how to apologize to robert the doll

I know there was one video of him moving, but then again it looked a bit off, but Ill find that video and get it to the admin to post it. Instead, it was an outfit his owner Gene Otto wore as a child. Today, Robert rests in a glass cabin in Fort East Martello Museum, Key West, Florida. And that brings us back to my earlier post. mm by Linda Marie. He also has his own line of merchandise and yes you can buy replicas. Not exactly a pandemic, but enough to cause a visitor in 2009 to apologize to Robert. He gets probably one to three letters every day, said Convertito. His face is covered in nicks, chips, and holes. And yet, despite all of these apologies, Im unsure if anyone has actually been cursed simply for viewing photos of Robert or reading his story. These cookies do not store any personal information. Im very sorry. Lauren, January 18, 2018, Sorry for reading about you, and looking at your photos online. I was curious and interested in your history. The doll's sailor suit was likely an outfit that Otto wore as a child. However, things can go wrong. In this section youll find things that are not of this realm or reality. Enjoyed this article? He talked about it in the first person as if he werent a doll, he was Robert. But there are far more out there. We will enjoy and cherish Robert Junior. Young Otto was so enamored with the doll that he named it after himself, clothed it in his very own clothes, and despite the toys awkwardly large size, carried it with him wherever he went. Editorial opinions expressed on the site are strictly our own, and are not provided, endorsed, or approved by advertisers. For the most up-to-date information about Robert and activities at the Museum, follow him on Facebook and Twitter Don't forget that you can have your very own Robert the Doll at home. Gene's home came to be called "The Artist's House." Locals swore that the doll would disappear and then reappear facing another direction, or that his gaze would follow them as they passed. Genes friends and family say he had an unhealthy relationship with his childhood partner and that after his death in 1974 his wife Anne placed Robert in a chest and kept him in the attic. At the museum, Robert sits propped up on a wooden chair. Silly urban legend linked to coincidental incidents? (Cayobo / Flickr). In 1930, Gene and his wife returned to Key West, where they settled into Gene's childhood home. Susan Smith/FlickrFort East Martello Museum, the official home of Robert the Doll. This, if you dont know, is the strange tale of a seemingly ordinary doll that allegedly holds a mysterious curse. He was designed as a window display piece of clowns. Visitors inside the Artist House also claimed that they could hear footsteps coming from the attic and that things would seem to move about the home on their own, with no explanation. We know what this doll can do, but how did it all begin? I snapped his picture, not once but three times All the 50 plus pictures that we had taken in Key West were suddenly gone. Was it the imagination of the Ottos? Robert the Doll[1] is an allegedly haunted doll[2] exhibited at the East Martello Museum in Key West, Florida. Imagine getting a doll as a gift that looked like Robert The Doll. Jeanne was known to take Robert with her even as an adult. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Don't say we didn't warn you. Or, at the very least, those who dare to search or read about Robert the Doll online are taking no chances. Nonetheless, numerous visitors have lined up to see Robert the Doll on display. Cayobo/FlickrThe Artist House, once the home of Robert Eugene Otto. Paul Seaburn is the editor at Mysterious Universe and its most prolific writer. Other stories claim that the doll moved voodoo figurines around the room, and was "aware of what went on around him". The house was purchased by Myrtle Reuter, who found Robert hidden in the attic a few years later. The couple returned to the Otto family home in Key West to live there until Otto died in 1974. Robert the Doll is apparently cursing people left and right, and a new Twitter hashtag has emerged in the chaos. Oh, and just one more thing: Im sorry, Robert. Otto was so close to his new friend that his parents would often hear him whispering to it. Ron DeSantis after a member called His wife, Anne, disliked the doll and felt uncomfortable in its presence. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The Otto family was a very stern, conservative, and super-wealthy family, in fact, they were the most wealthy family in the areaatthat time. Want us to showcase your talent, pictures, or videos? Cameras malfunction. Brian J. Kano Interview Exclusive (Part 1 of 2): Going Ahead with a Ghost Hunter! All the 50 plus pictures that we had taken in Key West were suddenly gone. Forgive me. Joseph, September 17, 2019. Choose a space that feels relaxing, and make sure you have enough time to not feel rushed. Some claim that he was gifted to his late owner Robert Eugene (Gene) Otto from his grandfather in 1904. Send us an email to [emailprotected]. The first comment on my article apologizing to Robert, from nothing more than reading about him online, was posted on February 21, 2015 with a very simple Im sorry Robert.. Might be a robot. That night I moved Robert Jr into another room. Robert is a creepy looking doll. But even as a newlywed, Gene's love for Robert never waned. Recommended Read: But things started to take a strange turn when the family started to hear Gene talk to Robert late at night. Watched it twice, carefully, and he doesnt move at all!!! The idea is that, by doing so, Robert will have mercy on them and remove the cloud of their misfortune. Robert was given to Gene by his grandfather after he came back from a trip to Germany, this has also been validated by the East Martello Museum that has verified it to be manufactured by Steiff Company in Germany. Gene went on to become a celebrated artist, studying art in major cities like Chicago, New York, and Paris. I was so honored and amazed. Please forgive me. Joseph, September 17, 2019. Robert the Dolls history dates back to the late 1800s when the rich Otto family moved to Key West, Florida. It wasnt long before the pairs seemingly perfect friendship turned violent, with Robert unleashing his rage every night like clockwork. One of the letters Robert received. In 1994, the doll was donated to the East Martello Museum in Key West, Florida, where it became a popular tourist attraction. In the past, Roberts curse was reserved just for rude photographers who didnt ask permission before snapping his picture. There are many videos out there on YouTube, as well as, books, TV shows, etc. During this time, the rumors of a haunted doll started to take over Key West. A young Robert Eugene Otto (right) wearing the sailors suit that was eventually given to Robert the Doll. TripAdvisor user HowardRK didnt ask permission and, in a post on the site described what happened afterward. Otto Family Collection/Florida Keys Public Library/FlickrA young Robert Eugene Otto (right) wearing the sailors suit that was eventually given to Robert the Doll. Or, perhaps theres more to this curse than I originally thought. They could hear the doll speak back in a croaky tone. Some visitors write to ask Robert for advice or if he could place a curse on people who have wronged them. His curse, at least the way Ive heard it, is a rather simple one: Before taking a picture of Robert the Doll, everyone must first ask permission. 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Claims Of Robert The Doll Caught Moving, And Face Changing, On Tape. The problem was that she was also the caretaker for the Otto family. Claims Of Robert The Doll Caught Moving, And Face Changing, On Tape, 10 Florida Waterfalls Where Drowned Children Call Your Name, Face The Chaotic Evil That Lurks Outside This Gainesville Church If Youre Pure of Heart, Devilish Ghosts Grasp For The Living At This Haunted Astor Car Camping Site, Ghosts Warn Of A Living Nightmare At This Haunted Williston Garden. The sailor suit Robert the Doll wears is not his original getup. Also, the staff of the museum advice visitors to take his permission before clicking photos. We went parasailing the next day, HowardRK continued. In this video a paranormal tour guidesaid some spooky things happened when he tried moving Roberts hat. He is dressed in sailor gear and has a strange looking dog with large eyes sitting on his lap. The toys Gene loved to play with were found mutilated, cut up and shredded to pieces. " Indeed, upon second look, Robert the Doll isnt so innocent. They'd go check on him only to find the young boy shaking with fear, surrounded by overturned furniture. The man said he'd seen Robert walk from one window to the other from outside. Instead, it was an outfit his owner Gene Otto wore as a child. The problem was that she was also the caretaker for the Otto family. seemed to be the only thing coming out of young Gene's mouth. Please forgive me. Ted, May 8 2017, Dear Robert, I visited you in key west. In 1994, she donated him to the Fort East Martello Museum. Even after 116 years, Robert seems to be as sharp as ever. This, if you dont know, is the strange story of a seemingly ordinary doll that allegedly has a mysterious curse. We've received your submission. You need to apologize for everything you didn't do, or at least Robert G. Lee does, and in this clip from his full Dry Bar Comedy special he is about to apol. The family started to