virgin voyages pajama party

I was able to order brick oven pizza that was allergy safe for me for the first time in 4 years!! Cruise Highlights. 3. Any ideas, anyone? Thanks for sharing! I wore a t-shirt pajama top with Tweety bird on it. If you're more of a table player, we've got craps, roulette, electronic Texas Holdem, single deck blackjack, three card poker and ultimate Texas Holdem and Baccarat. Give it a chance, you can always head for pizza afterwards (get the pepperoni, it's to die for). While I don't always agree, I still enjoy, and have told you so! The Sailings. //]]>. You get to interact with the nurse, the doctor, and the magician, and this interaction led us to be invited to an exclusive purple room magic show hosted by the Charmer. Ground-breaking shows will kick the night off before it transitions into a mind-blowing, goodbye-early-morning-workout nightclub. Find out more at I remember slightly. In 2005, I launched Tips for Travellers to make it easy and fun for people to discover, plan and enjoy incredible cruise vacations. As the night ramps up, a crescendo emerges on the pool deck before things disperse into a select number of venues, with options for any Sailor. I guess I, like many, were so focused on what quirky things they are doing different to others I didnt consider how they may be focused on getting one of the basics done well. So, that was a good surprise for me as I am not a party animal. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Its not for everyone. There was DJ music and it was loud, but not as loud as Scarlet Night. Call or Email Marylin at (281) 465-4960 or (800) 470-2020 or We also made several new friends that we had a blast hanging out with throughout the cruise. //

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