Although he manages to disarm the veteran Trollhunter and wound him by forcing him into the sun's rays, his plans to acquire the amulet are thwarted when Kanjigar sacrifices himself and leaves the amulet in sunlight where it cannot be reached. 14. Bular desired to break open the Lake house and kill Jim on the spot, to which Stricklander argued would draw unnecessary attention and risk exposing their agenda to both humans and trolls. Goals WebGunmar the Black was the main (later secondary) antagonist of Trollhunters. He is voiced by Ron Perlman. !, Bular has been mentioned several times throughout the second half of Part One, which begins Angor Rot's story arc. He also has a leather wrap on his right arm, and what appears to be black hair going down his back. A Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lore Volume 48, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, This article is about Core Timeline Bular. Created by Guillermo del Toro. Zeron Brotherhood Even after his defeat at the hands of Jim and AAARRRGGHH!! Starring: Kelsey Grammer, Emile Hirsch, Charlie Saxton. Jim (avenging his surrogate brother, Draal) shoves Gunmar's stone body off of the roof and he watches as it shatters on impact with the ground, finally ending Gunmar's century-year-old reign of tyranny once and for all. $21.99. to resurrect Angor Rot. Gunmar is hated by Orlagk's daughter, Skarlagk, because he killed Orlagk right in front of her eyes. He makes his first appearance with Gunmar after they are encountered by King Arthur and his troops, but not before Gunmar warns King Arthur about an upcoming war. When Jim's friends enter the Darklands to save Jim and bring Nomura with them, Gunmar uses the distraction to go through the open Killahead bridge with the now blind Dictatious, two guards, and some blood goblins, which had been left unguarded when Draal went through to save Jim and the others.
Following the battle, the pieces of the Killahead Bridge were spread across the world so that Gunmar could not return, and the trolls and humans all agreed to live separately in peace. Watchlist. Mass murderWar crimesCrimes against humanity and trollkindAnimal crueltyAttempted genocideBrainwashingBreaking and enteringKidnappingCoercionUnlawful imprisonmentAbuseTheftRegicideSlaveryTerrorismConspirationTortureAttempted global conquestUsurpation. WebBular told Gunmar that in his human guise, Strickler was Jim's teacher and most likely felt affection for him. Thus, Gunmar suggested Bular test Stricker's loyalty. Gunmar conspired with many GummGumms that would be his army. Gunmar is taken to the Janus Order to begin his plans to take over the surface world, as well as gain the Heartstone to restore his lost strength. WebTrollhunters. WebTwo fateful battles unfold when Bular and Strickler order Jim to unlock the portal and free Gunmar and his Gumm-Gumm Army from the Darklands. She has bigger plans than anyone else, even Gunmar. However, Jim Lake Jr., the future human Trollhunter who time-skipped into the year of 501 AD, convinced Tellad-Urr that while he doesn't want other Trolls to suffer the same fate as him, he's doing it the wrong way. Bular is a large Gumm-Gumm Troll with black skin, yellow eyes with red orange pupils, and a set of horns curled around his face (the right horn end chipped off after his fight with AAARRRGGHH!!! during the first Battle of Killahead Bridge). Biography Backstory As such, he once left Angor Rot to die in Merlin's Tomb after obtaining the Staff of Avalon. WebBular is a Gumm-Gumm Troll and the former main antagonist of Trollhunters. Bular was annoyed with the slow pace of the work and suspicious of Strickler's plan to build it in a human museum, but praised the bridge as the dawn of "The Age of Gunmar." At the height of the battle, Strickler manages to open the bridge, at which Bular heard Gunmar calling out to him. "Impulsive and explosive, Bular is the last of his tribe, hiding in the shadows of the human world. Tyrannical Warlord, Gunmar the BlackGunmar the ViciousGunmar the SkullcrusherLord of DarknessLord GunmarThe SkullcrusherThe Underlord of TrollmarketMy LordDark UnderlordYour Dark ExcellenceFather (by Bular)Dark LordThe Superintendent (by Stricklander), Advanced intellectCunningVast dark powerHis Decimaar Blade, which can control or convert any troll he comes acrossRuthlessnessSuicide inducementSuperhuman strengthHis horns on his headFerocityIntimidation and fear-inducing skillsComplete control over the Gumm-Gumm ArmyRegenerative durabilityFighting skillsPossessionMind controlPsychic manipulationFangsClawsLeadershipAbility to glow his remaining eye, presumably to intimidate other trolls. Queen Usurna Dictatious Galadrigal (formerly)Morgana Angor Rot (formerly) The