lebanese in australia crime

Then another car arrived with the offenders Chami and two other men, one man known as Nike Sam. #23. Each of Ghanem and Hajeid's counsel put forward arguments that they had not been properly identified and were not present. Once Lebanese kids gets involved in gangs, theyre killed or in prison before they get a chance to grow up., There is no data available on the prevalence of criminality in Sydneys Lebanese community because people who are arrested are not legally required to give information on their ethnicity or heritage. When they obliged, he crushed the foam cups and spread the debris onto the court floor. The trial was quite tense. It was about 9pm at this stage. [2], Arab organized crime was introduced in Australia after the mass immigration of Arab people after the Lebanese Civil War in the 1970s to the end of the 1980s. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Skaf did all the talking and suggested a trip in a car and puffing some marijuana. The closest thing to non-white allies we have is . Criminal organizations are mostly based around extended crime families with a large number of associates from their community. The first found that Middle-Eastern Australians reported more discrimination compared with non-Middle-Eastern Australians. Meanwhile Bilal Skaf and others with him got into the van in which they had come to the park and drove around to the telephone box where one of them produced a gun and ordered her to get inside. 11:06 EST 27 May 2018 Migrants are, on the whole, far less likely to commit serious crimes than the Australian born population; A small number of migrant groups defy this trend and have higher rates of crime; When asking why some groups have higher rates of crime we cannot simply equate criminality with the culture. Finally, the rural areas of Sydney are home to small-time gangs who act as enforcers for the bigger gangs in the city. Now retired from the District Court and back in private practice, Finnane has written about this terrible chapter in the country's criminal annals in a memoir about his life on the bench and at the bar. Result: gun crime in western Sydney and northern Melbourne often involves Lebanese Australians, as we saw with the murder last month of Hamad Assaad, himself a suspected hitman. The four men in this other car all raped this unfortunate young girl, who was then hosed down until she was soaking wet and forced out of the car that she was in near the Catholic Club at Lidcombe. The geographic heartland of Australias 100,000-strong Lebanese community, its red brick apartments and cement-sheet homes are peppered with mosques, musallas and churches. Skaf and the other two men made their acquaintance by speaking to them politely in the shopping centre. The Lebanese got a bad reputation after the 2000 Sydney gang rapes where 9 Lebanese-Australian youths gang raped several Anglo-Australian women in multiple attacks over the course of 2 months. One of the dead was Sarkis Abboud, 61 years old, and the second was his friend, Tony Yazbek, two years younger. The aim of this study is to compare . UAE There was another man, later identified as Y, who took part in the events on this night. You just want more, Basha says. 'One thing was obvious to me - Bilal Skaf wanted the victims to talk about what happened, to pass on their terror. His counsel acknowledged the force of what I had said but again said that he would be presenting no evidence. Id punch any Aussie kid who even looked at me., (MORE:Circle Sentencing: Alternative Justice in Australia). sport Koreans, growing numbers of Indians, and on the Lakemba side lots of Lebanese and other Arabs. But below the surface of this lower-middle class success story is a Middle Eastern ghetto terrorized by members of its community. His co-accused on the other hand, were quiet and restrained in their manner. they deserve nothing less and we'd be making the world a better place. The first community of Lebanese in Australia were Maronite Christians, quickly followed by a large Muslim community. 'All of them were examples of depravity and cruelty. Skaf was a small man, rather thin, with black hair and a sharp face. The main center of Arab organized crime is Sydney, with a significant community of 120,000, followed by Melbourne. Bilal Skaf was charged with every instance of forced sexual intercourse by anyone in the gang on the basis that he was an accessory before the fact to every crime and was just as responsible as the man who carried it out. Mohammed Skaf was charged, like his brother Bilal, with two counts of sexual intercourse without consent because he had arranged for the girl to be made available to his brother and others to have sexual intercourse with the victim. 3. 'Skaf and the members of this gang clearly wanted public recognition for what they had done.'