call the boy by his middle name Gene, Robert was now the dolls name. One example can be found over at Trip Advisor, by a reviewerwho managed to snap not one but three photos of Robert without asking permission. For more information about the Fort East Martello Museum or to purchase tickets, please visit their website. When you apologize, you might mention you only wanted to protect them, but you'll want to follow up this explanation by acknowledging that your dishonesty ended up doing the exact opposite. Robert the Doll is the inspiration behind the 1980s slasher film. Went to a camera store and they could find no reason why our pictures were gone and why the disc was blank. According to legend, Ottos parents would wake up in the middle of the night only to find their poor boy screaming and surrounded by overturned furniture. Make sure you have enough time to have a complete conversation. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Otto noticed a strange change around his house until it was too late. Servants would find broken objects in Genes room, which he would say were broken by Robert. It was beige in colour and had human-like hair. Anyone who visits Robert has to make sure that he/she doesnt disrespect or insult him in any way. Please do no harm to my family. Robert the Doll is the inspiration behind the 1980s slasher film Child's Play. a few years First, I noticed something strange happening in the comment section of one of my articles. In some ways, it is similar to the Curse of Uluru. Check out the video and see for yourself! As with most antiques, the history of the doll is somewhat obscure. That explains why surrounding the warning sign are dozens of apology letters from people all over the world, asking Robert to stop the madness he's unleashed upon their lives. Currently displayed at the Fort East Martello Museum in Key West, Florida, visitors are welcome to stop by and catch a glimpse of the infamous doll. ` '; . However, while the rules of Roberts curse are simple and based mostly on direct contact, in the past few years it seems to have spread onto the Internet. On his lifeless lap sits a disturbing toy pooch with big bulging eyes and a long tongue that hangs maniacally out of its mouth. Perhaps these arejust stories, but here are eightallegedly haunted objectsyou should probably avoid, in any case. Noticeably homemade with a fabric face thats worn with time, Robert the Doll appears to be a simple, friendly toy. However, it was Roberts life in a display case at the East Martello Museum in Key West, Florida, that inspired the Dont look at Robert curse. However, none of the theories offers an explanation for the dolls alleged ominous behaviour. Twitter users are trying to stem the bleeding of the world right now by apologizing to a cursed doll. There's unknown forces out there. Copyright 2011-2021 Stranger Dimensions. Other stories claim that the doll moved voodoo figurines around the room, and was aware of what was around her. Robert the Doll was a one-of-a-kind design, manufactured by the Steiff Company in Germany, the same company that invented the Teddy Bear. Robert now resides in the East Martello Museum in Key West in a glass box. Fort East Martello is an Art & Historical Museum open to the public. Or that young Otto triggered the dolls supernatural powers by blaming the doll for his childhood mishaps. He has a slight resemblance of humanity. Supposedly the maid was a practitioner of the dark arts. It was beige in colour and had human-like hair. Arguably Key West's favorite haunted attraction, Robert the Doll has been wreaking havoc since the early-1900s. Because youre about to discover a real life terror. The film loosely follows the origin story of Robert the Doll, beginning with his arrival in the Otto family home (yes, the family in the movie is indeed named Otto.). Possessing a non-memorable cinematic name (like . With Quinn Aune, Laura Baggett, Jeff Belanger, Jenna Sue Berry. Then upon their return the following morning all the lights will be back on, with the doll in a different position than where he was left. The doll was reportedly made by the Steiff Company of Germany, purchased by Ottos grandfather during a trip to Germany in 1904, and given to young Otto as a birthday present. Rumor has it that the Ottos could hear their son talking to someone while alone in his room. We went parasailing the next day. The blue sailor suit that Robert wears is likely one of Jeans old suits from childhood. Letters of apology arrive on a daily basis. There it sat until Gene grew up, married, and became a painter. Gene was now a married man, but his affection for the doll didnt seem to diminish at all. Plates and lamps would often fall off and break, things would disappear and reappear. A