If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. ._3K2ydhts9_ES4s9UpcXqBi{display:block;padding:0 16px;width:100%} Have no fear of perfection, you'll never reach it. A few examples of named color codes that could be considered a shade of navy are: phthalo blue, st patrick blue, smalt, oxford blue and royal azure! Example 1: Blanket-Lined Duck Detroit Jacket6BLJ and 6BLJT=> J01BRN - "J01" is the style, "J" for "Jacket" and "BRN" is the color "Carhartt Brown"JB102 and JB112 => J01NVY - "J01" is the style, "J" for "Jacket" and "NVY" is the color "Navy"JB105 and JB115 => J01BLK - "J01" is the style, "J" for "Jacket" and "BLK" is the color "Black", Example 2: Blanket-Lined Sandstone Duck Chore Coat CB1043 and CB2043 => C02HTG - "C02" is the style, "C" is "Coat" and "HTG" is the color "Hunter Green"CB1082 and CB2082 => C02CHT - "C02" is the style, "C" is "Coat" and "CHT" is the color "Chestnut", ABL - Authentic BlueALD - AlmondALE - AloeANW - Antique WhiteAPH - AsphaltAQU - AquaARG - Army GreenASH - AshASP - AspenAVO - AvocadoBAS - BasilBBH - Blueberry HeatherBBR - Bison BrownBBT - Brown BootBBY - BlueberryBDK - Blue DuskBGB - Bright BlueBGP - Bright PurpleBGR - Bright RedBHR - Bright RaspberryBIR - BirchBKC - Black ChambrayBKH - Black HeatherBLB - Blue BlackBLC - Blue CollarBLG - Blue GreenBLK - Black/Double BlackBLL - BluebellBLM - Bright LimeBLS - BluestoneBLU - Blue SandstoneBLZ - Blaze OrangeBOG - Bright OrangeBOR - BordeauxBPK - Bright PeriwinkleBRD - Barn RedBRE - Bright RoseBRG - BurgundyBRH - Brown HeatherBRK - BrickBRK - BarkBRN - Carhartt BrownBRS - BrassBRY - BerryBRZ - BronzeBTB - Bright BlueberryBTO - Burnt OrangeBTP - Bright PinkBTR - ButterBTY - Brilliant YellowBUC - BuckskinBYM - Bay MistCAP - Camo-APCAY - CayenneCBB - Carbon BlackCBL - Blue ChambrayCBM - Cherry BlossomCBR - Canyon BrownCFB - Cornflower BlueCHC - Charcoal CamoCHH - Charcoal HeatherCHI - ChiliCHL - ChocolateCHR - CharcoalCHT - ChestnutCLH - Coal HeatherCLR - ClearCLY - ClayCML - CamelCMO - CamouflageCMT - CementCNB - China BlueCOA - CoalCOB - CobaltCOF - CoffeeCOP - CopperCOR - CorkCRH - Carbon HeatherCRI - CrimsonCTS - CactusCUB - Country BlueCYP - Cypress GreenDAS - Dark ShadowDBD - Dark Barn RedDBL - Dark BlueDBY - Dusty BlueberryDCB - Dark Cobalt BlueDCW - Dark Classic WashDEC - Desert CamoDEG - Deep GrapeDEP - Deep PurpleDES - DesertDFE - Dark CoffeeDGR - Dark GreenDGY - Dusk GrayDKB - Dark BrownDKG - Dark GrayDKH - Dark KhakiDKI - Dark IndigoDKR - Dark RedDKT - Dark TanDKV - Dark VintageDKW - Dark Worn InDMB - Denim BlueDMS - Dark MossDNM - Blue DenimDNY - Dark NavyDOL - Dark OliveDPB - Deep BlueDPH - Deep Purple HeatherDPM - Dusty PlumDPS - DeepstoneDRB - DrabDST - DarkstoneDTC - Dark Blue ChambrayDTL - Dark TealDUR - Dusty RoseDVB - Dark Vintage BlueDWD - DriftwoodDWN - Deep WineDYN - Dusty NavyDYO - Dusty OrangeDYP - Deep PurpleDYW - Dusty YellowECU - EcruELB - Electric BlueELM - ElmELY - Electric YellowEVG - EvergreenFAT - FatigueFBI - Faded Blue IndigoFDK - Field