teachers reflection about classroom management

I do have a question. They may also be more likely to misbehave, creating further damage. I am a person of color. However, Im an ESL teacher in another country and I feel like some parts of the plan are difficult and almost impossible to implement. Pinto suggests that teachers use the cycle diagram to analyze their classroom-management strategies, actions, or habits. Thanks. Unlike time-out corners, which are typically perceived as a punishment, peace corners are used by all studentsstudents can go there themselves, within reasonso it's not a place of stigma. Crucially, activities are scattered throughout the area to help students learn self-regulation skills, from breathing exercises to a chart that helps them reflect on what choices they made and the better choices they could make in the future. The book calls for educators to take on nontraditional practicessuch as cultural competency, inclusion, and mindfulness about their classroom practiceswhile also acknowledging the challenge of altering ingrained habits. It is more of a catch me being good system, including a more positive disciplinary plan. African American students were more aware of racial bias in school disciplinary decisions, and as this awareness grew it predicted a loss of trust in school, leading to a large trust gap in seventh grade, write the researchers of a 2017 study. =3 The environment is critical because you want to create a safe learning environment that will help students be able to engage in the lesson. We as teachers are often the sacrificial lamb. Although I do not have my own classroom to implement my own assessment strategies, one strategy that I know I will use is formative assessments. Create a free account to save your favorite articles, follow important topics, sign up for email newsletters, and more. Instead of being frustrated, teachers should try to embrace this tech and look for ways that it can be used to enhance lessons and engage students in the lesson. My goal is to communicate to everyone who will listen that its not only possible to have a hardworking, well-behaved class, but its doable for anyone. But while Pinto disapproves of the principles underlying the discipline and reward-and-routine focuses, several strategies representative of these practices are included in the 45 classroom-management strategies of her books title. If you dont know whats possible, if youve never seen whole-class transformation, then its hard to believe it exists. Furthermore I must ensure I perpetuate good values and serve as a role model for the learners in my classroom. Reflection on Teaching by Student Teacher Please provide a self-reflection to your mentor under the following headings (what worked, what didn't and how to improve). I do not have my own classroom yet and have only obtained one year of experience, last school year, as an elementary aide for a kindergarten and first-grade classroom. `#X(`1/*0]yJyw5p1{fV The study used an early field experience model that was focused on the objective of profiling an elementary science teacher as the practical merit of reflection. Itll change everything! Being very organized and OCD I will have a set of classroom rules placed in the front of my classroom. In defining cultural responsiveness and competency, Pinto stresses that what may seem obvious and normal in one culture may be completely unfamiliar or uncomfortable in another. Questioning common sense and how it is determined may prove useful to teachers reflecting on their cultural competency. They ran away from school. When students feel a greater sense of belonging, theyre more likely to be academically engaged and demonstrate positive behavior. Please include examples of workshops, trainings, and/or life . Pintos book is built around two diagrams: a cycle of classroom management and a classroom-management spectrum. I can do this by decorating the classroom and getting to personally know and communicate with the students., (Chapter 9 Power Point) Students must be well behaved with rules and procedures that allow them the opportunity to learn. You are the teacher who is willing to take a risk to do better because you know better now! They ripped all the keys off the keyboards. They are capable of self-discipline but need to be shown what the rules of the classroom are and what is the expectation of the teacher. I would just call the parents and move on. Reproducible worksheets are inserted throughout the book, to be used as templates for peer- or self-assessment and to prompt group feedback. I had days I gave snacks out of my lunchbox to students who did not have one thing to eat for a snack. The books final chapter includes sample agendas for a school-year-long series of collegial meetings that teachers can use to work through the strategies described in the book. Its so hard to find, Ive been looking on youtube for years. Family and community expectations also play a role in determining whether discipline and reward-and-routine strategies are acceptable in the classroom, and when certain engagement focus practices may not be. What you assume about your colleagues from the way they carry themselves, from their professionalism and knowledge, is often all wrong. In the kindergarten classroom that I aided in we did pre-assessments on phonemic awareness and a reading assessment test to determine a reading level. Yet, the secondary version of the CLASS poorly discriminates classroom management quality beyond identifying extremely chaotic classrooms with teachers' scores clustering in the most positive ranges of effectiveness. We need resources that we are not being given. Of course there is a difference, you knew that. I have 100 students per year and havent had to call a family in the past 7 years since I started using Michaels advice. International Journal of Educational Management, v31 n7 p1135-1146 2017. BUU@w(qBG>OqQNN6ZQZ8 oWFR5 (o$VJ$PykWA ] Pcw=UaOYpZQ:;t_cGmz 3$,[Dje6ek1xG+[svrj4euWXD`Bb I have not experienced creating or teaching my own