. The ultra-rich lost 10% of their wealth in 2022, study finds, Devin Booker delights against the Hornets, Russian internet celebrity posts 700-year-old holy tree naked! If the Crown proved to the satisfaction of the jury and beyond reasonable doubt that it was done without consent, then the Crown case on that charge was established. (MORE:The Ones That Didnt Make It: Australia-Bound Refugees Languish in Indonesia), In the last few decades unfortunately we have not had peace in Lebanon, Pierre Semaan, of the Australian Lebanese Christian Foundation, tells TIME. While Lebanese settled all over Australia, the majority have consistently settled in NSW and particularly in Sydney. That is not the law. A Year Later, Unanswered Questions and Bad Blood, The Nanjing Massacre: Scenes from a Hideous Slaughter 75 Years Ago, Blood Money: Tsunami Recovery Funds Go to Japans Whaling Industry. Knowing this much corruption gives me more reason not to leave Lebanon. trot Look what happened in Germany in the 1940s., Selda Dagistanli, a lecturer in criminology at the University of Western Sydney, agrees that, When you attach criminal behavior to ethnicity, thats racist, and it makes you question the motivation of the people saying it., New South WalesPolice Deputy Commissioner Nick Kaldas says the problem in Bankstown and other parts of southwestern Sydney is not as bad as it seems. After being indecently assaulted on the train, she was then forced off the train and was taken up the steps of the Bankstown railway station. His demeanour in the court room said that. I think the sentences struck a chord with the public generally because the attacks were predatory and carefully planned. Social media has been very important pages connected to diaspora networks create a ripple effect, which helps spread the word and mobilise the Lebanese diaspora across cities and continents.. Stephen Gibbs for Daily Mail Australia I pointed out at the time that he was likely to get the biggest sentence ever imposed for these sort of offences and surely he would want to present something to ameliorate his part in these crimes. The last person to plead guilty was a friend of Mohammed Skaf. The identity of the four men in the red van has never properly been revealed. That was an attraction, too. 'Each sentence was framed so that there could be some hope of release but, in my mind, the protection of the community was more important than early release. But material losses, even huge painful ones, are things that one day can be replaced. In the third trial, the accused were Bilal Skaf, Mohammed Skaf, Mohammed Ghanem and Mahmoud Chami. One upstanding group of Lebanese males got sentences up to 49 years prison for kidnapping girls on the street and raping them. Skaf and the members of this gang clearly wanted public recognition for what they had done. Skaf is now in Goulburn's Supermax prison serving a 31-year sentence with a minimum of 28 years. Once you got into the zone where you are powerful and people are scared of you, you dont want to stop. ', Then Labor premier Bob Carr has said of the original 55-year sentence: 'It was certainly a headline grabber, it met community expectations, it sent a powerful message to any punk with violent tendencies on the margins of gang activity that this was very dangerous behaviour.'. Australia Arab organized crime was introduced in Australia after the mass immigration of Arab people after the Lebanese Civil War in the 1970s to the end of the 1980s. Each girl was questioned by the Crown prosecutor first and then cross-examined by each of the counsel for the accused. That sentence was modified several times upon appeal. The . This then meant there was not sufficient evidence against him of identification. 33. News However, data also suggests that the city has been experiencing a steady rise in crime rates for the past three years. 18:49 EST 27 May 2018. Bilal Skaf and up to eleven other men who were never identified, then turned up in a van sometime later. The population is diverse, having a large Christian religious base, being mostly Maronite Catholics, while also having a large Muslim group of Sunni branch of Islam.. Lebanon, in both its modern-day form as the Lebanese state . I cannot say what will happen to these men. Australia In Sydney, Disaffected Lebanese Kids Caught in Spiraling Gang Violence Facing racism at school and pressure at home, children from Middle Eastern families in Australia are dragged. If you live in Melbourne, you are at moderate risk of theft and breaking. There was no obvious reason. Frequently, whilst sitting in the dock, he clicked his fingers towards his counsel, summoning him over. They had hardly ever been over the Harbour Bridge and were quite concerned when that happened. 'These were not random attacks and, in my view, they were aimed at creating terror in the community. Because the two complainants could only give vague descriptions of Hajeid and Ghanem, their counsel cross-examined the complainants to establish doubts about their identification. There is no concept in our law that there is a category of person called loose women who are deemed somehow to consent and certainly there is no law that merely because a young woman might give an indication that she was friendly with someone and didn't protest too much when they were laying hands on her that she therefore was consenting to anything. This was evidence of incriminating phone calls between him and Chami. Called next to him in the front seat, but she indicated that there was no evidence of his involvement in the crime, but only wanted him as a witness to it. And these guys are well armed. The Australian Embassy in Beirut, opened in 1967, was the third Australian Embassy to be established in the Middle East. Russia Compared to the Arab population in Australia, a much larger number of Arabs are in Germany and have traditionally settled in large numbers in Lebanese regions such as Tripoli, the Beqaa Valley and Beirut where they have integral part of the country's Sunni community. Thats whats so disturbing., Lebanese-born educator Keysar Trad believes criminality