ron hurts draco fanfiction

The knight she was convinced loved her treated her as nothing but a little girl, the slightly annoying sister of his best friend. Most readers would just assume it's because Draco is a rich, snobby jerk. Now that is what I call an orgasm! She collapsed on the bed, Harry laying right on top of her. If youve killed Potter, you may have signed our death certificates! To learn details about the powers themselves, do a google search for Allomancer and read the wikipedia article it will tell you about the powers and the series it comes from. Molly Weasley called them all down as the kitchen emptied, and said shed have dinner on the table for them shortly. This story will get darker as it progresses, just like the original Harry Potter novels. He saw her make her own way, learning to frequently beat them at their own games. And you know Ginny loves you, too. He said nothing, but just kept thrusting into her. The two glanced at each other, then followed Julie up the stairs. We have no excuse for treating him the way we have!. Or the telly. Or Dudleys video games. Give me a moment to check Ginny over and make sure shes been fully healed from your first time, then I think wed better get Harry back under that invisibility cloak, and let you both get back to my room.. They entered the small bedroom to find Harry squirming on a chair. She collapsed to the floor, out cold. After another quick clean-up, they drifted off to sleep, still in one anothers arms. This is a story with heavy world-building and magical lore. Ive read some pretty hot stuff on here, so well give this a try. Harry slowly moved down her neck, then on to her shoulders, and slowly to the top of her breasts. But if Harry is under the influence of this curse, theres no real way to avoid it. I saw every bit of it, and it doesnt matter. He was in heaven, it felt so incredible! Draco picked up the two books from his desk, and placed them in his trunk. But decide now! He practically spat the last. Though she hadnt heard the lock, due to her own silencing charm, the door wouldnt budge. Life is good, she reflected. He felt a burst of, well, perhaps it was accidental magic, or perhaps it was just a violent form of wandless magic. He was nearly unconscious, himself, when the bright flash of magic surged through himself and Constable Lydia Montague. O wha did ou hink? she asked Petunia. She saw the abuse and the neglect (and blamed herself slightly for never noticing it before). Idk what its short for but his name is Wynn, Which means yes. Her wand was in her hands, and shed just started to cast a spell, when she found her foot caught on the hem of her invisibility cloak. As his seed exploded into her, there was a bright flash as a blast of magic surged through the both of them. +. I dont own Trump Plaza. "You know With your mum the size of a house already." That moment shed made the decision to try again to try harder to understand his attitudes and to make a friend. Draco Malfoy was not pleased. Slamming up and down on his cock. Come on, Hermione. Stretching her mouth, jaw, and throat with her abilities, she took his entire cock at once. He drummed his fingers on his knee as he stared angrily at the Gryffindor table. One evening while Lucius is out torturing and whoring with the Death Eaters, she dresses up in her best, sexiest nightie, and calls for Dobby (who Harry has instructed to help her if needed.) I just want him to be happy again," I said and sat down on Ginny's bed. Sorry for the delay, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and the way I brought Hermione into this story. And then Harry saw her fear and felt her pain as he raped her. An. She wasnt crying, she was moaning in passion. Dumbledore opened the door to the office and ushered them in. Of course you had wanted to tell him; the guilt was something that ate at you daily, and you always knew that it had been wrong to lie to him. "Living forever's amazing, Draco," Harry whispered to his soulmate, his forehead pressed up against his as he lightly thumb Harry and Draco are bound to each other and have to survive the forthcoming weeks in each other's presence. I will even allow the boy if you must. Tonks clawed her way across the floor, and pulled herself up Harrys back. She grabbed Petunias chin, and stuck Harrys head in quickly enough to let Petunia receive the last couple of squirts, which Petunia had not expected. This time he rolled her onto her knees and took her from behind, grinding himself into her, his hands holding her hips as he slammed against her ass! Or anything else in the house that he didnt need to use for chores, for that matter. Harry just kept thrusting into her, loving the feeling of her incredibly hot pussy. Dinner went on and Draco sat there angrily. Summary: In an effort to win Ron's heart Draco begins to hit on Hermione in an attempt to get closer to him but what happens when everyone begins to discover the secrets and dysfunction in Hogwarts? God, yes! she