Gumm-Gumm prince offhandedly dismissed her as expendable, given that she already got the stones from Madagascar, and disregarded Strickler's advice to at least care for those in his employ, stating that once his father is free, he'll destroy the Trollhunter. He wants nothing more than to destroy the Trollhunter and free Gunmar and his army, proving his worth to his estranged father." Sponsored. Spotting a Grit-Shaka around his neck, Bular immediately guessed why the Trollhunter was so eager to challenge him. As more pieces arrived, Bular secured the construction site, chasing down and presumably eating a hapless security guard. Bular confronts Jim in their final battle under the same bridge where he fought Kanjigar. After his failure to retrieve the amulet, Bular was sharply rebuked by Stricklander, who had come to Jim's house. (Stricklander, Though reminded that the bridge would never open without him, Bular stated he'll just use another Trollhunter. Being sporting, Bular told Strickler he was to kill Jim if he couldn't get the boy to hand over the amulet. Then the latter arrived, and a brutal battle took place between Gunmar's faction and Orlagk's faction. Centuries later, Bular, Strickler, Otto Scaarbach, Nomura, and the Janus Order completed the Killahead Bridge. In "The Big Sleep", Colonel Kubritz shows General Morando footage of Gunmar's attack on Arcadia. Dictatious Maximus Galadrigal | He and his own son, Bular, attacked him and Bodus, but when Bodus fled when the Gumm-Gumms turned their attention, Gunmar gave Bular the honor of finally finishing off Spar. He and his own son, Bular, attacked him and Bodus, but when Bodus fled when the Gumm-Gumms turned their attention, Gunmar gave Bular the honor of finally finishing off Spar. Gunmar the Black intervenes and helps Dictatious escape so he can warn the Trollhunters what Gunmar is up to next. After his failure to retrieve the amulet, Bular was sharply rebuked by Stricklander, who had come to Jim's house. His body begins to turn to stone while the explosion eliminates the rest of his Gumm-Gumm Army. Gwendolyn | Finding no more use for the Order, Gunmar decides to kill the members and get the Heartstone himself. $49.99 + $2.99 shipping. Age: 1425 Father: Gunmar Statut: Deaceased During the Battle of Killahead Bridge, Deya the Deliverer exiled Bular's father, Gunmar, and the Occupation NETFLIX. He was the leader/warlord of the Gumm-Gumms (until he was reduced as the second-in-command by Morgana), the archenemy of Jim Lake Jr. and other Trollhunters before him, and the father of Bular. However, he relented when she presented him with a Fetch. He has sharp claws, claw toes on his feet, and spikes sticking out of his elbows. Suddenly, a stone with trollish inscription appeared through the Fetch, confirming that Enrique Nuez had been chosen to be swapped with his Changeling counterpart. WebTrollhunters. Gunmar was the main antagonist in the franchise. He then summoned for Otto once more, vowing to act out a plan of vengeance upon the Trollhunter and his allies. appeared to help him only for a goblin to kick off another manhole cover, keeping them at bay. WebTrollhunter (Norwegian: Trolljegeren; UK: Troll Hunter; Canada: The Troll Hunter) is a 2010 Norwegian dark fantasy film, made as a "found footage" mockumentary. However, AAARRRGGHH!!! Warlord of the Gumm-Gumms Bular managed to avoid exile (thanks to Nimue literally throwing him out of the battlefield) and remained roaming the human world, trying to steal the Amulet of Daylight and rebuild the Killahead Bridge to free his father. However, he underestimated Jim once again, who managed to kill the Stalkling. This led the first Heartstone to rot from within, and Gunmar was born from the corruption and darkness. Destroy the Trollhunters.Kill the human race and conquer both the troll realm and the human world.Avenge his son's death (all failed).Free Morgana (succeeded).Bring about the Eternal Night (briefly succeeded). Strickler subsequently learned of this undertaking and confronted Bular at a mine, reminding that this violated their agreement to avoid killing Jim least it caused unwanted scrutiny. He has yellow teeth and what appears to be black hair going down his back. Bular then informed Gunmar that the current Trollhunter was a human named Jim Lake Jr. and that Strickler had forbidden him from taking the Amulet of Daylight, the only way to open the Bridge, from him. He is ruthless beyond imagining, and his return to the natural world would spell the utter destruction of human and Trollkind as we know it." Showing interest in Jim, Gunmar attacks, seeking revenge for Bular's death at first, until Dictatious suggests sparing Jim upon seeing a candy sent by Toby and dropped