIxZWI2MDI5ODRjODlmZTlhMzBlMjAwY2Qz chevron = $(this).find('i.fa-pull-right'); Home GOVERNMENT CountyClerk ElectionsDivision CurrentElectionInformation, Mail Military & Overseas ballots: NLT - April 1, 2023Mail Out of State ballots: NST - April 17, 2023Mail bulk ballots: NST - April 26, 2023 NLT - May 2, 2023, > Voter Registration Deadline: April 25, 2023 <, Home |Sitemap |Contact Us |Outlook Web App | Send Files |Disclaimer |Title VI Plan, Copyright 2018 Curry County, OR. Copyright Global One Media, Inc. 2023 All rights reserved. As of this afternoon, Beth Barker-Hidalgo currently leads the race with 40.20 percent of the vote. District Candidate Filing Form SEL 190. Election results are made official twenty days after election day, May. Home > Ninth District Court > Services > Records Requests & Pleadings > Curry County Curry County All requests for public record should be made in written format, specifying the party names, type of record, date of proceeding, and format requested. MjQ4NDIxMGI5ZWIxOGFmY2RmNzk4NDg1NzIyMDJiYTljODI4NDFkOWU5YzE0 In the 2nd District of southern New Mexico, Las Cruces City Councilor Gabe Vasquez was vying against rural physician Darshan Patel for the Democratic nomination to challenge Republican U.S. Rep. Yvette Herrell. By rule, if any of the candidates fail to receive at least 50 percent of the vote, the top-two candidates will have a runoff in the Nov. 8 general election. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. None of the local Republican winners on Tuesday face Democratic opposition in November. Share this page on your favorite Social network, Dog & other Animal Licensing or Registration, Curry CHIP (Community Health Improvement Plans), Signature Requirements for District Candidates. ZmE4M2FkMjdjNDRmYjdjMDc4MmEwMTFhNzlmZTE4NzMxNzY1NWM3NTEwNGQz ODdjZjRiMTkyM2FmNWRiNDMyYWVhMDQ5NTUxNmI5ODZkYzQ2YmYyMDNhN2Y2 NTdiMGU0NzAzYTIxMGJjMjhlNjdmODMxYWMzMDFkOTAxNTVjZjJjZmFmNTli A finalized election report will be published within 30 days. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. Was early voting available to all voters? OTBmMzViZjQwNDZmYTY2ZTFkODZkMTNhMDk0MTNiZGFlZThmMzkwZDE1MDVl M2Q3OTRjMjRjNWM2NTJmNzFhYjM4MWY4ODBhNjc0ZGYyNDQxYzUwZTNiM2I3 Ballotpedia features 395,397 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); The board of county commissioners of Curry county, New Mexico, may submit to the voters of said county at any regular election or at any special election called for that purpose the question of issuing bonds in a sum not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for the purpose of erecting a building or buildings at the bi-state fair grounds, such building or buildings to be used for . Voters can also register or update their registration information in the following ways: Click here for more information on Military/ Overseas Citizen Voting. Find Curry County, New Mexico election results, including information on voters, candidates, past, and upcoming elections. Curry County is the entity that appraised the real estate and it will review your protest. newsletter for analysis you wont find anywhereelse. New Mexico U.S. House Election Results 2022 house seats won in New Mexico 3 dem Gained1seat District breakdown Albuquerque Santa Fe House district House 1 99% in D M. Stansbury INCUMBENT. How a state's counties vote in a presidential election and the size of those counties can provide additional insights into election outcomes at other levels of government including statewide and congressional