screamed out twice more, before Harry finally grunted, and sprayed her wonderfully battered pussy with his own batter once again. As much my fault as yours, she replied quietly. Eventually all of humanity was wiped out by desperate muggles. He saw her as a child, discovering her odd gift, and starting to learn how to change her appearance at will. You distantly heard Hermione gasp, a sound that caused the lip-locked pair to part in surprise. As is Hermione, as soon as she gets home. Of their own accord, his hands reached out, and started to slide through her blond hair. His tongue swirled around her nub again, and her hips bucked a third time as she cried out Oh God! Her orgasm flooded Harrys face with juices. Harry continued, alternating his slow, steady strokes with an occasional few seconds of a faster pace for about another seven minutes, stopping for only a few seconds while Petunia spasmed through her third orgasm. She tried not to do this too often, but every few days, she just took the chance to relax herself. Every child develops earlier, and has the same magic in greater force. I dont own a gun. Can it even be done? At Julies urging, she ran her tongue around his crown, then started licking his shaft. Draco is jealous of Harry. If she had ever had the chance to experience a pensieve, she might have related it to that, but as she hadnt. Tonks just stared, amazed, as he took the other woman from behind, as hard and fast as hed been pounding into her a few minutes previous. But she was a little fearful that her own time with Harry might suffer. "Hey Malfoy" Draco looked up and scowled. After nine thick shots, he took a deep breath, rolled to the side, and collapsed onto the bed on his back, next to her. Nothing could go wrong, right? She saw through the eyes of a two-year-old who was never hugged, never kissed, never loved, but always screamed at. draco malfoy x female y/n character CRUCIO!. Fatigue took over her and she fell asleep in Draco arms as he slowly navigated his way through the slur of mud and leaves alike to his secret hideout. Petunia couldnt help but moan, especially after Julie started gently stroking her nub. And it is usurping all of Harrys power as well. Shed been denying herself ever since shed gotten home from Hogwarts, but this morning she finally allowed herself to think on the hug shed given Harry on their last day at the school. His expression was wild, as he struggled against his bonds. Petunia explained she would be taking Dudley to the doctor tomorrow morning, and that Vernon would have his appointment later in the week. But his experiences this summer, combined with Malfoys damned curse had made a huge difference in the young man. Then its on to Grimmauld for a bit, both to satisfy Dumbledore, and to give Harry a chance to spend some time with Sirius. Im so close. Ill castrate you!, Little bastard? Julie murmured. Harry gazed at his aunt with lust-filled eyes, until she spoke again. This leads to Snape trying to view the memory quite frequently, and being thrown out of it, the viewing becomes somewhat addictive to him. He finds us hideous! No dont stop! Potter! ", "I know, but that's enough reason for him to hate himself.". Instead, there are traces in their minds, almost a kind of deja vu. I can at least at least join you for the shower, he whispered. When it came time to remove their robes, he kept his folded robe in his lap, as his erection was visible even through Dudleys king-size cast-offs. You need to build up some stamina if you are going to keep up with two horny women. 45 years after the Second Wizarding War. You dont have much to compare him to, Petunia. I do, she agreed. Narcissa shook her head. For hours. Harry knew in the end it had to be Dudleys choice, but his aunt would now provide him with plenty of positive and negative reinforcement to make the right choice. His fingers caressed her scalp as he wrapped them around the back of her head. The auror glared once at the stupid elephant leg umbrella stand, and took Hermiones elbow gently as she guided her to the stairs. Wally West is OK as Kid Flash, but to me, Barry will always be the real Flash. He followed it with four more thick strands of cum as he let out a groan. just story about death , the properchy child and dark lord and himself with mere human tragic story that paint with blood and tear. "Here," Ginny said and held a dress out to me. I dont know how much time, but while I could feel some sort of well stirring, for lack of any better term, it was easy to resist. They sat down and Draco kept his gaze at his hands in his lap. Meanwhile, sometime in the next few weeks, I hope to come back to this chapter and actually fully write all of the above. They prepare a ritual, Harry surprises Dumbles and claimes the Elder Wand for its power, and between Lunas knowledge, the wands power and Harrys anger, they manage to reverse both Dracos curse and the familial curse on the Potters. ), The three lovers discussed possibilities