by Jim in the scuffle. Morgana uses Claire to tell Gunmar how to bring forth the Night Eternal and he journeys to the Black Sea to claim the stone head of Angor Rot. valonianfool 10 mo. Kruberas Webbular blinky gunmar trollhunters draal toby jim claire strickler trollhunter vendel angorrot trolls talesofarcadia jimlakejr morgana aaarrrgghh clairenunez jimlake tobydomzalski 79 Stories Sort by: Hot # 1 Maddened by Eggsbendict2 1.2K 25 7 Madden was one of Jim's best friends beside Toby, often offering her sanctuary from her parents' arguments. In addition, despite the Janus Order helping him regain his full strength and his army, he merely saw them as tools and even exterminates the Changeling members, just because he thought that they served their purpose (and he never saw them as equals of trolls in the first place). He tries to use the Staff of Avalon to free her, yet he failed to realize that Merlin has put in a safeguard: only human hands who can speak Troll can wield the staff. Height $6.00 + $4.00 shipping. Enemies They got into a brief argument before an irritated Gunmar interrupted them. WebHis warlord father Gunmar has been imprisoned within the Darklands for centuries. The bridge was eventually destroyed by Draal, who removed the amulet before Gunmar could be freed from the Darklands. $6.00 + $4.00 shipping. Status 69 Metascore. As Jim's friends wash up in the shadow of the bridge, Bular taunted they're going to watch their Trollhunter slain. Gunmar the Black Clancy BrownFred Tatasciore (Defenders of Arcadia) WebDespite his death, Bular reappears centuries before Trollhunters in the 12th century, long before his death. The Darklands (formerly)Arcadia Oaks (formerly) Home Gender Portrayed by WebGunmar fought one of the first Trollhunters chosen by Merlin: Spar the Spiteful, the first Trollhunter to meet an Akiridion. Friends/Allies Undead 3 Seasons. 69 Metascore. Fantasy, Family, Action & Adventure. NEW Funko DreamWorks Troll Hunters Tales of Arcadia BULAR 8 Plush. Character Information $49.99 + $2.99 shipping. Gunmar The Black. Jim Lake Jr.Blinky GaladrigalDraal the Deadly Vendel AAARRRGGHH!! When Gunmar returns to Trollmarket, he plans on executing Dictatious for his deception and that he has exhausted his usefulness. Age He was born from the first heartstone, and that granted him exceptional powers. He serves as the central antagonist of the first installment Trollhunters, specifically serving as the overarching antagonist of Part 1, the main antagonist of Part 2 and the central antagonist of Part 3, an unseen antagonist in the second installment 3Below, a major antagonist in the third installment Wizards, and a posthumous antagonist in Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans. Although, when he promised that he'd only let Barbara go if Strickler releases Morgana, it's unknown if he was willing to keep his end of the promise (although Strickler's attempt to escape with Barbara would sort of vaguely show otherwise). Strickler took a closer look at the inscription on the amulet and told Bular that only the Trollhunter can open the bridge, so he sent Nomura after Jim. ~9'0 (274 cm) 3 Seasons. and taunted his father's former general, calling him a pet. His warlord father Gunmar has been imprisoned within the Darklands for centuries. Gunmar possesses Draal and takes over Heartstone Trollmarket with Queen Usurna, who was the real traitor who helped set Gunmar free and was trying to rid the Trollhunters all along. Fantasy, Family, Action & Adventure. Like many trolls, Bular is dismissive of changelings, seeing them as fodder or cheap labor to further his plans. Black Threatening to kill Barbara if Strickler doesn't cooperate, he takes the staff and begins speaking the incantation. Gunmar served the then warlord of the Gumm-Gumms, Orlagk as his top general and first met his would-be top general, AAARRRGGHH!!! Upon Gunmar's return from the Darklands, Otto brought him there to rest and see the remnants of his son. 13. WebThe battle of Killahead was only good trolls vs Gunmar and his gumm-gumms, with Merlin and Morgana fighting off to the side. Bular interrupted Strickler's attempt to stroke Gunmar's ego and told his father of the new human Trollhunter and how Strickler prevented him from killing Jim and taking the amulet from him. Catching Jim before he could fall, Bular pressed him against a wall, stating that the amulet should never have chosen a human. $21.99. In Wizards they made the same battle Arthur and his army vs Gunmar with the good trolls joining later, and Merlin and Douxie fighting Morgana in a completely different location. Morgana curses Gunmar's Decimaar Blade, which will allow him to turn any creature into a Gumm-Gumm to do him every whim