KhakiFGN - Fern GreenFHB - French BlueFIO - Faded IndigoFLM FlameFOC - Forest Green ChambrayFPL - Faded PetalFRB - Frontier BrownFST - FrostFTG - Forest GreenFWD - FirewoodGBH - Glass Blue HeatherGKH - Golden KhakiGLD - GoldGPE - GrapeGRL - GreenlandGRN - GreenGRY - GrayGSD - GrapeseedGTA - Green TeaGVL - GravelGYL - Golden YellowHBK - Heather BlackHBL - Heather BlueHDK - Heritage DarkHGY - Heather GrayHNY - HoneyHTG - Hunter GreenICB - Indigo/Carhartt BrownIDC - Indigo ChambrayIDP - Indigo PrewashIDR - Indigo RinseIFB - Infantry BlueIND - IndigoINR - Independence RedINT - INdigo/NaturalJAB - Java BrownKBN - Khaki/BrownKCM - Khaki/CamoKHI - KhakiKLG - Kelly GreenKMS - Khaki/MossLAH - Lava HeatherLBR - Light BrownLCW - Light Classic WashLDN - LodenLEA - LeafLGB - Light Worn In BlueLGY - Light GrayLIL - LilacLKB - Lake BlueLLM - Light LimeLME - LimeLMS - LimestoneLOC - Light Olive CamoLOV - Light OliveLPW - Light PeriwinkleLSE - Light SiennaLTA - Light AquaLTC - Light Blue ChambrayLTK - Light KhakiLVB - Light Vintage BlueLVN - Light VintageLWB - Light Weathered BlueMAZ - MaizeMBL - Medium BlueMCH - MochaMDO - Midnight IndigoMDS - MidstoneMDT - MidnightMDW - Medium Worn-InMHC - Mahogany ChambrayMHR - Mulberry HeatherMHY - MahoganyMKG - Musk GreenMLL - MallardMLS - Multi-stripeMNB - Mineral BlueMNG - Mineral GreenMNT - Midnight TealMOR - Medium OrangeMOS - MossMRH - MarshMRN - MarineMRS - Morning RoseMSC - Moss ChambrayMTG - Metal GrayMTL - MetalMUS - MushroomNAT - NaturalNHT - NightNTC - Natural ChambrayNVH - Navy HeatherNVY - NavyOLH - Oatmeal HeatherOLV - OliveONX - OnyxORG - OrangeOBM - Orange BlossomOTM - OatmealPBL - Patriot BluePCB - Pacific BluePGN - Pine GreenPLM - PlumPKR - Pink RosePNE - PinePNK - PinkPNY - PeonyPRL - PurplePRT - PortPRW - PrewashPTA - PetuniaPTB - Petrol BluePTL - PetrolPTN - Prairie TanPTP - Petal PinkPUR - Pure PUT - PuttyPWK - PeriwinkleRBH - Raspberry HeatherRBY - RaspberryRED - RedRDM - Rigid DenimRDO - Red OrangeRDW - RedwoodRSB - RosebudRST - RustRYL - RoyalSAG - SageSBH - Shale Brown HeatherSBN - Shale BrownSBT - SherbetSBY - StrawberrySCA - ScarletSCU - Scout BlueSDL - SaddleSIE - SiennaSKB - Sky BlueSLB - Slate BlueSLM - SalmonSND - SandSPC - SpruceSPN - SpinachSRB - Sapphire BlueSRW - StrawSTB - Steel BlueSTL - SteelSTM - StormSTN - StoneSTW - StonewashTAN - TanTAP - TaupeTCT - TerracottaTEC - TerracottaTGN - TangerineTLB - Teal BlueTMB - TimberTNS - TanstoneTRB - True BlueTUQ - TurquoiseULT - UltramarineVEM - Vintage ElmVIO - Vintage IndigoVNT - Vintage NightVOL - Vintage OliveVPG - Vapor GrayVRS - Vintage RoseWAL - WalnutWET - WheatWHC - White ChambrayWHT - WhiteWIL - WillowWIN - WineWNB - Worn BrownWRB - Worn In BlueWRN - WornWRS - Wild RoseWTB - Weathered BlueWTM - WatermelonWWH - Winter WhiteYLW - Yellow. WebIn a RGB color space, hex #003366 (also known as Dark midnight blue) is composed of 0% red, 20% green and 40% blue. The black color for the Apple iPhone brand logo can be confirmed by visiting the Apple iPhone official