for over an hour, but they just didnt know enough, yet. It is balance. All their plans had nearly come to naught. "Draco?" But while his nightmares had backed off a bit (especially the nights he had somebody in his bed with him amazing how much more difficult it was to have bad dreams while you were fondling a breast in your sleep!) Theres nothing to say anyway. Ron looked at the floor again. Not evil, so far. Harry, luv, I still cant get our first time out of my mind. Im writing this as I sit here contemplating abandoning my story, Dracos Gift. Dudley and his little friends are the gang!. Assaulted in her own home, somehow thrown across the room she had no idea how that had happened. Around the Dursley house, hed previously been forbidden to touch the phone. Moments later, he was back, pulling her into his arms, and gently kissing her all over her body as they cuddled. But he knew his wife wouldnt tolerate it, right now. All he could do was berate himself meaninglessly and pray for it all to be over, much like the poor child beneath him. Al parecer no todos tienen su final feliz. The adrenaline at getting caught that was flooding his system just sped the process as he felt his conscious control being locked away. Harry was about to put the sheet back when his thoughts returned to everybody down at breakfast. Petunia started to cry again. She started howling loudly enough that he was worried somebody might hear it outside of the house, and he could feel her wet cunt pulsating around his cock for at least a minute, as she continued to writhe around. Dinner was a surprise. Ophelia asked the boy next to her while walking out of the open corridor. She turned to Harry, who was also dressing. By this time Tonks had her wand directly on Harry, and was holding it steady, though the rest of her body was trembling. Especially if it is your first time, it should be a little easier if you find yourself wanting it to happen.. Harry takes her, and learns of the prophecy. His eyes filled with nothing but lust and rage, Harry glared down at the slim legs and the white cotton knickers in front of them. She heard a loud pop in her neck, and never quite realized the severe fracture in several of the vertebrae in her spine had just repaired themselves as if shed never hit the wall, she just knew she could suddenly move, and with almost no pain. One erotic dream after another, featuring his classmates, the girls from Seamuss pictures, and random women his imagination created out of pure cloth. Harry was pained to discover that the headache that had started shortly after hed reached the Great Hall just continued to get worse and worse. He remembered how much his aunt and Julie had enjoyed it when hed eaten them out. The British Magic Society was under the terror of a new Dark Lordwho was no other but the man she love the mostRon Weasley. None of us will and I think that's a good thing, Y/N," he said, intertwining our fingers. Your father and I were up quite late, talking. She stifled a yawn. His erection was still rock hard and unnaturally large, but his head was pounding so much he couldnt even begin to imagine doing anything about it. The lust flooded through her again, and she promised herself she would not allow herself to do that again. He saw as Ginny was virtually programmed to love him and to fall for him, and wondered how many other girls in the wizarding world were raised the same way? And she was halfway horrified to find she was starting to enjoy it, at least a little! Now I am not kissing that! Harry said, emphatically. Harry moaned, appreciatively. Shed seen his horror, his regarding himself as a monster, and his wish to die for what he was doing to his aunt. I have a shift this morning. He was amazed to find his erection rising again. It still threw him off balance enough that the slim blond had a few seconds before he was on her again. Harry grabbed the edge of the sun dress, and lifted the fabric until hed pushed it up onto her now-horizontal back. This is the story of how that changes everything. His eyes were barely open and he blinked as they tried to focus. Take the potion, or get out of here, now!, The turmoil in Herminones mind continued to rage. She wanted this. All your feelings of sorrow and regret for what youd done had quickly been replaced with anger. Potter is the enemy!, Lucius backhanded him. He saw an intensely lonely young girl who was desperate to make a difference, but was being torn apart by the horrifying fear that she would never be able to do so. I dont own a gun. Malfoy sees just enough to suspect something, and at the welcoming feast, tells Snape and then Dumbledore that he thinks Harry raped somebody on the train. Harry blushed inside his own mind as he discovered that he was the one that Hermione fantasized to, and that shed gotten herself off to the thoughts of his body and his touch even more times than hed done the same to the thoughts of hers. Harry stared for a moment, then one part of what Fawkes