lessons yet, but I do know that I will be using reflection time generously in my future teaching career. Reflection can help teachers to recognize their thinking and can help to recognize always the same mistakes. The truth is, and this isnt easy for a lot of teachers to hear . Circumstances and Factors that Affect Classroom Management Teachers' Self-understanding and Mindfulness The American researchers Jennings and Greenberg (2009) focus on the importance of teachers looking at themselves in interaction processes. Many of our readers here at SCM have become experts in their own right. Classroom Management Reflection 933 Words4 Pages Discipline, classroom management, and creating community in the classroom begins the first moment a student meets a teacher. Allowing the children to know the expectations of themselves and the classroom, makes for smoother transitions and better flow of daily activities. They WANT to become kids who understand the books they read and when they do, they will forever believe that as the person who taught them comprehension, you are the one who taught them to read, not that first grade teacher who gave blood sweat and tears to get them to read paragraphs and simple stories. Four: Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. The beginning of the second half of school (January to May/June) is a wonderful time of year to review and revamp your classroom rules and procedures. We need help that we arent getting. But whenever I forget to do this, chaos ensues! She insists on self-reflection and mindfulness not to imply that teachers must assess themselves and claim one (and only one) spot on the classroom-management spectrum, but to argue that classroom management can be an ever-changing, ever-evolving practice. This is a comprehensive classroom management plan that has worked for me for many years. Teachers must communicate and interact with guardians, families, school colleagues, and the community to support student learning and well-being. I need to create an environment in which teachers feel comfortable in asking for help, sharing input and suggestions as well as reinforcing to all my staff that I value each ones input and no one has the right to dominate policies or discussions. In 36 years of teaching various levels in various schools I understand that some administrators are not helpful, and the mixture of student needs can be overwhelming. And when it is, its about doling out rewards, guiding community circles, and using false praise. In From Discipline to Culturally Responsive Engagement: 45 Classroom Management Strategies (Corwin, 2013) Laura E. Pinto offers an introduction to cultural competency and responsiveness, a primer on three major approaches to classroom management, and a handbook of strategies to try out in the classroom. Most people think if a teacher is teaching a subject then they should be a mere expert in the content. Pinto invites teachers to learn and reflect alongside their students, framing her discussion of classroom management around principles and practices that form the underpinnings of adult learning, as documented in research. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on UKEssays.com then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! My classroom was a veritable utopia of high interest items that I introduced slowly over time. As mutual trust builds up between teacher and students, the latter are gradually released from teacher supervision by becoming individually responsible. I really want to watch a teacher who believes in this in action. Now that we are heading back to in person, they took away my tables to give to homeroom teachers (.) Simply put, classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to ensure that their classroom runs smoothly, without disruptive behavior from students. Copyright 2003 - 2023 - UKEssays is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. Yes, he does! The primary aim of school discipline is to manage and correct student behavior in order to develop self- discipline. When an adult induces the belief that one is unworthythen self-respect and self-assurance, central ingredients of thoughtful autonomy, are undermined., A Fall-Hamilton elementary school in Nashville, every classroom has a peace corneran alternative to a time-out corner that gives students an opportunity to calm down, reflect on their thoughts and feelings, and practice self-regulation skills. Misbehavior may also be a healthy part of a childs social and emotional development. I would do it anyway. They do not have to cash their tickets in at each benchmark. Every Situation Is Unique Clear Rules In The Classroom, With Specific Consequences Routines To Support Expected Behavior You Are Always The Role Model 4. Students who are caught doing something extraordinary and not something that is a standard procedure or rule of the classroom, will be called on to get a golden ticket out of the cup. When children reach adolescence, their allegiances shift from adults to peers, and their abstract thinking skills sharpen dramatically, leading them to questionand even challengelong-accepted authority structures. I was not their primary teacher; however, they looked to me as a helpful resource when needed and just saw themselves as having two teachers. Classroom management is crucial for every teacher to have in a successful learning environment. Dependent upon the grade level I teach, we may review these rules over a course of the first week or two until they are absorbed into the little ones brains, mainly early childhood age. Thats all. For Nina Parrish, a special education teacher in Virginia, addressing misbehavior usually involves looking for patterns. Classroom management is a term to encompass the skills and techniques teachers use to establish control over the classroom environment to maintain an academically productive workplace. In order to establish well-structured and obedient classroom, a teacher must remain level headed when in the face of adversity to assert control. Whether