website. From a photometric point of view, a color which differs slightly from black always has low relative luminance. WebMidnight 2131-20 | Benjamin Moore Midnight 2131-20 A trace of green comes through in this decadent shade of black. This guide is incredible, it's going to be my push to start seriously looking at vintage mainline pieces (coming from WIP). In the RGB color model #262626 is comprised of 14.9% red, 14.9% green and 14.9% blue. Click here to see our 73 page complete Harley Davidson paint crossover to different paint manufacturers. Don't see your color listed? WebColor name Midnight, hex code #000e34, contains symbol # and 6 letters or numbers. Miami Marlins Primary Logo Colors (2018 present), Miami Marlins Primary Logo Colors (2017 2018), Florida Marlins Logo Colors (1993 2011), Miami Marlins Logo Color Palette Image Format. Silver. Example 1: Women's Relaxed Fit Sherpa-Lined Denim Jacket105446-H87 - "105446" is the style, "H87" is the color "Beech", Example 2: Loose Fit Midweight Logo Sleeve Graphic SweatshirtK288-GA0 - "K288" is the style, "GA0" is the color "Jade Heather". Dolphin Gray Metallic. Of course there are exceptions to the general trends. In addition to the numbers referring to the color, letters were often used to describe features of the product, such as "C" for "Coat", "J" for "Jacket", "B" for "Blanket", "Q" for "Quilt", etc. Black is a color, the perception of which is evoked by the total absence of light that stimulates any of the three types of color sensitive cone cells in the human eye and with very low brightness compared to the surroundings. WebThe Philadelphia Eagles NFL team Pantone colors are PMS 316 C for midnight green, PMS 877 C for silver (jersey), PMS 8240 C for silver (helmet), PMS BLACK 6 C for black, and PMS 425 C for charcoal. The slate gray CMYK colour code for the Miami Marlins can be found below. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #000000 hue: 0.00 , saturation: 0.00 and the lightness Charcoal is a color that is a representation of the dark gray color of burned wood. The first recorded use of charcoal as a color name in English was in 1606.[7]. For example, "CQ186" and "CQ196" are both the same style but "CQ186" is in Regular sizing and "CQ196" is in Tall sizing. 4 result (s) for color 'Midnight Black' Click the swatches to convert color Midnight Black to other formats #000e38 #091c17 #130c16 #1d3318 Type your color in the box in the left, it doesn't matter the format and how you space the values. If we don. In the HSL color space #000e34 has a hue ._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa{margin-top:8px}._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa ._3EpRuHW1VpLFcj-lugsvP_{color:inherit}._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa svg._31U86fGhtxsxdGmOUf3KOM{color:inherit;fill:inherit;padding-right:8px}._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa ._2mk9m3mkUAeEGtGQLNCVsJ{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:18px;color:inherit} /*# sourceMappingURL=https://www.redditstatic.com/desktop2x/chunkCSS/IdCard.ea0ac1df4e6491a16d39_.css.map*/._2JU2WQDzn5pAlpxqChbxr7{height:16px;margin-right:8px;width:16px}._3E45je-29yDjfFqFcLCXyH{margin-top:16px}._13YtS_rCnVZG1ns2xaCalg{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:18px;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}._1m5fPZN4q3vKVg9SgU43u2{margin-top:12px}._17A-IdW3j1_fI_pN-8tMV-{display:inline-block;margin-bottom:8px;margin-right:5px}._5MIPBF8A9vXwwXFumpGqY{border-radius:20px;font-size:12px;font-weight:500;letter-spacing:0;line-height:16px;padding:3px 10px;text-transform:none}._5MIPBF8A9vXwwXFumpGqY:focus{outline:unset} A07 - 1972 Duck CamoB00 - Oiled Walnut HeatherB22 - Dark Brown StripeB25 - NutmegB26 - Nutmeg HeatherB33 - Oak BrownB39 - Warm Taupe Geo AztecC01 - Antique BrassE00 - GreigeE07 - Asphalt Heather NeptuneE20 - Heather Gray/BlackE31 - Folkstone GrayE39 - Shadow StripeE40 - Folkstone Gray Space DyeE42 - Ash VioletE49 - Earthen Clay HeatherE57 - Oyster GrayG02 - Balsam GreenG32 - Ink GreenG34 - Fog GreenG54 - North WoodsG55 - North Woods HeatherG59 - Boreal HeatherG68 - Pastel LimeG72 - BasilG73 - Basil HeatherG77 - Basil Snow HeatherG82 - Sea Green HeatherG86 - Succulent HeatherG87 - True Olive Snow HeatherG99 - ArborvitaeH11 - Light Cobalt HeatherH13 - Tourmaline HeatherH15 - Scout Blue/Powder Blue MarlH26 - Tidal HeatherH36 - Tidal Snow HeatherH39 - HoughtonH42 - ArcadiaH45 - CanalH47 - CanyonH53 - Scout Blue HeatherH54 - Blue Lagoon HeatherH55 - Scout Blue Snow HeatherH62 - LaurelH69 - Night BlueH70 - Night Blue HeatherH71 - Marine BlueH72 - Marien Blue HeatherH73 - Alpine BlueH74 - Alpine Blue HeatherH75 - LakeshoreH76 - Lakeshore HeatherH79 - Night Blue/Alpine Blue MarlH82 - HazelH84 - GlacierH85 - ZionH86 - BasinH87 - BeechH97 - LindenI10 - FreightI26 - NavyI34 - Dusk BlueL01 - Arborvitae HeatherL04 - Slate GreenL05 - Slate Green HeatherN00 - Dusty BlackN04 BlackN07 - Black Heather NeptuneN24 - Black/ArborvitaeO04 - UmberO12 - Hot CoralO17 - Copper PennyP01 - Rose Smoke HeatherP07 - Claystone HeatherP15 - Ash RoseP18 - HibiscusP19 - Hibiscus HeatherP31 - Ash Rose/Marshmallow MarlQ02 - Ginger HeatherQ07 - CantaloupeQ15 - Jasper HeatherQ20 - SunsetQ23 - Sunset Space DyeQ24 - Burnt Sienna HeatherQ27 - Marigold HeatherQ37 - Desert OrangeR00 - ClayR01 - Red Barn HeatherR07 - Dark Barn Red HeatherR09 - OxbloodR16 - Mineral RedR18 - Iron OreR22 - FlameR49 - Earthen Clay HeatherR51 - Currant HeatherR60 - Beet Red HeatherR64 - Chili PepperR66 - Chili Pepper HeatherR72 - Red/Winter WhiteV10 - GraystoneV11 - Graystone HeatherV14 - CrepeV15 - Crepe HeatherV20 - Crepe Snow HeatherV23 - Nocturnal Haze HeatherV26 - BlackberryV27 - Blackberry HeatherV37 - Amethyst FogV44 - Soft LavenderV45 - Soft Lavender HeatherW03 - MaltW07 - White TruffleY12 - Yellowstone HeatherY20 - Dijon/Winter White MarlY23 - Dijon HeatherY24 - Pale Sun. hex #003366 (also known as Dark midnight blue).
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