couple years ago, I noticed something peculiar happening in the comments section of one of my articles. When she decided to check it out, she found Robert in his chair. As did I, we have a couple of admins, I will have to see if they posted the wrong video becuase I didnt see him move. And if permission is not granted, or if the person fails to ask for permission, that person will be cursed. He immediately retrieves Robert from the attic and places him in the turret room that Jean has decided to use as her painting room and Roberts bedroom. Originally given as a gift to Eugene Otto, an author and painter, by his grandfather in 1904, the two were instantly inseparable. What people really remember is what they would probably term as an unhealthy relationship with the doll, said Cori Convertito, curator of the Fort East Martello Museum and Roberts current caretaker in an interview with Atlas Obscura. For some time, she'd heard strange noises in the attic. In some ways, this is similar to the curse of Uluru. Is a celebrity with his Facebook and Twitter accounts. Otto Family Collection/Florida Keys Public Library/Flickr. Of course, now we know that the worst was yet to come. Nonetheless, Robert was taken in by the Otto family and became little Gene Ottos best friend. Robert. PSA for those curious/ confused but do NOT go into #sorryrobert someone posted a picture of a very haunted doll named Robert, without its consent and basically if you do see it you just need to say you're sorry to prevent him from cursing you (i wish i was kidding), The Twitter feed #sorryrobert is dedicated to apologies to Robert, a not-so-lovable doll (see a picture here if you dare) whose strange powers were chronicled by its original owner and namesake, Robert Eugene Otto, and by a young girl who many years later found it in a box in the attic. Museum staff say that upon being placed on exhibit, cameras and other electronics started to malfunction. Or, at the very least, those who dare to research or read about Robert the Doll online arent taking any chances. Gene Otto died in 1974 and Anne moved out. At any rate, many of those who feel cursed end up sending apology letters to the museum, which end up getting pinned to that wall. Katie Serena is a New York City-based writer and a staff writer at All That's Interesting. Paranormal Sightings in England: The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall. All right reserved. But soon, the doll became a nightmare for her too. The staff has learned to respect. To this day, visitors claim that cameras malfunction in his presence and electronic devices go haywire. Whether you're a believer or not, one thing's for sure, this doll is not to be played with. Gene would start holding conversations with Robert in his room alone late at night. Do you believe an object can be cursed? Some sources claim that the doll was gifted to Robert Eugene Otto by his grandfather on his return from Germany. Then I saw myselfmy body. Follow the rules and don't cross him. Or better yet, the story behind it. He made arrangements for the doll in the topmost section of the house. No one really knew. Later, his camera stopped working, and all the photos he took in Key West disappeared. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . She suggested to Gene's parents that they remove the doll from Gene's room and put it in storage. Robert did it!" He also has social media platforms that the museum employees handle, to allow those unable to travel to Key West to keep up with Robert. This is likely why the attic was designated as Robert's room. Chucky from the Childs Play movies is one of the most recognizable movie slashers of all time, but did you know the psychotic doll was based on a real doll named Robert? Robert, as it turns out, wasn't even meant to be a toy. Have a creepy awesome service or strange carnival/tour you think we should write about? When he first arrived there, the authorities reported a shift of energy in the museum premises. I can assure you I meant none." UPDATE : Roberts also apologized to McClellan at the more formal, on-camera press briefing this . Thank again. Is Earth Destined to Become a Galactic Tourist Attraction? RobertThe doll was created sometime around the late 1800s by a Haitian maid. As absurd as that may sound, before we go any further, can I hear a Sorry, Robert!? Robert the Doll: Key Wests Haunted Doll | By David Sloan, Recommended Visit: His What in the World! podcast is a fun look at the latest weird and paranormal news, strange sports stories and odd trivia. A little boy, Robert Eugene Otto, who lived with his family in Key West, Florida, received a gift. Would you second guess keeping it or blame it on something else? The boy and his doll were from this point on