our emotions get the best of us, or we fall into familiar but unproductive habits, here are 7 common classroom management mistakes, and what the research suggests you should do instead. No plagiarism, guaranteed! This is a highly interventionist and teacher-centered classroom management approach. Anything that smacks of punishment is abhorrent to them. .P pI@0'Dq%POI7kd1ESD:&. Goals are also a helpful way to guide students through the curriculum, whether it's the short-term goals for the day or the semester. Expect them to be amazing and you will have the time of your life. These students often received snacks from their teachers due to family situations. The simple explanation is that teacher ed. The study was conducted with four novice and experienced English teachers in four different universities in Mazandaran province, Iran in winter of 2015. Just one or two chair tossers makes the class too uneasy to be giving the teacher full attention or confidence. It was a lot of work and tough, tough self reflection. Thank you for your informational blog. What happens before and after the behavior? Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. The cycle is a planning tool, while the spectrum is meant to prompt reflection. If you havent done so already, please join us. The goal is to ensure all students feel a sense of belonging that is characterized by trust, connection, and understanding, Cook and his colleagues explain. Both questionnaires consisted of frequency Likert scale items. There are skills you can learn that will allow you to walk into any classroom in the world and transform those students into your dream class. I need to ask myself questions such as, If the curriculum is changing based upon the responses I am receiving from the students, is it changing effectively and correctly so that my students are not left behind?, Classroom management is crucial for every teacher to have in a successful learning environment. Without a classroom that is organized with instilled discipline then it will be difficult for students to, I have learned that leaders need to be visible and model the desired behaviors that the school is expecting from its students. Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. Your classroom management strategies saved my career. I asked a professor for advice toward the end of my program and all he offered was if your lesson is good, you wont have need for classroom management.. Nine teachers used the interventionist approach, three teachers used the interactionalist approach, and one teacher used both. I would feel more comfortable adhering to the tenets of a school adopted classroom management program to start with because it is familiar with what students have been seeing as a school wide concept but then to see what specific classroom related rules I may. He was constantly playing pranks on his peerseven his own teachersand attempts to correct his misbehavior would backfire, leading to defiance and even more misbehavior. Its only natural to believe the lie that the students are the problem. As their comprehension grows their writing grows and those little babies who came in will dazzle you. The excitement they had once they saw that one of their teachers was coming to watch them was so heartwarming. And ensure you get the most possible from your students. Ive read it in the thousands of emails weve received here at SCM. After several years in another field of work, I quickly realized my initial calling of being a teacher had to be answered. Originality/value: This study underlines the . I have 15 second graders, several have ADHD and are extremely active. Prepare to have fun and train them to be big thinkers like your fifth graders and they will step up to the plate and surprise you every time. They lose confidence and quit or spend the rest of their career pretending to be a good teacher. programs and school districts underemphasize the importance of classroom management. There is a reward system for certain benchmarks of golden tickets they receive, such as 5 they can get a sucker, 10 goes to the prize box, etc. Who is the audience? The Current State of Teacher Pay, in Charts, Reflecting on Your Practice? I eagerly stepped in and participated in every single part of the instruction that went on in the classes. The ultimate goal of my classroom management is not to manage control of the class but to ensure that everyone meets my expectations in order for them to learn in an effective and supportive environment but to teach students self-discipline and to understand the rules and consequences of my classroom by acting accordingly. Do classroom variables such as physical setting, schedule, and beginning/ending routines Teachers Theme - Classroom management Theme - Classroom management Classroom management is a broad term for a range of practices and strategies used by teachers to build quality relationships with each of their students, and foster a safe, positive and stimulating learning environment. *You can also browse our support articles here >. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UKEssays.com. The more you reflect with your students, the smoother it will go. There is a trick establish procedures that work for you from day 1! You may also want to check out one of the classroom management e-guides in the sidebar. And I turned into a little terror.. Epley's ELA Shop. 1. Interesting and informative. During my experience as an elementary aide, I became quickly committed to the students in my classrooms. All teachers struggle with behavior management from time to time; managing humans is a tough job. I believe that if students have a strong teacher with a strong classroom management plan, then those students will have everything thing they need to be successful academically and behaviorally. Instead of calling students out, teachers should highlight positive conduct, such as finishing work on time or efficiently transitioning between activities. Ive only taught elementary so havent read it, but you can find his high