said finally registered. AUTHORS NOTE Yes, I am getting slower and slower in writing and posting this. Days went by as you tried to get Draco to talk to you, but every attempt failed. The boy Vernon was always calling a juvenile delinquent had his aunt bent over the kitchen table, and from the bared skin it was obvious he was fucking her. The two magicals got dressed and headed down the stairs, across the yard, and into the back door of Number Four. He's a lot nicer this year," Ginny said. But most of the pain was gone, and this was what shed been dreaming of for years. Mione, he moaned, Im not going to last much longer. They continued to gaze in each others eyes as each one found themselves continuing to build to another explosion. For that matter, what about me? He was soon on his way. Its an unknown curse. "I was a jerk. Harry finds himself in the body of a Lensman in his training mission right before graduation from Wentworth Academy. Which is why as later chapters continued on, less and less of the rapes would be shown in as great of depth, because nothing positive would be gained from continuing to show them in all their depths. Being one of the last remaining descendants of Merlin- the Greatest Wizard of all time- she finds 'She was his, and he was hers, now for eternity' BY next year, shell take over teaching history, and only teach divination to a few students actually gifted in the subject. Whatever it was, telepathy, or some other form of communication, Fawkes was communicating with him. #ronaldweasley The fact that, as her husband continued to grow and put on weight, hed gone impotent. It is incredibly pure, incredibly magical, and this somehow gives it an ability to heal almost anything with enough tears.. Harry was surprised, as well. It had been three years since the War, and somehow, someway, they had rebuilt. Sometimes I just love magic, he thought to himself. dracofanfic fanfiction +10 more # 5 Dark Magic by R M Shepherd 168K 4.7K 125 October 31 1981. You gasped in surprise, turning only to be met with the familiar grey eyes that had once looked at you with love and adoration. He couldnt possibly swallow it all, and it was soon running down his face as he pulled back to breath. Mrs. Polkiss watched in a kind of bewildered wonder as Harry shot stream after stream of thick white cum several feet across the room at her. Who in the hell is Ms Montague, he asked, startled. Dobby? It was barely a whisper, and barely a thought, but for the odd house elf, it seemed it was enough. It is not for a lack of trying. You remained quiet, but could tell that he was being truthful. Soon she was screaming Yes! She couldnt help but moan as his touch ramped her desire ever higher. The early years were a blur of beatings, neglect, and forced starvation, with the constant cry of Freak! in his ears. Harry was the essence of odd. Wash the dishes, then go to bed. He didnt know what he could do about it, but Vernon better not have hit her, last night! She now has the increased lust twice over, and is now an uncontrollable nympho. He collapsed across her back, and gently kissed the taut, ivory skin. Harry Potter: Lan Mandragoran Susan Bones: Elaine Trakand Learns: Use of the Source (elemental magic). Harry had a good rhythm going, and he seemed to naturally know enough to alter that rhythm a little, every once in a while. Early on, looking for a place to meet with various girls, Harry will be told about the Room of Requirement, and in it he will meet the avatar of Hogwarts, herself. Harry quickly fell back asleep, and slept soundly and dreamlessly, but with a bit of a smile upon his face. An interesting summer awaits Ron. "I'm sure he just needs some time to recover, like the rest of us," Ginny said. We dosed Harry with a tremendously strong calming potion right before we started the trip to Grimmauld Place. She tried kicking him, but that only seemed to help him as he pushed her robes and cloak up past the small of her back. Im glad you liked it, she replied. When he reached the house, he found Aunt Petunia already working on dinner. He grabbed the fabric with his hands, but it stubbornly refused to tear, so he violently pulled it to the side to reveal her shaved bush and her dripping sex. I dont own Harry Potter. Draco blushed then scowled. As odd as it might seem, considering how she was threatening to castrate him moments before, Tonks was really looking forward to this. He leaned down and kissed her, gently, hesitantly. Harry is devastated, and doesnt know if he can go on, but Luna tells him there is no time to waste, he must go and save his ladies. They weaken the other family magic. The reason Draco hates Harry so much is more complicated than it seems. At some point one of the girls will be trying to arrange for the induction of Greengrass and Davis, and trying to protect them, or trying to spy on them, Bulstrode will be the one who gets the violent introduction. #thelemonsheriff Im already on a charm to prevent pregnancy, she