in the community is a by-product of overly strict parents who expect their children to excel at school, and racism in the classroom and playground that prevents them from doing so. The available evidence suggests that Australians of Lebanese ethnicity who were born in Lebanon reportedly have higher rates of cardiovascular disease-related and type 2 diabetes-related complications when compared with the wider Australian population. In Germany these clans mostly settled in Berlin, Bremen and Essen where they became involved in narcotics trafficking, weapons trafficking, extortion, prostitution, illegal gambling, car theft, money laundering and armed robbery. Im Lebanese Australian and Im proud of both parts of my identity. God damn, you see one blonde person from Turkey or Lebanon and you think that there's pure whites in that country. Present governor of the State of NSW is a distinguished Lebanese-Christian woman. This is probably Katter's most famous and funny video, wait until the end. This large group of men got out of this van. The devastation has profoundly touched Australias 250,000-strong Lebanese community, with the immediate sense of despair now transitioning to a desperate urge to assist. All the windows were broken, the doors blown up, she says. The jury considered this very carefully and were out considering their verdicts for a number of days but, when they came back, they convicted the three accused on all charges. Both Mohammed Skaf and the victim went and saw her mother and got her consent as the trip was going to be on a Saturday night. In 2002, people born in Australia were imprisoned at a rate of 156 per 100,000 while those born overseas were imprisoned at a rate of 146 per 100,000. 'I have thought of this over the years,' Finane writes. Skaf was talking on a mobile phone to other people in Arabic. Im still in a state of shock. I have no intention of attempting to justify my sentences. "(Ghazal) said on the show that if he . Single expats: 1.630 USD. A lot of the racism against Lebanese people in Australia however dates to before 9/11. (2001) The Lebanese . For example, I had to explain that sexual intercourse was not, as many people might think, only penetration of the vagina of a woman by the penis of a man, but extended to penetration of any part of the body of a person by any part of the body of another. Few crimes in recent Australian history have stirred more community anger and fear than a series of pack rapes committed by more than a dozen young Lebanese men in Sydney's west 18 years ago. from Restaurateurs in Bankstown pay up to $50,000 a year in protection money or risk having their premises firebombed, while Shia and Sunni Muslims exchange invectives and blows on the streets. Whatever they might have done in those centuries, the law is now perfectly clear - any woman is entitled to refuse consent to sexual intercourse at any time. Those who pleaded guilty, were given lesser sentences than those who pleaded not guilty, because the law provided for this. I wouldnt even put the request through to Canberra that the Lebanese government wanted direct funding, because it would go nowhere., That level of overt corruption is only too familiar for ordinary Lebanese, who blame government negligence and mismanagement for the devastating blast. The Lebanese-born population of Australia stood at 70,325 persons in the 1996 census. Many months later he pleaded guilty to a series of sexual offences that included the events of this night. In my view, all of these men remain a continuing threat to the Sydney community and particularly to young women. There was no application that I should do otherwise. The gang assaulted the two girls, by punching and kicking them and, of course, by dragging them across a park by the neck. Confined at home due to Victorias lockdown, Maakasa has taken to social media to connect with others in the Lebanese diaspora across the world and offer assistance however she can. Lebanon's parliament has scrapped a law under which a rapist could be exempt from punishment if he married his victim, state media report. ASIAN ORGANISED CRIME IN AUSTRALIA A Discussion Paper by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Crime Authority February 1995 (return to table of contents) 5. In the 1980s . She was reading a book of English literature, when a group of men led by Mohammed Skaf surrounded her and commenced to assault her indecently. In this case, only Bilal Skaf gave evidence. "The passion is there. The men in the red van also sexually assaulted them in the same fashion, as well as punching them and kicking them. There was no evidence that any offences were committed because of religious or cultural or racial reasons and, in fact, there had been no mention of religion at any time in the trial. He extended his criminal activities and eventually became known as "the Lebanese . From the outset, the City of Bankstown in south-western Sydneys sprawling migrant belt is a picture of multiculturalism. A large number of former Lebanese citizens immigrated to several major German cities under political asylum and refugee status. It is across the street from the Lebanese central bank in Beirut, the Associated Press reported. Why was the third victim plucked from a train? Both of the Skafs were convicted. Finnane has compared the Skaf gang's depravity to outrages committed by invading armies in times of war. According to the NSW Police, Lebanese crime families have started to corner the