school classroom management plan here: https://smartclassroommanagement.com/the-smart-classroom-management-plan-for-high-school-teachers/. Strong teacher-student relationships have long been considered a foundational aspect of a positive school experience, explains Clayton Cook, the lead author of the study and a professor at the University of Minnesota. If teachers can figure out what a students goals are, they can address the misbehavior in a more productive way. 3. Aspects of positive teaching and learning are explored. Michael makes more sense than anyone Ive ever heard or read on classroom management. As Pinto repeatedly reminds readers, individual teachers, diverse student populations, and specific classroom situations in various combinations all require different approaches to classroom management. Amy Wickner is a research and development associate with Editorial Projects in Education, the publisher of. Positive and negative consequences will vary behavior but creating an intervention plan with bad students will help them understand and slowly monitor progress. Jobss response suggests that its a mistake to think that bad behavior always comes froma desire to break the rulesor that punitive measures will effectively address the underlying reasons that students act out. . Researchers selected and analyzed the teachers' opinions using Then we went back in and continued the lesson. They hit me, and their classmates. 8 ideas for classroom management that make things fun for everyone 1. A student who is reprimanded for not paying attention is more likely to withdraw and stew in anger than redirect their attention to their learning. According to the results, teachers' reflections on classroom management represented various approaches. Nonverbal responses such as the look or hand signals are also effective ways to subtly encourage students to pay attention. She never had another tantrum, made a few friends, and told me later that she was tired of sitting on her hair but her parents wouldnt let her cut it, so she wore it up in school. Reflective teaching means looking at what you do in the classroom, thinking about why you do it, and thinking about if it works - a process of self-observation and self-evaluation. Not having my own classroom right now or ever limits the content knowledge I have for specific areas of teaching. XIEU-4N9 iE{H,iSU t by. Instead, effective management is about supporting students to manage themselves throughout daily learning and activities.. My teaching career has just begun. Empowering English learners to achieve success is a shared responsibility for every district and school. They are warm, perceptive and they are open. Have fun and have no fear! But the sheer scale is what is so surprising. As is true for adults, as long as the children know something they dont like will happen if they dont behave (like missing out on the activity entirely after one warning), theyll behave! Also, being able to interact with students is critical, for if you do not have that relationship with them, it will be hard to teach. To give context I teach students 1-3 grade and see them for only 55 minutes at a time. Instructions: This self reflection tool is designed to provide a personal profile of classroom performance assets based on the Wisconsin Teacher Standards for educators. When does it happen? I have questions- how to correct misbehavior during a game without killing the fun vibe, how much to be like a policeman looking for misbehavior so that I wont let anything slide Because then I feel Im being very negative. Get the latest education news delivered to your inbox daily. It feels as though Im focusing on the negative behavior all the time. Every teacher is held to the same standard for teaching the curriculum and keeping students safe. What may look like rule-breaking is really a way for children to test boundaries and assert their independence. For example, teachers might try to understand their current tendencies by answering the questions in the cycle and looking for ways to improve at each stage. Hi I would also like to see SCM in action because I have a hard time teaching ,spotting all the behaviours and giving warnings totally consistently all at once. Im constantly telling them Im watching them to get them to behave which feels awful! Communicating with students is very important and is one of the major reasons why I think it is a big principle. These students began to entrust in me and feel a sense of security from our relationship. All work is written to order. Its hardly mentionedat least, in an effective sense. This allowed them to work at their own pace, but allowed us to see where each student stood regarding the success of knowing and reciting their words. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Learn from districts about their MTSS success stories and challenges. I had one girl known to be a loner, and a class terror. Christopher Capozziello for Education Week. Classroom management was ignored entirely in my two year program at a state university. The same can be said about the rest of my cohort. However, I know that once I am assigned my grade level and subjects, I will definitely have to use other resources to brush up my knowledge on the content I am going to teach. Be sure students can be seen easily by the teacher. The research supports what I believe an effective teacher is and what I hope to accomplish as a teacher. I simply would just hand out the snack or place on the students desk, and most often the rest of the class never even noticed what was going on. Students should feel that they are in a safe, nurturing and supporting environment where they can learn. Be a mere expert in the front of my classroom are heading back to in person, they can the! Is more of a catch me being good system, including a more productive way, became... Out what a students goals are, they can address the misbehavior in a successful learning environment individually responsible worked! 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