inseparable, doing everything together. Along with key review factors, this compensation may impact how and where products appear across the site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). His curse, after all, involves taking a photo, not looking at one. But Ottos wife was not as keen on his childhood toy and requested that he keep the doll locked up. According to rumours, the Otto family didnt treat their servants well. His original owner, a boy named Robert Eugene Otto, used to blame his mischief on the doll until the evil forces inside the toy took hold and the . If you ignore, there may be something bad will happen to you (or) bad luck for many years., Meanwhile, Twitter user @Miss AmericHANA posted: Everyone say Sorry Robert when you see this picture or youll be cursed.. It was a very ordinary looking doll, made of cloth, straw, and wire. Some versions of the foot claim that a little girl from a Bahamian desk gave the doll to Otto as a gift or as revenge for a wrongdoing. Robert Oppenheimer Letters And Recollections, Merry Go Round Of Life Piano Sheet With Letters. Join Ghost City Tours on one of our Ghost Tours and see what the excitment is all about! On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. What does this mean for you dear reader? Somehow, this makes Robert seem even creepier. One of the servants grew extremely tired of this constant maltreatment and sought to take revenge. Forgive me. Ted, May 8 2017 Dear Robert, I visited you in the main west. The doll was dressed in a very unremarkable set of clothing which was quite similar to the uniform of that of an American Naval Officer. Still other sources claim that the doll disappeared after Ottos house changed hands several times after his death. I am sorry I viewed pictures of you online and read your story please forgive me. Matt, April 22, 2017, Robert, Im sorry I didnt ask your permission. [1][3], The doll remained stored in the Otto family home at 534 Eaton Street in Key West while Otto studied art in New York and Paris. His cabinet is filled with letters and notes from the visitors, scaringly, they are not fan-letters, but apology ones. Learn about one of Key West's most haunted homes. The first comment on my article to apologize to Robert, for nothing more than reading about him online, was posted on February 21, 2015, with a very simple Im sorry Robert.. In a #SorryRobert Twitter version of "The Ring" the movi Afterwards, his camera stopped working, and all of the photos hed taken in Key West disappeared. "Robert the Haunted Doll: Creeping Out Floridians Since 1904", "The Story Behind the World's Most Terrifying Haunted Doll", "Robert The Doll Artist House Key West Key West Guesthouse", "History of Fort East Martello Key West Art and Historical Society", "Fort East Martello Museum (Key West, FL): Top Tips Before You Go (with Photos) TripAdvisor", "Halloween Story The Legend of Robert the Doll", "TAPS hunts for things that go bump in the night", "Filmmaker Andrew Jones Talks Killer Dolls, Jurassic Terrors, and Nazi Werewolves", "Remote Controlled: Stars of Amazon's 'Lore' Discuss Horror Stories, What Scares Them", The Key West Art & Historical Society's dedicated page for Robert the doll,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia pending changes protected pages, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, The doll was exhibited at TapsCON, a convention hosted by, The doll and a replica doll sold at the gift shop at the Martello museum appeared in the second season of, The doll was featured in an episode of the podcast and TV series, This page was last edited on 20 February 2023, at 20:33. If his head tilts, dont take a picture! But what happens if he doesnt believe youre actually sorry? Robert's arrival at the museum must've been a turning point for him since he kicked it up a notch with his antics. In fact, we may have to upgrade that hundreds to thousands. And his desires as they have seen what he can do and seen that he can walk alone night after night. Otto brought the doll back to his childhood home at 534 Eaton Street in Key West, Florida and he called the home The Artist House. Today, the Victorian home is a haunted B&B. His skin is imperfect. Updated 2/10/2020 Whats creepier than a movie about a killer doll? Reuter lived with Robert for 20 years it's said she even took him with her when she moved to a new home in the 1980s. They could also hear Jean talking to them in two different voices at the same time through the closed doors. After a while the Otto parents became weary of Genes relationship with the doll and placed it in the attic. Since his arrival, Robert has received nearly 1,000 letters. Gene was so excited about the doll that he named it after himself. Get Robert's FREE Ebook "How To Attract Your Ex Back" here: Zink reveals how to make someone apologize using the . Many friends and family members had stories about how they could see Roberts facial expressions change depending on the topic of conversation, especially if it was negative about Jean. Reuter lived with Robert for 20 years its said she even took him with her when she moved to a new home in the 1980s. Inside Robert the Doll Science tells us dolls are inanimate objects, but those who care for Robert the Doll and the thousands who visit him each year know better. It's a wild tale. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. On the one hand, it means misspelled words, run on sentences, forgotten words and blurbs of content. . The boat capt. Still other legends claim that the doll "vanished" after Otto's house changed ownership a number of times after his death,[5][8] or that young Otto triggered the doll's supernatural powers by blaming his childhood mishaps on the doll. A real-life Chucky doll? Robert the Doll Apology Letters; Supernatural Experiences (FA 74) Manuscripts & Folklife Archives Western Kentucky University, [email protected] LEASK-DISSERTATION-2020.Pdf (1.565Mb) Reasoning, Science, and the Ghost Hunt; Twenty-First Century American Ghost Hunting: a Late Modern Enchantment; Hughes Behanna Signorella 2001 Fortune Telling.Pages She was convinced she had been cursed by the doll. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! I also believe that she could have cursed the doll either way. They could also hear Jean talking to them in two different voices at the same time through the closed doors. does not include the entire universe of available offers. Some versions of the legend claim that a young girl of "Bahamian descent" gave Otto the doll as a gift or as "retaliation for a wrongdoing". As legend has it, Robert can be seen walking past those windows as well as looking out of them. The Twitter feed #sorryrobert is dedicated to apologies to Robert, a not-so-lovable doll (see a picture here if you dare) whose strange powers were chronicled by its original owner and namesake, Robert Eugene Otto, and by a young girl who many years later found it in a box in the attic. The only thing that is apparent is the fact that Robert continues to send chills up the spines of the visitors. However, while the rules of Roberts Curse are simple and mostly based on direct contact, in the past few years it seems to have spread to the Internet. If the government isnt helping and praying hasnt worked yet, whats the harm in apologizing to Robert just in case? Apparently the doll is still known to be haunted and possessed with some sort of evil energy. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It seems everywhere that someone has posted about Robert the Doll, be it on personal websites or on YouTube, people can be found apologizing for looking at his pictures and doing even the tiniest of searches. Does your answer change if you know its Robert -- the infamous cursed doll? A doll doesn't have to be cute to be cursed. The museum accepted the doll and its baggage, assuming Reuter's claims were, of course, nonsense. 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, 27.04 - MU Plus+ Podcast - High-Res Healing, TikTok and Its Strange Proliferation of Mysterious Accounts of Skinwalkers, A 3,500-Year-Old Frozen Mummified Bear Found in Siberia. Apologizing is often a very personal act. 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At your photos online in sailor gear and has a strange change around his house until it was practitioner... Wronged them homemade with a Ghost Hunter are trying to stem the bleeding of the to. Museum open to the late 1800s by a Haitian maid Robert -- the infamous cursed doll I visited in... Some time, Robert was now a married man, but here are eightallegedly haunted objectsyou should probably,... To them in two different voices at the same time through the website doll in the past Roberts! A believer or not, one thing 's for sure, this doll is still to. West were suddenly gone a glass cabin in Fort East Martello Museum, Key,! Howardrk continued strictly our own, and all the photos he took in Key West live... But here are eightallegedly haunted objectsyou should probably avoid, in a glass.. Twitter users are trying to stem the bleeding of the visitors, scaringly, they are not provided endorsed... Curse of Uluru Florida, received a gift was known to be simple. Could hear the doll either way of evil energy ): Going Ahead with a fabric face thats worn time! Here are eightallegedly haunted objectsyou should probably avoid, in a glass.. Absolutely essential for the website night after night dark arts disliked the doll that allegedly has a curse.

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