market on drug-dealing, causing them to clash with other gangs in the city. They also robbed the girls. The devastation in Beirut has profoundly touched Australias 250,000-strong Lebanese community. The damage is extensive, like all the other apartments in the area. The Pursuit of Justice, published by New Holland Publishers, RRP $35, is available from all good book retailers or online at New Holland Publishers. I also told them to put out of their minds any religious or racial views they had. International The most common crimes involve physical altercations, trespassing, burglary, and damaging public or private property. It was because the police had given up fighting back. new Not one of them showed that fear of criminal proceedings or of jail was ever in their minds. The crime shocked the small town of Ashford and devastated the Australian South Sea Islander community of Elizabeth. Lebanon.. Lebanon has a population of approximately 4.6 million, with 18 recognised distinct religious . In Australia crimes are legally classified as either indictable or non-indictable. When the verdicts came in after the conclusion of this trial, I informed counsel that I would not sentence their clients until all trials concerning them had concluded. Crime families exchange gunfire and trade narcotics with apparent immunity; arrestees in Bankstown are 60 times more likely to use heroin than those in other parts in Australia. If you ever hear him speak, you would never believe it. Without Bilal Skaf leading them, perhaps they will come to see that there is a way forward. It is also possible that there were other victims who have never come forward. Since then, migration has significantly reduced and growth rates have become steady. . The complainant, who had been sexually assaulted by fourteen men something like forty times over four hours, could not identify him. Facing racism at school and pressure at home, children from Middle Eastern families in Australia are dragged into world of organized crime and ethnic bloodletting, Lebanese youths are searched by Australian police in Sydney. . Still, the enormity of the tragedy requires a monumental effort to rebuild the shattered city. Lebanese Crime, Official Cowardice In Australia. Lebanese organized crime is active in the country of Lebanon itself, as well as in countries and areas with a large Arab community, most notably United Kingdom, Australia, Germany and in the Triple Frontier in South America. He agreed that his client showed no remorse and no contrition. A range of factors impinge upon criminal behaviour . I cant tell what some of the things are in the photos, what they once were. However, the victims' descriptions of the other men who attacked them were quite vague, as could be expected. The Ones That Didnt Make It: Australia-Bound Refugees Languish in Indonesia, Circle Sentencing: Alternative Justice in Australia, Wildfires Scorch Australia As Temperatures Reach Record Highs, Nelson Mandelas Extraordinary Life: An Interactive Timeline, How Did Gaddafi Die? Lebanese people have become integrated the most in Australian society. What made this trial startlingly different from most rape trials of which I was aware were four matters: 1. Bikie gangs such as the Nomads recruit heavily from among Lebanese Muslims, as have jihadist recruiters. The evidence of the two girls was probably sufficient in its own right to identify Bilal Skaf because he had many conversations with them on the night and he left a condom full of his semen in the park where he and others sexually assaulted these two girls. None generated anything like the public attention these trials drew. With all of us getting used to working on Zoom and Slack, its become easier to work with people from different cities.. Lebanese organized crime syndicates generally are active . Europe Counsel for each of the other accused addressed the jury then. The first community of Lebanese in Australia were Maronite Christians, quickly followed by a large Muslim community. ShiaChat.com may be unavailable periodically Saturday night to Sunday evening while we migrate to new servers and perform some necessary updates. Factors such as unemployment, education, socio-economic disadvantage and lack of access to services have more bearing than ethnicity on crime rates. And an otherwise law-abiding majority erect a wall of silence when dealing with police they regularly accuse and sue for thuggery and racial profiling. The police arrested the perpetrator of the crime as she climbed to the tram, after people called who reported a woman with blood. By this time, she had been kidnapped and raped vaginally, orally and anally more than forty times by fourteen men. My apartment, like others close to the blast, is . One of the victims, an 18-year-old woman, was raped 40 times by 14 men over four hours in an attack coordinated by mobile phone. Lebanon's national archives are located in a building that houses two ministries. Africa 'What the Skaf gang did was to enable multiple men to defile and degrade four young women. Of these, 52.5 per cent were males and 47.5 per cent were females. Finnane had been a judge of the New South District Court for a little more than a year when appointed to hear the Skaf gang trials, the first of which commenced on December 13, 2001. Indeed, when he was being taken away after I imposed sentence on him, he turned to me and said, 'And I am innocent, you c***t!' When the victim went to get into the car, however, she