and build his army. Bular later attempted to execute Nomura for allowing Jim and Toby to discover the Killhead Bridge. However, unlike Draal, Bular never learns humility and the value of true friendship, which leads to him dying alone against the might of Jim and his friends. King Arthur | However, unlike Draal, Bular never learns humility and the value of true friendship, which leads to him dying alone against the might of Jim and his friends. He then tries to turn Jim with his blade, but the Trollhunter fights back with his strength of will and shoves the blade away. Gaylen | Suddenly, a stone with trollish inscription appeared through the Fetch, confirming that Enrique Nuez had been chosen to be swapped with his Changeling counterpart. Ultimately, he comes off as a heartless boss to his minions, as he wasn't too concerned when Morgana wiped out dozens of them to use their ashes to create the Eternal Night. Affiliation Defenders of Arcadia (mentioned) Queen Usurna | She also informs him of Dictatious's fraudulence, much to his dismay. He was voiced by Clancy Brown, who also played Mr. Krabs in the SpongeBob SquarePants franchise, Lex Luthor in the DC Animated Universe, Long Feng in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Yakone in The Legend of Korra, Savage Opress in The Clone Wars, Hades in God of War III, Silas in Transformers: Prime, Rahzar in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles, and Surtur in the 2017 Marvel film Thor: Ragnarok. Bular is monstrously arrogant and cruel to friend and foe alike. WebBular told Gunmar that in his human guise, Strickler was Jim's teacher and most likely felt affection for him. Enraged, Bular attacked Jim again, forcing the boy to seek the safety of daylight. Also, AAARRRGGHH!!! WebTrollhunters BULAR 3.75" Action Figure Funko Tales of Arcadia Dream Works. during the first Battle of Killahead Bridge). Fans saw him in all three series as the biggest opposition to the Trollhunter team. Due to the Gumm-Gumm totem negatively influencing him, Jim proved arrogant in the ensuing duel before Bular crushed the totem under his heel. Dislikes However, Bular conspired with the Janus Order to free his father so he could come back to the world. He is ruthless beyond imagining, and his return to the natural world would spell the utter destruction of human and Trollkind as we know it." Alias He even smiled wickedly when she destroyed several of his Gumm-Gumm soldiers to use their dust to prepare the ritual for the Eternal Night, not caring for their lives since it would serve his ultimate goal. He is also ungrateful because, in spite of the Janus Order conspiring to free him from the Darklands, he slaughtered them all without a second thought. Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans (flashback) Jim manages to seduce Angor as Gunmar throws him aside, calling him weak. Hunter Jim | Jim then escaped, which was just what Bular had planned. He has sharp claws, claw toes on his feet, and spikes sticking out of his elbows. "Killahead, Part Two", Welcome to the DarklandsThe Book of Ga-HuelAge of the AmuletThe Way of the WizardAngor Reborn, Son of GunmarSkullcrushers Heir, Imbecile, Brute, Superintendant's Son (Strickler)The Gumm-Gumm Prince (Galahad)The Spawn of Gunmar (King Arthur)Elephant Neck (Steve), Toby DomzalskiBlinky GaladrigalAAARRRGGHH!! Evil, sinister, ruthless, dastardly, megalomaniacal, dark, dirty, prejudiced, difficult, callous, brutal, savage, barbaric, harsh, abrasive, amoral, Ruling the world with an iron fist, killing, humans (for their taste), bringing forth the Eternal Night, forcing Jim to kill Draal, terror, chaos, Disappointment, being good, changelings, humans ruling the surface, good trolls. Gunmar is a ruthless troll who seeks to rule the world, and the second biggest threat all trolls have ever faced, being dwarfed by the evil witch Morgana. While sparring with his general, AAARRRGGHH!! The Dwoza trolls captured General AAARRRGGHH!!! They are based on the Trolls of Norse legend, being much larger than humans and acting akin to semi-intelligent but aggressive animals - they are also a collective term for many connected species (just as in mythology). History [] Backstory [] Origin Magmatron | Personality Advanced intellectCunningVast dark powerHis Decimaar Blade, which can control or convert any troll he comes acrossRuthlessnessSuicide inducementSuperhuman strengthHis horns on his headFerocityIntimidation and fear-inducing skillsComplete control over the Gumm-Gumm ArmyRegenerative durabilityFighting skillsPossessionMind controlPsychic manipulationFangsClawsLeadershipAbility to glow his remaining eye, presumably to intimidate other trolls
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