races. Y2VlODEzMzIwODk1OTA4YzBlYzM0YjFkMGZkYjRjNDBjYzhkNmVkNGJjZmU1 YTkxYjFjMDFmOWMwNWZmYzQ0NDNmMGNmZjNlNjE2ODY4ODk5MjM3ZTBiNzhm Vote Counted Chaves County 100% Est. Both Barker-Hidalgo and Alcorn told the Outpost that they feel confident they can win a November runoff. YTVhOTRhMjc1ZTc0OGY5ZTJkMzBmN2M0YmMxZWQxNTZkMDczOTBkZWVlNTFi Michelle Lujan Grisham as she seeks a second term after guiding New Mexico through the coronavirus pandemic with aggressive public health restrictions and a surge in state government spending linked to record-setting oil production. The FPCA can be submitted by mail, fax, or via email to OWY3NmY5NGQ0YjllMjRmZjJkN2NkMDg1ZDgzNzkxMmMyMzVhYTZiZjA4MTFl Check your voter registration online at the above Secretary of State website. The candidates are vying for current Curry Commissioner Chris Paaschs seat. There were five names on the ballot: Jay Block, Rebecca Dow, Ethel Maharg, Greg Zanetti and Ronchetti. $("div.vis_widget_title").each(function(index) { Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. Mail bulk ballots: NST - April 26, 2023 NLT . Zjg2ZDliNjAxYmM4MjRmMWZlMGNhZmYyNTI0MjRkOTYzNTYxNmQ1NmU4NDQz I do feel good about the spread, Barker-Hidalgo said. State legislature | Meanwhile, Measure 8-103, a renewal of the same levy that voters approved for the Sixes Rural Fire Protection Department five years ago, is passing by an overwhelming margin of 86.72 percent. The process is conducted pursuant to New Mexico statute in coordination with the Office of the NM Secretary of State, in order to remove ineligible votersfrom the Countys voter registration filedue to change of residence. } YTZlYjVhNGZkZTI0Y2JmMzU5N2M3NzM2YzEzNTNlY2ViOTIyYzRlNzBkMjM2 ZjJkYWQ5MWYyY2EzMDc4MGQ4NDFjOGNlNWI0ZDgwODYwYTAzMjUxMjQ1YjM5 NzM4NjdmOTI2NTJmOTEyODIyZTA4NGExYzhiZDNjMjk0NDljNTQwNWEyZTUz Find Curry County, New Mexico voter registration and election information, including district maps, poll locations, and ballots. This comes after New Mexicans voted in favor of a constitutional amendment changing the structure of the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Today's provisional results for the 2022 primary election show a hot Curry County Board of Commissioners race between Beth Barker-Hidalgo and Brad Alcorn. May 16, 2023 - Special District Election. View New Mexico's election results and maps for the 2022 midterm elections. if (window.jQuery) { None of the GOP candidates has held federal or statewide elected office. OGE3MzcwMWI4YTMyZWRmZjlhMTNlYzAwOTk3MGM4ZmQ1ZTQzYzQ4ZDM2MzNm chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-down'); Updated: Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 at 8:13AM (Note all results are unofficial) City of Albuquerque Albuquerque Mayor Eddy Aragon 21,654 Timothy M. Keller 66,051 Manuel Gonzales III 30,139. MmE1YzI2MDNlYWI4ZTllOTMwNmEzZDcxNzhlZmYzZDc3MjJmN2VhMGZhNTYx Results Last Updated: Feb 28, 2023 4:08 am ET D Lujan Grisham 370,080. MDJiMDhiMzFmMzFlNTNmM2JkZjI4NzgwZWM0Y2QzZjg1M2I2OTkwOWE5ODc0 YmRkZTc5NTQ3MTBiM2QwOTk1ZmY1NTg0OGFmNzIzZTk2MzlmN2UxYTAxZWI4 As of 7:00 pm voting polls were officially closed statewide but vote totals for both Curry and Roosevelt County continued to be counted. You may do so by NDI0NmFmZjBjYjFhMWQ2ODNlMjQ1ZjVhMGQ4YWJiOGEwMTIxN2E3YmJjYjlh Select "Find my Registration & Election Information". Voter databases in Curry County include the application to register, the voter's precinct and party affiliation, and whether the voter has participated in any previous local, state, and federal elections. Curry County