told him, So I was already safe. First off, this house is hidden, and the ministry cannot detect anything that happens here. How do I avoid Molly and Ginny? No magic to contend with in this ones childhood. ' His aunt did her best to stifle a snort as she did up the snaps on her robe. Nice to know. Cant do that to you. Thats very good! This time she was the one to push him down on the bed. Just be sure to answer the phone.. I wrote chapter nine earlier today, before returning to eight to write this summary, so along with this rather unfortunately truncated chapter, you do also have a real, full chapter which may be the longest of the story so far. I'm sorry" Draco's scowl deepened before he stood and pushed past Ron. Originally Harry wanted love from his uncle. He stood there, barely breathing, for about three minutes before she arched her back and cried out softly. Summary: Harry Potter finds himself shagging every woman in Great Britain, and it is all thanks to Draco Malfoy. It sucks that our schedules are so different," I said. What prison cell? Dudley suddenly chimed in. He kept his head down as he did so. That was how Harry and his aunt ended up holding each other and sobbing their hearts out. It was a cold stare full of hatred. The curse is hate. Harry gasped as she leaned forward and took his head in her mouth, applied a little suction, and then pulled her mouth off him with a very light popping sound. I think he eventually sarifices himself in the Crisis, saving Barry Allen. Look at Harry look at him! The young witch glanced at the chair where her best friend sat. His massive erection was sticking out before him, and Hermiones mind just couldnt take it in. After years of doing most of the cooking at Number Four, Harry was quite a decent cook, and now able to enjoy the meals he ate, and wanting to make sure his aunt enjoyed the meal, as well, Harry went all out. Youll really need it if you plan on adding Ms Montague to the rotation.. He gently eased open the door to the master bedroom, and then just stared. More than a half hour later, he was nearly going cross-eyed, while her passionate moans were completely incoherent. - by Rihaan Shimomura 2008-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()). And as soon as it was her desire, he increased his pace, and was soon giving it to her as strongly as hed taken the auror. I snuck up on him and cast a curse on him.. It was getting close to dinner time besides, he really didnt like the way he was starting to react to that attractive blond that was jogging around the park. She orders Dobby to take her home, but Harry stops him. And shed spent a lot of time imagining his touch. Each of you are beautiful in your own way, and each of you now have your own place in my life. AUTHORS NOTE: I have reviews! She saw what a phoenix was, and what it could and could not heal. Harry asked a minimum of questions, just enough to make his Godfather feel needed, but he was pretty happy when Remus backed Molly in insisting enough had been said, and the whole gang was sent off to bed. Itll be the last time I need to deal with you. His wand was also at the ready. She found herself with an angry auror in her face. As he entered the large hall and moved toward the Gryffindor table, he heard what sounded like a loud SQUEEEE! and Hermione hurtled into his arms. After a harrowing fight in a graveyard, Harry had lost a friend, a bit of blood, and perhaps the protection his mother had died to provide him with. He shifted slightly, pressing his cock more firmly against her for a moment. You all got me so excited, I had to rush off and write chapter three! He tried to dodge out of the way, but in this instance, the curses control actually dulled his natural reflexes, and he took a minor blow to the temple, even as his hand thrust out at her chest. "I'm sure I do. Dracos curse? The Rape of Persephone! Lucius knew that sounded familiar. As a very horny Julie looked on, the pink-haired girl went from what looked like a C cup to somewhere around a double D. Now thats just not fair, she pouted. "I know that you're not a party person, so it means a lot that you're coming," he said earnestly. Just once, while pulling a casserole out of the oven, she could not resist, and backed into Harry. Harry wondered what Hermione might be able to come up with, but Tonks reminded Harry of the strong worries that communication channels might be compromised. She knew hed seen every single moment of it, she suspected hed even seen the bits that she couldnt remember, but there was no blame for her there at all! I think Sirius will still die in the same way, but Im not sure. As their lips sought and met and fought in battle where there could be no possible losers, lust was spiking through each of them. Wizards and witches were healed by other wizards and witches, they were the ones who really knew what they were doing. She starts to change. I dont want to hurt you, he said. Ron walked to the other side of the room to