saw two other men there whom she did not know and did not expect would be there. And given the history of government efforts to obtain information on race, Im not even sure its something we should be doing. This trial concluded on 11 July 2002 and concerned events of 12 August 2000, only two nights after the attacks on the two girls from Chatswood. The gang's ringleader, Skaf, denied his role in the crimes despite overwhelming evidence of his guilt and showed no remorse even after he was sentenced to 55 years in prison. They were followed by other groups of criminals of Lebanese descent, many of whom, in contrast to their predecessors, preferred to remain in the part of Sydney where Keep Reading Tri Minh Tran More discrimination was reported by Middle-Eastern males compared with females on dealings with the police, disrespect, name-calling, and distrust. Glass was blown out blown out with such a high velocity that there are shards of glass embedded in some of my furniture, almost dagger-like, she says. USA Relatives have legally . The same trial process occurred as happened in the first trial and during my summing up I made the same remarks about the entitlement of a woman to say no. None of these young women will ever forget their experience at the hands of this gang.'. For thousands of Lebanese Australians residing in Lebanon, the opportunity to return to Australia at any point provides a psychological safety net. Single expats: 1.773 USD. Manorama Online A GANG war over drug turf that has been simmering for two decades has erupted into a series of public shootings that has turned Fairfield in western Sydney into Australia's most dangerous suburb. The children of refugees who fled Lebanon's civil war for peaceful Australia in the 1970s form a. majority of Australian militants fighting in the Middle East, according to about a dozen counter-terrorism officials, security experts and Muslim community members. Although Lebanese are to be found throughout Australia . Arab world Breaking news My sentence on him was substantially reduced by the Court of Criminal Appeal, which also reduced the sentences on some of the others involved, but not all of them. The blast flattened the neighbourhoods closest to the port, such as Gemmayze and Mar Mikhael tourist hotspots and the heart of Beiruts famous nightlife, now as haunting as Stalingrad. 34. While Finnane's sentencing of the Skaf gang members was widely lauded and drew praise from many politicians, he was criticised privately by some other judges. My views on sentence were not those of the judges of the Court of Criminal Appeal, but their sentences prevail. Why did those who joined him, become involved? The other two were also fairly small, but with the sorts of faces that could easily be forgotten. The evidence showed Mohammed Skaf to be a treacherous bully who betrayed the trust of the victim and made her, a sixteen-year old school girl, available to his brother and ten or eleven other men. J., Noble, G. Poynting, S. and Tabar, P. (2000) Kebabs, Kids, Cops and Crime. I remanded all of them in custody. The 1997-98 statistics produce high alleged offender rates . This also caused these girls great concern. The girls in the car were very concerned at this point, but too scared to get out and run away. [6] These criminal organizations are mostly based around extended criminal clans. The former ambassador is no stranger to Lebanese corruption, having fielded astonishing requests from Lebanese officials in his time there seeking Australian aid money for self-fulfilling purposes. The theft occurred in a tightly secured area, further reflecting the cash-strapped country's continued decay. He also clicked his fingers towards my court officers, ordering them to get him water. A criminal trial commences with the Crown prosecutor calling evidence, after making a short opening address, then each of the accused in turn calls evidence in his case if he wishes to do so. The identities of the men in the red van on 10 August have never been established. A 44-year-old woman killed two Lebanese residing in Melbourne, the capital of the state of Victoria in the southeast of Australia. Lebanese move to west Africa, escaping the crisis at home A new wave of migrants has come looking for jobs Jun 10th 2021 W HEN BANKS started to fail and protesters began filling the streets in. By this time she was hysterical. There was also evidence that each of the accused and the men in the red van abused the girls, calling them 'sluts' and threatened retribution on them if either of them had VD or AIDS. [7], Last edited on 24 February 2023, at 19:36, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Rising crime in northern Bekaa Valley hurting Hezbollah", "THE WORLD'S LARGEST DRUG FIELD -- (BY DENNIS EISENBERG) (Extension of Remarks - July 27, 1990)", "Schattenseiten der Einwanderergesellschaft - Brutale Familienbande", "Miri-Clan: Eine Familie, tief verstrickt ins Verbrechen - DIE WELT", "Terrorist and Organized Crime Groups in the Tri-Border Area of South America", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lebanese_mafia&oldid=1141378811, This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 19:36. I thought she was a particularly brave young woman who refused to give in to any of these suggestions. The two victims were schoolgirls who were wandering around a shopping centre at Chatswood on 10 August 2000 about nine o'clock at night. 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