Results. NTlkMmE2MzQ2NjY3ZjA3Yzc0NjViMzM1ZTJjNWMwN2IxODJkMTRhOGM4OWJk To view or update Voter Registration Information online, visit the NM Secretary of State's Voter New Mexico's county-level presidential election results, 2012-2020 Showing New Mexico's 33 counties shaded to reflect their voting patterns in the 2012, 2016, and 2020 presidential elections. } If so, was a photo or non-photo ID required? MDcyNjNhNzAyN2VlNjBmNzBlMTNmYTUyMzZlOGJlY2ZiM2NkMDg5MWJmODc1 Here are the results for the 2022 election of New Mexico State House of Representatives. Perform a free Curry County, NM public voter records search, including voter registration checks, requirements, eligibility, voting districts, precincts and poll locations, registered parties, and absentee ballots. Generated by Wordfence at Wed, 1 Mar 2023 11:16:43 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. YzY3YjlmZDQ4ZTkwNDM3Mzk3ZTFhOGZkNTgyYjBiMTA0YWQ5ZjhkNTk5YWEy house for rent in suffolk county, ny by owner. } else { 2023 Lost Coast Communications Contact: Nzc0MmVmMjNjNDAxMTkxOTU3NDM1MzI4ODEzZmE2ZjdjZDg1NzA3NDJkYzhh MDcxOGY2OWE1MGRiOTliMTA1ODYwNzgyY2Y1NDRiYzNhMTMyZjlhZjE3MGRl 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Zjk5ODYxMzhlNjc5ZWNjN2IyZjMzOTk3YmY2MjBmZjU1MDM1ZTMyYmRkOWI3 ZWFhMjE5YTRlY2EzYjIwMGIxZjI1NWM4NjFmNWVhMzZmZTdhOWFjOWFjYWRm Del Norte's Optum Serve Sites Offer 'Test to Treat' Services, Alex Lemus Proposes 'Lateral Relocation' of Redwood Harbor RV Park Tenants so Upgrade of Electrical System Can Start , Beth Barker-Hidalgo (left) currently has a slight lead over Brad Alcorn (right) for the Curry County Commissioner race. A steady stream of voters attended polls at a church and an elementary school in central Santa Fe. ODI2YzUyMTdhMzY2YTQzMDViNzkxMGIzYTExZjdmZmI0NDQ0MzIwNzUyYmQw By rule, if any of the candidates fail to receive at least 50 percent of the vote, the top-two candidates will have a runoff in the Nov. 8 general election. OGIzM2QyYWJhMzk2NmIzZTRjM2QzZjc4Nzc2Yjg0MWRjZmVlY2ZhZmI4NmZh Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Voters can also register or update their registration information in the following ways: allows qualified service members and overseas citizens to simultaneouslyregister to vote and request absentee ballots for all elections held through the next regularly scheduled general election. U.S. President | NDQ1ZDk0ZDMxNGYzNzEyOTUzZWY1YjMzNjk2NTI3NDk3ZjkwYWRkZmM0ZTVi 801 Mitchell, Clovis, NM 88101. MjRjY2JmMTQ1NWU4YmQ0YzY5ZWViYTA5NDlmMzlkZDA3ZGYzNGU5ZjZhODIw Applications can be obtained by: Fill out an application online by Clicking Here Contacting your County Clerk's Office in person, phone, mail or email Zjg0ZTkyMTY2OTVmODQ4MzAxYzRlNzY0ODA4NTQ4MTZkODExZjQ5NDI1YTlj SERVING EASTERN NEW MEXICO AND WEST TEXAS. Highway 60 between Mile Markers 317. NWQwNzdmMDQ3YTdiNTYyZDM5YzBiMjM3NDY5ZWY3MmExYTgzZDFiYTRjNGIx YzQ2ODczMzNkNjFlYzZlNmUzMmQ4YzQyNDM0Y2ZlNTM1ODViMzljMzc2ZTYx About 55,000 ballots were cast as of 1 p.m. on Election Day, with Republicans and Democrats voting in roughly equal numbers. Find Curry County, New Mexico voter registration and election information, including district maps, poll locations, and ballots. Ballot measures, Who represents me? We're watching every cable network to mark when they call a race for a Senate candidate. She is closely followed by Brookings City Councilman Brad Alcorn, who has 36.83 percent of the vote. There are no Senate seats up for election in New Mexico. Voters are electing candidates to serve in the U.S. House from each of the state's districts. CURRY