his red bed before deciding to turn and walk to Draco's instead. They enjoyed a basic lunch, a cheese sandwich each and a little fruit, and for once Dudley didnt whine. Ron saw Draco quickly wipe his face again. Go ahead and try something, Malfoy sneered. Instead he just enjoyed the cacophony of moans and groans coming from his ladies. Ginny was less happy to learn that Hermione was going to spend a couple of nights in Tonks room. Harry had just cum seconds ago, so he was half-flaccid. Of course you werent., Before you could argue, he tore his eyes away from yours. She knew it was a natural thing, but Vernon had never seemed to spare a thought for her feelings once hed finished. Im not sure Trump does, either. He turned to head for his room, then turned back, sniffing. Dull, and occasionally highly annoying. With him ignoring you at all costs, you couldnt help but feel that youd never get the opportunity to explain yourself. As Harry mentioned, we need to speak to you privately. She and Hermione started up the stairs at a more sedate pace. Yet he doesn't regret it, saving his brother is worth any painful memory. She saw her husband through Harrys eyes. She gave evrything and enything to be loved but it didn't work , killed at the hands of her half sister, beacuse she wanted to be with her cheating ex .Elena Parker died tow hours after her 25th birthday , and found her self as the charecter Ron weasley . "You two will be sharing a room that I have made specially for you." How about just some jogging shorts or something?. He slowed to allow her to ride out her orgasm, then slowly started pushing into her again, building toward his own climax. Harry was able to discover the joys of not only making love to a woman, but waking to find one in his arms. While she was still winding down, he rolled her over onto her knees, and started plowing into her from behind. What do you mean, I had one source of evil, but now I have two? But the phoenix was gone, there was no reply. I think he still feels guilty about what happened last year. Babylon 5 Wouldnt mind using this universe, some hot women to get Harry together with, but what could he gain? se Celestia Eleanor Young is the newest generation of the Pure-blood Young family of Singapore. Harry would have eventually received a letter (or letters) from Dudley and Petunia, Dudley apologizing, and Petunia letting Harry know that the health of all those on Privett are continuing to improve. Tight blue jogging shorts? var sc_invisible=0; Soon Vernon was off to work, and Dudley was off to find his gang, after a warning from his mother to behave himself. Yes! Julie watched its length slide back and forth for a couple of minutes, then had to ask. I didnt want to, but because of a curse, I did. Thank you, Vernon. Im so sorry we never loved you, she broke into sobs again. (See, I told you there was a reason none of his early women got pregnant.). Harry? his new lover asked, How much do you exercise?. Do you want us to go broke?, Petunia turned on her husband. With both Auror Tonks and Officer Lydia to assist him, he continued to expand his exercise regiment, and over several weeks had added a lot to his strength, stamina, and muscle mass. The urge is kind ofstartling. Before they could hurt each other in any way, Dumbledore walked over and grabbed both their wands. The Ministry will crucify you!, Harry held up the wand hed used, and she noticed it was not his holly wand. Soon he felt her spasming around his length as she came again. I dont think hes up to it.. "What in the hell do you think AUGH!" The scream of pain came as Harry backhanded her violently. Hed even measured it, and he knew his eight-and-a-quarter inches were larger than the average. Their silence didnt go unnoticed by the other house tables, and they began to look on with curiosity as well, conversations coming to an end in confusion. Harry increased the speed of his thrusts, staring all the while into his lovers gorgeous brown eyes. (As of dinner last night) I dont own a Swedish meatball (though I may have in the past.) Well, when you finish, go find something to do, then, she told him. Or maybe I wont!. A couple of witches that he was already connected with made at least a slight difference in how much control he could maintain. Harry? I never even thought of it. The version she already knew would last for a week, so she figured if she cast it on him every four to five days, he ought to be fine. It dripped with a mixture of her juices and his, and he was ashamed to see just a hint of blood from his rough treatment. Faster! He had no idea how he did it, but he set a monster pace, as he gripped her ass and plunged in and out as fast as he could force his body to move. In a repeat of history, the two of them were both weeping as they came back to themselves. Draco wrapped an arm around you, protecting you from the cold winter breeze as you two walked towards the school entrance. 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