COUTY TO DISTRIBUTE HELMETS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH BRAIN INJURY AWARENESS MONTH, CLOVIS WOMAN CONVICTED OF ACCESSORY TO 2ND DEGREE MURDER, DWI CHECKPOINTS OVER PRESIDENTS DAY WEEKEND, 21 YEAR OLD FACING OVER SIX FELONY CHARGES FROM SUMMER SHOOTING INCIDENT, CLOVIS TO IMPLEMENT NEW MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR CITY FACILITIES. if (typeof VoterInfobyState_Toggle === 'undefined') { For full election coverage, click here. } Todays provisional results for the 2022 primary election show a hot Curry County Board of Commissioners race between Beth Barker-Hidalgo and Brad Alcorn. Apply today! ZTUzNmExNTJhOGNmZDI4YzExOTA2Y2NkMGQ0OTdiYTNjYzk4MmUwMjY0MzBk Total 2163. $("div.vis_widget_title").click(function(){ MjU4Y2FhMDdjOTY5MWY0OTNlOWQ3MTVkYWIyM2ZjMWUzNjE5NDQ0YmI0YWRl Read more about race and ethnicity in the census. School districts | SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) Republican voters were choosing a nominee for New Mexico governor from a field of five candidates in Tuesdays primary election campaign dominated by concerns about the economy, violent crime and security at the southern U.S. border. Includes 2016 Races for President, Senate, House, Governor and Key Ballot Measures. Mjk3MTMzZWI4M2U5OTk2NGJlNjAyNzIzZWFiZTU0OTA3YTg3MWJhMDcxZTA3 Elections in 2023 | Perform a free Curry County, NM public voter records search, including voter registration checks, requirements, eligibility, voting districts, precincts and poll locations, registered parties, and absentee ballots. Navigate to New Mexico 2022 local elections overviews: MTM3ODVkYzllYzlhNTk1MmYxYTM2NTdiN2I4NjI0MzAwODI4MjU1OWNlZjkx ODY2Mzg5OTNhMTc4YzgwZDQ0YTMwMTkxZmIwMTBkNDRiNWZhYWI3NGZlZGI4 Curry County Clerk's Office - Bureau of Elections 417 Gidding Street, Suite #130, Clovis, NM 88101 Phone: (575) 763-5591 Fax: (575) 763-4232 Email Have you checked your voter registration information recently? ZjgxOTQzZmE5YTQzYjhlZDg3MDRhODhjZDkyY2U0ODQxMWUzZjYzOGVkY2Y0 94235 Moore Street, Gold Beach, OR 97444(541) 247-3296. Curry County. YWI1MzNjMzhjZDhmMTg4YTg0NWI4NzFjN2YxMjYwYzQzYWRhMjY3MjljNTNm chevron.addClass('fa-chevron-up'); State and local courts | Powered and implemented byFactSet Digital Solutions. NmJiMDljNGMxNDBjZTE3NDcxOWRkMzFhNGZlOWU0NDU5ZmI0OWYzOTdlNWY1 Use the table below to view the total number of each type of county in New Mexico following the 2020 election as well as the overall percentage of the state population located in each county type. What was the absentee/mail-in ballot return deadline? | Photo by Ashley Moore. Were all voters required to present ID at the polls? Market data provided byFactset. NzgyYjE3YmQzN2UyODFiZTdkYTAzN2Y2YWM2MzFmMmE1NzA5Y2E3MDRjODg0 YTk3NGY3NjdmYjU2NGJhY2I4MWY3YWQ2YjBmZjAwMzg0NjdlNGQxOGE4NTU2 MThhMWU5OTNiYTYzMGQzNDFkMDZmNWE1ZTRkMTQ2MjQ1Yzg5NWZlNGM3OTY0 Please check your inbox to confirm. Associated Press, Federal Election Commission, House of Representatives clerks office, MIT Election Data and Science Lab, U.S. Census Bureau, Editing: Andrew Briz, Andrew McGill, Lily Mihalik Bhandari, Allan James Vestal, Design & engineering: Aaron Albright, Kai Elwood-Dieu, Paula Friedrich, Beatrice Jin, Rashida Kamal, Andrew Milligan, Scott Bland, Annette Choi, Rishika Dugyala, Marissa Martinez, Zach Montellaro, Steve Shepard, Jessica Piper, Mackenzie Wilkes, Terms of Service | . New Mexico requires citizens to register with the Secretary of State in order to vote in local, New Mexico, and federal elections. Learn more about Friends of the NewsHour. County-by-County Results Jump to: Bernalillo County 99.99% Est. As power shifts to the states, voter referendums matter more than ever. 417 Gidding Street, Suite #130, Clovis, NM 88101 Free Search. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Privacy Policy Last updated: Dec. 6, 2022 10:34 p.m. EST. } else { ZTI4MzFhMThiZmZmZjUwOTcxMzgxNWMzYzYxNjc5YzA0MTdlN2YyYzI0YTA0 Election Day Voter Hotline Toll Free: 1-800-477-3632 . YmU5ZjcyNzU1MjMyYjI0ZGFiNGY5ZDRmMzAzMDBmMjMwNTBkZmJlMWYwNTFl REUTERS/Paul Ratje, By Morgan Lee, Cedar Attanacio, Associated Press, By Will Weissert, Paul J. Weber, Associated Press. New Mexico has five electoral votes in the Electoral College. EXPORT: SHARE ON . Once you enter the required information, you will be able to view your information. chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); ZWJiNzM2ZWE4NGMwZjZjNDkzYmRjMzFjOTMyNTNmZGQ2MTg0MWJhNDA2NDJi Clovis, NM 88101 Export. You can locate the necessary appeal rules and the forms on the county's website or at the county tax office. if ($('#vis_xs_indicator').is(':hidden')){ Official Results 2022 General November 8, 2022. Track the latest local and state results through the. YjE2MTQyMTdmMDQwYzI5NDM3Y2I1NmNmZGI3ZGIwZWQ2Mzk3NmJmN2U5Yzg1 Curry Commissioner Court Boice is also running for governor on the Republican ticket, and has received 10.23 percent of the vote in Curry County. Ballots will be counted as they come into county clerks offices in Clovis and Portales as well as other county seats throughout the state. While Curry County consistently saw a May primary turnout of more than 52 percent between 2010 and 2016, ballot numbers have dropped in recent years. OWJmZDEwZTI0ZWQzZjY5ZTI5MmI4OTliOTIyODE1MzZiYTY4OTAxZmU2NDRl U.S. Congress | For more information, visit Terms and Conditions. } Vote Counted De Baca County 99% Est. As New Mexico tallies up. Morgan Lee, Associated Press. 1996 - 2023 NewsHour Productions LLC. Thank you. About 55,000 ballots were cast as of 1 p.m. on Election Day, with Republicans and Democrats voting in roughly equal numbers. Inmate Search. Boice has earned 1.16 percent of the vote statewide and is currently tied for 11th place with candidate Nick Hess among a field of 19 candidates. Yjc0Y2NjNGM1MzUwYjA3ZjJmMzA4MGI2NTMyMDdhOGE3OTU0YTMzY2I0MDI0 function widget_load_check_dom(){ Do not sell my info | chevron.addClass('fa-chevron-down'); 22-year-old Clovis man sentenced after conviction related to July 2022 shooting. } else { COVID-19 Resources Coronavirus Resource Guide Preppers Guide [3] New Mexico was won by Biden by a 10.79% margin of victory. All Rights Reserved. Benjamin Cross held his 9th Judicial District judges seat while Stephen Whittington won his position of Clovis magistrate judge in Division 2 in Tuesdays primary election. ZGRkOGU4ZWFlNTRlYzdmMmI3ZTcxMjViMmIyY2UyOTI0OWY0NjFmNDk5Mzdi Results last updated: 11/29/2022 4:39 PM . 700 North Main St., Suite 6, Clovis, NM 88101. Vote Counted. 1:38 It's Election Day in New Mexico, and voters across the state are headed to the polls to vote in the state's primary election. MDZiMzA4MzU2Yzk5OWM3N2MzOGJhN2M5NTQwNGJjNDhjNzM2ODJhMzliMWJh Results will be reported to the Secretary of States office in Santa Fe and official totals will be updated as they are received. Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey. In Roosevelt County, Javier Sanchez is the newest sheriff, while Roy Criswell and Paul Grider won county commission seats. The winner of the GOP contest will take on incumbent Democratic Gov. Morgan Lee, Associated Press Suggest Listing If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Phone: (575) 763-5591 Fax: (575) 763-4232Email. The FPCA Form can be downloaded here:2022 Federal Post Card Application. County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. The process is conducted pursuant to New Mexico statute in coordination with the Office of the NM Secretary of State, in order to remove ineligible votersfrom the Countys voter registration filedue to change of residence. chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-down'); Currently the Measure is failing by 17 votes. The complete list of State officals will be updated once all ballots are counted for New Mexico. Y2U1YjAzNmMwZDU2ZGQ4ZmE3NDEyNGZhOTAwMmFlNDJkZjk5NjNmOTFiNzVh Curry County Results 43 out of 43 Precincts Reporting 100% United States Representative DISTRICT 3 Follow This Contest Export Precincts Fully: 747 / 747 | Partially: 0 / 747 ALEXIS MARTINEZ JOHNSON Republican 0 7,320 TERESA LEGER FERNANDEZ Democrat 0 2,831 total votes 10,151 Governor and Lieutenant Governor Follow This Contest Export POLITICO's coverage of 2022 races for Senate, House, Governors and Key Ballot Measures. NWZiZDdhZjI5ZDFjNmU0NGYwZTM1OWY0OWYyMjc1ODJhYTUzYWFiNzNjOTIz Curry County initially had a contested race for sheriff, but retired New Mexico State Police Officer . Curry County Sheriff Deputies make an arrest following reported home burglary. } else { Mark Ronchetti has won the Republican primary for governor with 68,266 total votes that make up 58% of New Mexico voters. The fall election will test the staying power of a Democratic governor who revoked a state ban on most abortion procedures, ushered in new controls on gun access and sought greater police accountability by lifting immunity provisions for law enforcement agencies amid concerns about police brutality. }); VoterInfobyState_Timeout_dom = setTimeout(widget_load_check_dom, 500); Registered Republicans had the higher rate of participation at about 26 percent of registered voters and climbing. NDA5NDNmYTVkMDYyYTMxZTkyMzBlYjFhOGNmMDVmN2Y0ZGE5MTAzOWUzZjNl Here are the latest vote counts from the New Mexico Secretary of State's office: 546,563 total votes cast Democrats: 270,342 Libertarians: 4,024 Republicans: 197,832 Noon voting numbers for NM. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiYTRjODM5OTI2MzRjYzk3ZDkxZmI0NjgxMWM3ZGZlZmYx Help others by sharing new links and reporting broken links. -----END REPORT-----. District Candidate Filing Deadline: March 16, 2023. NWI2MTc4M2Y1MjM4OTg2YmExYzQwZWZiYzE5MTdhNmVmYjZkMWNkNzlhMGZm Durch Klicken auf Alle akzeptieren erklren Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass Yahoo und unsere Partner Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten und Technologien wie Cookies nutzen, um personalisierte Anzeigen und Inhalte zu zeigen, zur Messung von Anzeigen und Inhalten, um mehr ber die Zielgruppe zu erfahren sowie fr die Entwicklung von Produkten. Nearly 180,000 ballots were cast overall, including absentee and early. YzYxMzc0ZmNjZTIyMzE3ZGEyODhiZjFlNjE5MGJhMTViMmJkYTFhODQwNzVi County elections on June 7 will feature seven contested races between Curry and Roosevelt counties. Absentee voting begins on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 for the 2022 General Election. NjU4YWUyYzhjMDRiNzlhMTczYzEyOTViNGE0ZTNhMWFiMjdmZTJkZmYzZGNl Public policy. if (document.readyState === 'complete') { All rights reserved. Curry County Results. MzRhYmY4MmFmZGE4MTg0MjNlNmQ2ZTRkYzgyOWMyYjQ5OGQ1YzY4OWE0ZTVm }. State executives | ZjU2OWI3Mjc0MjQ0MWZmNTY1YjIxOWRmZGJlMDgzMjNjMGI5OTA4ZDE0YTRi MjIwNTNhYmRjZWRiYmU0ZWRkOGM1MmNjNTI5YzQ1NDFhNTgwYzVjNWM0M2Mx Curry County Voter Records are documents that list information about a registered voters in Curry County, New Mexico. } Re-drawn congressional districts shuffled the seats in play. if ($(this).next('.vis_widget_table').is(":hidden")) { Study the procedures thoroughly before completing the documents. Search for Curry County inmate records through Vinelink by offender id or name. Prior to the election, most news organizations making election predictions considered New Mexico as a state Biden would win, or a safe blue state. Amid bruising attack ads, candidates in the Republican primary have emphasized plans to send soldiers or law enforcement personnel to the states remote international border with Mexico, which echoes border deployments by Republican governors in Texas and Arizona. A steady rain this evening, with showers continuing overnight. NjNkYzhhNTRjMDY5ODU4MGE2NmZkNDY2ZmI2NWIxMmIyYjQ0N2JmNGNkODJl MWQ3NzVkNTM1Yjc4ZDkzNDEyNDBkNDcyNTgyZGQ1ZjRhNzE4Y2MzOTdiNzAx Ronchetti, a seasoned broadcaster and household name, lost a Republican bid for U.S. Senate in 2020 by 6 percentage points to Democrat Ben Ray Lujn. OGY4YzMwNWY5OTFlMGRiNzFlM2RmYWNlMzlhODRhZDkzMDc1Njk0ZDI3MTdh ZWYzZmU1NjQ5YzgwM2Q2MWNkYmQzNjZjNjY3YTA1ZGU1MjdmODYwZjc2YWZh About Us Contact Us ZTIxNWM3NzZjNjY4OTdjOGQ4OGEwOGUwMzhjYjhkNjYxZWU2ZWIwMGIzNWNm 01 Stansbury +11.50 02 Vasquez +0.70 03 Leger Fernandez +16.30 Governor Voters are electing a candidate to serve as governor. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. We have a live tally. NjhkY2UzMzg1Y2M3ZDM0MDcxYTlhYTBjMDVkOGU2NmRkZDZhMTE0ZWVmYjlm Fr nhere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie. The Federal Post Card Application (FPCA)allows qualified service members and overseas citizens to simultaneouslyregister to vote and request absentee ballots for all elections held through the next regularly scheduled general election. YTUzOWMyODNhYjhiMDIwMmY3YTc3YWMyZTQ0YzAxZWQwYTcxNWRkODNjOWYx Were watching whos getting a boost. NTVkYmFiY2I2ZGYxZDA0NjBiMjNiNTYyMDc2YzI4YjQ4NmZjNDkzYTcyYWU1 Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. At the state level, Curry County is favoring D-Tina Kotek and R-Christine Drazan for the 2022 gubernatorial race. YmQ1OWU2YjljNDEzZWNkYTY5OTUyNzc2MDkyZDkyZGI5YjAwNGU3ZjU2OTk2 The Elections Division coordinates and conducts all elections in Curry County. ZTk1MjEyMjk2MTE0NDdhMDlkMjc4ZmNmY2ZjMGU3Y2I3NjgxYTZhNjY1YmMw NmFlMDllZWEzMGVmMzY1YWE5ODNkYTRlMGI0OTM3NjIwNmFkOGNjZmM0ZTYy This years potentially meager turnout could have significant impacts on the Gold Beach Volunteer Fire Department, which is hoping to pass Measure 8-104, a seven-year local option tax levy that would give the agency $60,000 a year for new fire equipment and capital projects. Dow, Ethel Maharg, Greg Zanetti and Ronchetti Media, Inc. all... Review your protest it will review your protest reports about Search subjects or for any use prohibited the..., past, and click here for more information on Military/ Overseas Citizen voting Overseas Citizen voting here. Curry. Main St., Suite # 130, Clovis, NM 88101 reported to the states voter... 11, 2022 for the 2022 midterm elections Rebecca Dow, Ethel Maharg, Greg and. Toll Free: 1-800-477-3632, may 'fa-chevron-up ' ) ; ZWJiNzM2ZWE4NGMwZjZjNDkzYmRjMzFjOTMyNTNmZGQ2MTg0MWJhNDA2NDJi Clovis, NM 88101 attended polls a! 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